Understanding Katie
Fighting the Sadness
We had a jumpin’ weekend here in the MC household. My mom came down Friday night and stayed with the kids while Chris and I got gussied up and had a nice date…
The Memory of a Drain Strainer
Tonight, I was doing the dishes after the kids were in bed. They were sleeping, Chris was working late, and the house was quiet. As it often does in times like these, my…
Surviving Survival Mode
Oh, my. The last two weeks have kicked my booty, friends. We have been in survival mode around here lately, but I think we are finally coming out of it. I can’t remember…
Summer Ideals
This past weekend was the big family festival that Chris’s theater puts on every year. It’s his baby. He and his staff plan it and organize it for months, so when the big…
This Is It.
What I am about to say is going to show an ugly side of myself. Just want to give you that fair warning. Sometimes, I look around at my life and I think,…
I Can, Too
When I was in high school, I was active in my church’s youth group. I had friends in all different groups at school, but my core group of friends who shaped me and…
Sweet Talking. Heartbreaking.
I haven’t posted in a while about my dad. There have been lots of reasons for that. Mostly, it’s because I don’t really like talking about it that often. I still talk to…
A Suburban Miracle
Want to hear a confession? I am a slacker. No, really. I am. I’m a busy person, and it’s hard to imagine busy people being slackers. But it’s true. I am the busiest…
The Responsibility of a Megaphone
It is probably no secret that I have hit a blogging slump in the past couple months. I go through them just like any other blogger. It is really hard to find content…