Approving the Latest Catch
As you know, my sister brought her new boy toy down to Florida to meet my parents this past weekend. I went home to visit, too. My sister told me that…
Greetings from the Geriatric Disney World!
Well, I’m in Florida today visiting the ol’ family. I’m ready for some sunshine, some shopping – who am I kidding? I’m ready to meet, examine, and then ruthlessly judge my…
Bag ‘Em, Tag ‘Em, and Then Meet the Parents
My sister. What a unique, psychotic individual. She’s one of those beautiful, creative, hysterical, insane people that just seems to attract people to her. She’s always been that way. She’s the kind of…
(Drumroll, Please…)
At long last, I have pictures of the house! Welcome to the wonderful world of homeownership (as interpreted by me). This is the view looking from the front door into the freshly painted,…
Cooler People Than Me
I’m a firm believer in surrounding yourself with the type of people that you want to be. Surely some of their goodness will rub off on you if you follow them around closely…
Musical Chairs
So I have all this beautiful new furniture in my house that the dogs are not allowed on – at all. The process of getting them to stay off the furniture has…
Happy Father’s Day, Dad
There are many things that I love about my Dad – his sense of humor, his laugh, his golf tan, his relationship with my Mom, his passion for golf and a good glass…
He Graduated!
After 3 years of grad school, I am so proud to say that Chris has finally graduated from the Yale School of Drama! WOO HOO!!! I have ever been more proud of anyone…
April Fools Day
I have not written about the Ultimate April Fools Day Prank that was pulled off on April 1, 2008 because up until now I could not talk about it without becoming so angry…