Food and Eating

  • Dinner With Gracie

    One thing I love about Gracie is that you always know where you stand with her.  She does not hide her feelings.  No festering there.  She lets your know right away how she…

  • Dinner With a Preschooler

    Dinner at our house is hit or miss, but whether the kids are eating or not, it is definitely chaotic.  I always try to figure out at what point exactly the chaos kicks…

  • Feeding New Moms

    I don’t know about y’all, but babies are every where in my world right now!  It seems like everyone is either pregnant, getting ready to pop, or just had a baby.  Which is…

  • The Last (Post About) Supper

    I have really loved hearing all this feedback about feeding toddlers and preschoolers.  I have gotten so many new ideas for things to incorporate into my own family meals, and I hope you…

  • That.s a Wrap!

    Recently, on Pinterest (please tell me you guys are on there as much as I am…), I came across these great, super simple wraps. When I originally pinned them, they were listed as…

  • Skinny Taco Dip

    My friend, Sarah, is a vegetarian and one of the healthiest eaters I know. Which is why when she comes over for dinner, I make her bring her own food. Hahaha!  That’s funny.…

  • Preschooler Dinners Continue

    First, can I just pause to freak out for a minute?  When I checked my email this week, I thought BabyCenter had sent me the wrong weekly updates.  I get emails from them…