
  • Christmas Week, Part One

    Well, Christmas has come and gone in the Brown household and it was the best one yet.  We spent Monday through Thursday at my parent’s house and then on Friday we headed down…

  • The Lone Bean

    This past weekend we went to a Gymboree birthday party for our tiny, little friend who turned one. The birthday girl wore tights and a tutu. Could my hormones surge a LITTLE more?…

  • Shamu and I Belong Together

    Over Thanksgiving weekend, we spent a day at Sea World with Chris’ mom and sister.  I had never been before, but I figured Bean would like it because he’s really into fish right…

  • What a Day!

    Thanksgiving this year was – in a word – wonderful.  Really, really wonderful.  Chris’ mom, Jackie, and her boyfriend, Charles, came down from our hometown of Pensacola and his sister (who lives here…

  • Preparing a Feast with a Beast

    Last Thanksgiving, Bean was tiny. I think he made that Thanksgiving better for me because he was a real, live, breathing something to be so thankful for. But he couldn’t really do much…

  • I am Thankful

    I am thankful for a roof over my head, a job that makes me happy, and food on our table every night. I am thankful for medical insurance and even more thankful that…

  • Girl’s Weekend

    So, part of this whole phase I am trying to pull myself out of has been that I have had real trouble getting excited about this pregnancy. I’m really happy about having another…

  • One Day Weekend Getaway

    This past weekend, Bean and I flew to Virginia to spend the weekend with my sister. I haven’t seen her in forever and since my birthday is coming up in December, she sent…