Marriage Confessions,  Random

Important Stuff to Know

1.  Elvis and Costello seem to have multiplied and my home now resembles a lizard safe house.  I’m taking donations in the form of grasshoppers and beetles.

2.  I love to grill, but I make Chris turn the grill off for me every single time because I am convinced if I do it wrong I will blow up my whole house.

3.  I have been straightening my hair this week.  It takes 30 minutes.  I can name at least 3,000 things I’d rather do with 30 minutes of my time.  2,500 of these other things involve some sort of food consumption.

4.  I bought wheat germ at Whole Foods a few weeks ago because I hear it is really good for you, but I’m scared to use it.  Every day I see it sitting in my pantry and I cringe in fear.

5.  Bean has become very cuddly in the past couple days.  Every time he wraps those little chubby arms around my neck, my ovaries chant, “WE WANT A BOY!” for about 20 minutes.

6.  When I walk through my back yard, I clap my hands because I remember the twins in The Parent Trap telling their stepmother to do that.

7.  I just remembered that they told her to clap her hands to keep the bears away, not the snakes.

8.  My neighbors probably think I’m pretty weird.

9.  My email is so out of control that I won’t even open my inbox anymore.  But today I have resolved to open it and dive in.  If you haven’t heard from me by 11:00 tonight, please send help.

10.  There is a clean pile of towels that has been sitting in a laundry basket in my living room for so long, there aren’t any towels left in it.

11.  In the past few months, I have lost all interest in wine.  I can’t even finish one glass anymore.

12.  I recently acquired a full set of reusable grocery bags and can’t wait to start using them!

13.  I read the first two Twilight books and thought they were just okay and yet I am on pins and needles waiting for my library to send me the next book.  Weird.

14.  I got a mean email last week and can’t seem to shake that one, so here’s a big, public “Pffffftttt…” to the reader who sent it to me.

15.  I feel better.

16.  My dogs have commandeered my couches.  They have become $3,000 dog beds and this makes me very, very angry.  Someday I will have to tell you about how if I ever leave Chris it will be because he lets the dogs crush my beautiful couches.

17.  Bean needs a haircut today.

18.  I need to go to the Post Office.

19.  I need to go to the bank.

20.  I need to pay my bills.

21.  I need to exfoliate.

22.  I think this just became my To Do List for today.  Sorry.

23.  As of this morning, you all have donated $1,100 to the National Wildlife Federation for Gulf Coast oil clean up!  I’ll be closing the donation link at 5:00pm today, so be sure to give now if you haven’t already!

24.  I found a pair of leggings in my closet yesterday from before I had Bean and tried them on.  I had me a good laugh.  And then a good cry.  And then a good bowl of ice cream.

25.  I need to get my oil changed.


  • kay

    when i was growing up we used to put wheat germ on our ice cream! can you say yummo? thanks for bringing back that memory, i may just have to run to whole foods and get some!

  • Katie M

    I love that your ovaries chant… my jump and do somersaults when they want a baby.

    And you know leggings are the fashion industry’s way of laughing at normal people trying to squiiiiiiish into a sausage casing. It was never meant to be a happy moment anyway.

  • Jenny J.

    1. Ignore the negative people, your blog is way too awesome for any negativity!

    2. You haven’t told us how 30 day shred is going lately, I was looking into getting it, but I wanted to see how you liked first, I’m afeared of it.

    3. To-do lists are important!!


  • Tiffany

    Sounds like a busy day ahead! I second what Jenny said about ignoring the negativity, because the jerky people here are far outnumbered by people who love you. And what are people with only mean things to say doing wasting their time reading a blog they don’t like, anyway? Sounds like THEY are the ones with problems.

    And we need to get you a pair o’ sticks, woman, because I’m pretty sure that the twins in Parent Trap had Vicky banging sticks together to keep away mountain lions. It must be equally effective for snakes… right?

    • Meredith

      It was definitely sticks to keep the mountain lions away. And her name was Meredith. I remember this because 1) I watched that movie approximately 23538970x and 2) my name is Meredith.

      And Beans golf clubs would certainly work here.

  • Melissa

    Okay, because I am a freak, my first thought from this post is, “Wait, there was a drama-inducing post? What did I miss?!?” So now I have to go back and re-read to figure out what was controversial.

  • Carrie T

    Katie don’t listen to the negative people. If they don’t like what you write then they can click that little red X at the top right of the screen. Plus I love your blog and can’t wait for a new post. I usually end up sending the link to my sister who calls me laughing. 😉

  • Katie N.

    I’m really sad to hear that you got a snarky email from some Negative Nancy. I’ve actually been meaning to write you a really NICE email (because my creepy comments aren’t enough?) but haven’t gotten around to it, because life is busy, but seeing this post made me realize it’s important to bump you up on my to-do list since you deserve some positive feedback (though I have no doubt that you get lots of that too, much more than the yucky stuff, since we all enjoy your blog so much!).

    P.S. Thank you for reminding me that The Parent Trap is one of my top ten favorite movies and that I need to Netflix it asap! I’m sure my husband will thank you for that too.

  • Michelle

    Oh there are always going to be negative people out there looking to rain on someone (anyone’s) parade. When you blog, you really put yourself out there so the ‘crazies’ are going to show up more for you than for people who don’t blog. But remember this- you are a WONDERFUL writer and very gifted. You bring sunshine into countless readers’ lives every day and personally I look forward to logging on during naptime and seeing what you’re up to! The joy and laughter you bring people surely outweighs whatever strange thing ‘crazies’ say in private emails to you (note they are not posting on your comment site for all of your loyal readers to chim in on). Just look at bloggers like Heather at Dooce and Pioneer Lady- I’m sure they have some weirdos emailing with off the wall issues. So there- take that bad email lady! 🙂

  • Jen @ Life with Jen and Ronnie

    I love your honesty! I especially love your confession about towels. I usually fold laundry in the living room and leave the basket in there. My hubby will go get something out of the basket every day. My question is why doesn’t he just bring the basket into our bedroom? It’s a mystery.
    Remember when your ovaries were chanting “WE WANT A GIRL”? Tell your ovaries to pipe down with the chanting! Unless of course you like the chanting. In that case chant on my friends!

  • Alaina

    Did I miss something? What did the negative person say? I really hate that…people like that ruin this for everyone. Just don’t comment, people!

    Your to-do list is making me think of my to do list…

    • Alaina

      Disregard my previous comment 🙂 I must have overlooked that part of your list or didn’t read it or what…it’s quite possible I’ve lost my damn mind today 🙂 That being said, mean people suck. Sorry you have to deal with that.

  • Renee

    My ovaries continue to chant, “WE WANT A BOY! AND A GIRL!” I think my ovaries want twins. My husband doesn’t appreciate it.

    And…mean people stink. Especially when they try to spread their mean-ness to happy people. Stay happy, the you’ll really piss her/him off!

  • Casper

    I thought of you yesterday evening when I opened our back to door to get something and there was a good sized (probably pretty tiny) lizard waiting at the door. We don’t get too many of those in my parts so it was a little of a shock! And.. as many have already mentioned ignore the rude email. Love those that treat you right and forget about those that don’t. They aren’t worth your effort.

  • Natalie

    Haha – I felt the same way about the Twilight books. And when we had mice in our kitchen, I would walk around clapping too… Sorry you had to deal with a hurtful email – your writing and stories are enjoyed by many, so keep up the great work!

  • Jen at Cabin Fever

    Love this list! And your to-do list resembles mine.
    And what was that mean email about? I’d give it more than a pffftt. You should share it with us because I am willing to bet 99.99% of your readers would support you with the pfft.

    Oh, and I refuse to read the Twilight books. I do not want to get sucked it. It won’t happen. Nope. Not to me.

    Cabin Fever in Vermont

  • kk

    you know what? it would be a good idea that us readers did a small list too so you know what your readers are doing.

    1. I hate lizards, flies..anything of that matter

    2. We are going to a beach weekend. I really hope it doesn’t rain.

    3. I haven’t ate ice cream all week. I discovered a Hagan daaz Mint chip last week and can’t wait to dig in.

    4. I saw my little niece yesterday and her chubby little arms make me want a little girl too.

  • diana m.

    i use wheat germ to make “breaded” chicken cutlets. same idea as bread crumbs, but i also use egg whites to make it more healthy. i’ve used it in another recipe and now that im typing this i cant remember what it was for… hmmmm

  • rebecca

    I too waste way too much of my life straightening my hair, get a brazilian blowout it will revolutionize your life. I got one last week and I think that I am in love.

  • katie

    ha – this post so reminded me of a post the pioneer woman would make, and i thought that might make you happy that i thought of that 🙂 good luck with your todolist!

  • lauren

    i am so glad i am not the only female with an irrational fear of grills and blowing up my house…last night the hubby was late coming home and i was so annoyed that i read the blasted instructions, turned it on, grilled and turned it off ALL BY MYSELF. i am still so freaking proud and my steaks were way better than his! shhh! dont tell him i said that! 😉

  • Kathleen

    Thanks for this post Katie! What I love about it (besides the fact that you have a delightful sense of humor that always makes me giggle/tear up) is that this post holds all of the contradictory, mundane, delicious, obsessive, fleeting moments that make up a day. I’m so glad it’s not just me! I can obsess about something/someone that makes me feel bad like a pro. For hours/weeks/years. AND what you said about TWILIGHT!! ME TOO! ME TOO! I think the Twilight series is like Dasani water, there’s some ingredient in that book (like salt in Dasani) that doesn’t quench your thirst, but makes you thirstier for more instead!!! much love to you three. kathleenmacscott

  • Tressa

    You crack me up! Love the list. Piss on the mean people!

    I have to say, I’m a lil surprised we didn’t raise more money then $1,100.00, just sayin.

  • Kristen

    I love the list. My ovaries are telling me they want a child as well. Mine don’t do a chant…they usually just grow more and more impatient, so they whine! 🙂

  • Jessica W

    I throw about a 1/4-1/2 cup of wheat germ in most of my baked goods to replace some of the flour. It’s especially good in chocolate chip cookies, it adds a nutty flavor! Also great to put in pancake batter. Helps me pretend that they are now suddenly “healthy”. Also, it’s great in smoothies.

  • Megan (Best of Fates)

    Something about random lists just speaks to a deep inner part of me.

    That part thanks you.

    And I know *exactly* what you mean about Twilight – I thought the books were poorly written, and terrible examples of relationships and character growth, yet I read all 4 in the span of a week, on the edge of my seat to find out what was to happen next.

    It’s a disease.

    • Michaela

      I know! My personal theory is that there is a small amount of crack in the pages of every copy of every Twilight book which waft into your face as you turn them. There is no other explanation as to why perfectly intelligent and reasonable women, who can discuss at length all the ideological and literary problems of the book, devour them so eagerly.
      No. Other. Explanation.

  • Lauren P

    Katie – I don’t normally comment but I really wanted to say how much I admire you for putting yourself and your family out here in internet land for all of us nice and normal folks to enjoy, even though it means putting a big fat target on your back to the terminally unhappy and critical people out there. You are so brave, and I love your blog and appreciate your ability to look past the negative comments and focus on the good! I’m also glad that you do tackle sensitive issues about raising Bean, I agree with your style of parenting but I know that you probably get raked over the coals by the mama warriors which is frustrating. I like your live and let live attitude – you never say your way is the highway, just that it is YOUR way!! I read a lot of blogs and I usually try to stay away from the comments altogether, because there are always the rude people that ruin it for everyone. Anyway, keep on blogging for the rest of us – we love hearing abour your family!

  • Andie

    I don’t see how anyone could write anything negative towards you or your blog. Obviously, they have nothing better to do.

  • Laura

    Twilight is pretty fascinating to me. What’s fascinating is that I couldn’t get through the first book. I usually perservere, but it didn’t click with me for some reason. Anyway, I have heard so many people who are only semi-interested in it, but their interest is piqued for the next book/s. Who knows! I like what Kathleen said about Dasani water, that must be true.

    Good for you on the enviro bags! Most people down under use green bags. Just throw them in your boot/trunk and you’ll have them no matter where you head. Bring them to Target, etc, too!

    And, allow me to boo the mean emailer as well. Rise above it!

  • Nikki

    So I thought I left a comment earlier. But then I couldn’t remember, so I’m here again. Don’t judge, I’m sick! We also harbor many lizards. We have a great relationship going as long as they don’t freak out when I walk by. This leads to me freaking out, which doesn’t work well for anyone. Also, the only blog I’ve read is your blog, which I have been a fan of for close to a year. You must be doing something right to have such a following, so please don’t let negative people get to you. I’ve had to learn how to do this myself with particulary negative people at work. It’s tough, but I’m tired of having people bring me down with them!

  • Cindy

    you crack me up and that means a lot at the end of a very long and tiring day where my husband is working nights and thus I didn’t get to see him but 5 minutes in passing this a.m. and now I am home with the kiddos after a very long and tiring day at work and after finally getting my period after 2.5 years (pregnancy plus breastfeeding) and so I just want you to know how much you are appreciated and also please note that I don’t know how to write very well and am typing this while watching my 21 month old take a bath….

  • Msnels

    yay reusable bags! you can stuff SO much more groceries in them and then casually hoist them over your sturdy purse-carrying shoulder like a bad arse in front of your stunned husband (not that I’ve done this…but yes I have). 🙂

  • Samantha Dickie

    Love the post! Try putting tin foil on your couch cushions when you are not around or when you go to bed. The dogs will jump on the foil, get scared, and will eventually not want to get on the couch.

  • Whitney

    I love coming here because you always make me laugh. Always Always Always. To Infinity and Beyond!!!!!!! Errrr….something like that. I’m delirious and cramping. Excuse my psycho-ness. I need a chocolate bar and a bed.

  • Sarah C. H.

    Aw you were so sweet to answer my e-mail when you had so many!

    And yeah I was the same way about twilight. I read them just over a year ago. I didn’t think they were that great either but at the same time I HAD to know what happened. I was disappointed but I mean I just had to know.

    If you want some good vampire readin’ (with a heavy helping of the South) read True Blood. Such a great series. There’s also a t.v. show to go with it.

  • Amy

    I felt exactly the same way about the twilight books! Even now, having read them all, I’m still kind of ‘meh’ about it, but I was desperate to get each one- maybe if we slow it down or read it backwards, they’ll be some kind of secret code inside.

  • Melissa

    You should try the Rusk Go Green flat iron. My sister is a stylist and while she usually recommends a Paul Mitchell pro series, she loves my Rusk.

  • Kat

    This list is hilarious, awesome, true, and very relatable. Also, my computer just told me “relatable” is not a word but I’m not changing it.

    ps- how long until you give in to your ovaries or am I person # 409685069856 that is asking?

  • pam-tastic

    I think your brain seriously needs a break…try wine again…just one more time, for your own good, try it – I think you need it godloveyoublessyourheart 🙂

  • Megan

    1. I’m not sure how you’re co-habitating with lizards. I don’t think I could do it.

    2. I’m scared of turning off the grill too. For some reason when I turn off the gas I crouch down from as far away as I can and barely touch the knob with my fingertips.

    3. Embrace your inner curl Katie…embrace it. It will save you time and you can go out with a semi wet head in this heat. It’s nice…very nice.

    4. I bought Wheat Germ once to make those chicken nuggets from the Deceptively Delicious cookbook. They were good. But now I don’t know what else to do with it but it seems like I had big plans for it when I bought it. I also have flax…another one that I’m not sure of what to do with or why I bought it.

    5. I’m going to shorten my list now to save your comment section from becoming hugely long. Although I’m certain I could comment on every single thing. But mostly…I have become obsessed with Twilight and I’m dying to start Breaking Dawn. I couldn’t help myself…I’m a sucker for a good story. AND…my to do list is humongous and I’m reading your blog instead of doing them. AND…mean people are stupid. AND…I love The Parent Trap…the old one. AND…please don’t make me think of my pre-baby body.

    AND…mean people are stupid…did I mention that?

    Love ya Katie!


    P.S. I love lists! I love writing lists and I love reading lists and I love commenting in a list! I love lists!

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