Food and Eating

  • The Center of the Table

    Every now and then, my kids go through this endearing phase where they won’t eat a darn thing I put on their plates.  I’ll fix a wholesome, healthy meal, and they will take…

  • My Pinterest Successes

    *** The winners of the Monsters University packages will be announced tomorrow!  Be sure to check in and see if one of them is you! *** I think it has been well documented…

  • Summer Happenings

    Things have been pleasantly dull around my house for the past few days.  We have been enjoying some sun by the pool, spending time with family and friends, eating (marshmallow pie, anyone?), and…

  • My Dad’s (Pork) Butt

    One of my favorite things to do when I’m missing my dad is to cook something that he used to make. He had a handful of signature dishes. Some of them he never…

  • Gracie Sings the Blessing

    By popular demand, here is the cutest video in the world of Gracie saying the blessing at the dinner table. For those who are interested, here is a transcript of the blessing. I…

  • Another Great Weekend

    Mark another fun, productive and exciting weekend down in the books for us.  The kids are at great ages right now for getting out and doing, and we are taking full advantage!  Saturday…

  • Grocery Fail

    A lot of things have become easier now that my kids are getting bigger.  Grocery shopping is not one of those things.  It is official.  I can no longer take both of them…

  • What.s the Priority Here?

    There are a lot of ways that being a mom has influenced me as a teacher.  I try to treat each student as one of my own.  I hold high expectations for them,…