Around the House,  Changes,  Childhood,  Family,  Marriage Confessions

Our Family is Growing!

Yes, it’s true. Our family of three just became a family of four. I’m so happy to announce the arrival of our slimy, scaly bundle of joy.


I bought Bean a fish yesterday. Which caused an argument between me and Chris over the necessity of another living being in our house at the moment. But I insisted. Bean loves fish. Ergo, Bean NEEDS a fish. And now, Bean HAS a fish.


Chris doesn’t think I can keep this fish alive, but I beg to differ. My track record with fish is excellent.

First, there was Dave the Fish in my dorm room in college. Dave was named after my dad because my dad said I shouldn’t get a fish. So, I did anyway. And then I named it after him. I kept Dave alive for two entire semesters. But then he died tragically when I accidentally left him in my dorm room over Spring Break. My friend, Sarah, and I buried him outside my dorm under a bush. And then we mourned.

Next there were the four Beta fish that Sarah and I bought a year later when we moved into an apartment together. We named them Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda, and Samantha. Sex and the City was big back then. Our four fishy friends sat on a bookshelf and were happy and healthy. But then Sarah and I decided to put a light over them so that they had some “sunshine.” This, unfortunately, caused tumors to grow on most of the fish. In multiple places. Sarah and I then were grossed out by our fish and so we called our friend Eric to come over and flush them down the toilet for us. We didn’t really mourn that time.

Finally, there was George W. George W. was my fish my senior year of college. He lived in my office which, at the time, was in the basement of the Capitol building in Tallahassee. It was an election year and George W. Bush had just been elected. I named the fish George W. not because of any affiliation I had with the President, but because whenever something wacky happened in politics, my co-workers would come into my office and vent their frustrations to the President, George W. One time, a bill that my department wanted to pass wasn’t passed and by the end of that day I had two lobbyists and two state legislators standing in my office, waving their hands and cursing George W.

When I graduated from college and moved out of my basement office at the Capitol, I gave George W. to my parents because Chris didn’t think we could drive him from Florida to Connecticut, where we were moving. George W. lived approximately two months in my parent’s tank before the bullying began. The other fish in the tank began to eat him, fin by fin. Eventually they ate him completely. And that death is clearly not my fault. But I did mourn.

And now, there is Bean’s fish. I like him. He looks tough. I think he can hang in our house, provided he can live through a couple good whacks from Bean and his golf clubs.


When we were at the pet store, I found this little army man to go in the bowl with him. I thought that would add the sufficient amount of “boy” to Bean’s fish. Though once I got him all set up in Bean’s room, I wondered if it was a little too violent. Eh, well. Maybe I’ll get creative and paint a little peace sign on him and a daisy at the end of his gun.


Eh, probably not.


When Chris got home from work, he brought a big gallon fish bowl with him from his office. It was formerly his candy bowl. But he’s willing to make sacrifices for his child’s well being. And also I called him at work and yelled at him until he agreed to bring it home.

Now, I think everything for our fish is perfect.


Except, we don’t have a name yet. And that’s where you guys come in. I’m going to let you all vote on what we should name our fish. This is an important election, people. Every vote counts when a fish’s name is at stake.

First, let me tell you our options and why:

Squishy – A blog reader actually suggested this one on Twitter and the minute I saw it, I knew exactly why it was perfect. In Bean’s favorite movie, Finding Nemo, there is a part where Dori finds another fish and says, “I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine. And he shall be my Squishy.”

Lieutenant Dan – I like this one because the fish is in a bowl with a soldier. Just makes sense. And it would always be pronounced with a Southern accent, just like Forest Forest Gump.

Now, those are your choices, so vote below and we’ll name the fish whatever the people decide.

God Bless America.

[poll id=”32″]


  • Jamie

    While Squishy the Fishy would be an adorable name, Lieutenant Dan is so much cooler and unique. This coming from the girl who named her cats Batman and Captain Morgan…

  • Renee

    1. I had a fish my freshman year in college named Paco. Paco was a fish I had won at the fair just a week before moving to college. No one thought Paco would survive the two hour drive to school, but he did. And he also survived the drive back when I moved back after a couple weeks (long story). He lived two more years!

    2. I love the solider.

    3. The tumor thing…ewwww.

    4.Both names are fantastic.

  • Lee Ann

    Great story about George W! But Katie, what’s the thing with beta fish? What happened to goldfish?

    (And I promise not to tell the story about my aquarium of zebra fish and neon tetras. Lovely aquarium. Unfortunately, one night the heater shorted out, began heating up uncontrollably, and I awoke to find the fish had jumped out of the boiling water onto my floor. No, I definitely won’t tell that story!)

  • Life of a Doctor's Wife

    My brother had a beta fish once. (His name was Sushi.) That thing lived for something like SIX YEARS. He got so old and frail that his fins and tail were kind of decaying. My mom changed his water and every time she scooped him out, she was afraid he’d disintegrate.

    All this talk of fish death is really depressing.

    I hope Lieutenant Dan lives a long, healthy life.

  • Alaina

    I love that you named your fish George W. That’s hilarious. We had a fish in college in our yearbook office where I worked that we called Jerome. He sadly kicked the bucket, so we got another fish. This one’s name was T-shawn. (We like the ghetto names, what can I say?)

    I can’t vote for some reason because my work computer is stupid so I’m going to say my vote for Lieutenant Dan.

  • Tiffany

    I fear for Fishy’s life if you tell Bean that he is “squishy.” What if he tries to test that description?

    Also, beta fish are CRAZY hardy. The one I had in college jumped out of his bowl one day while I was in class and I found him three hours later underneath a bookshelf, dry as a blue potato chip. When I went to scoop him up to flush him, he started wiggling around! He not only survived the ensuing loss of his scales and tail (apparently it’s bad when they get covered in hair and carpet dust…), but he grew everything back and looked beautiful again three weeks later. And then I drove with him in a pitcher of water from Maryland to Phoenix, AZ so my mom could watch him when I went abroad for a semester the following year! He was a fabulous fish.

  • Sarah H.

    I bought a beta fish for my desk when I taught high school marine ecology, because every class needs a pet, right? Her name was Rachel, after the most beautiful of Jacob’s wives. She lived a long time–even with an algae infested bowl. When I finished teaching and moved to South Carolina my parents took the fish (I couldn’t bring her home because I have 2 cats, and we didn’t want to move a fish across the country) but I don’t think she lived too long after that.

  • Carrie T

    Lt. Dan is my vote too! I’ve had beta’s for a long time. When I moved in with my now husband I brought with me a 10 gallong fishie tank. TNT kept saying, “I can’t believe I have fish in my house.” lol Five years later we still have fishies!

  • Jen C

    Lt. Dan is my vote just because its fun to say.

    My beta in college tragically committed suicide by jumping out of his bowl while i was at class. He had a good 3 years with me…..sigh…

  • Sarah

    See, I think it should be Squishy Dan. Not because I’m indecisive, but because it would be silly and people wouldn’t know immediately where it came from…..there’d be alllllure!

    When I was little, my dentist (who was big into scuba diving) used to give out gold fish after kids’ apts. So, every six mos, we’d have a new golden creature! I had one that I cleverly named Swimmy (not so much allllure) that lived…I kid you not…for 10 years! He went to college with me! I thought I was going to have to put him in my will!

  • Sara

    I voted Squishy because it’s cute and I’m all about the cute. However, somebody above made the point that Bean may try to test whether Squishy is really…squishy. So that might not be the best vote after all…
    We have an aquarium that had 2 fish and one snail in it until about a week ago, when we woke up one morning to find two teeny baby fish and a zillion baby snails! I don’t really understand how it all happened…and all at once! But we need to figure out what to do with all the snails, who seem to keep breeding.

  • Lisa

    Technically your family has expanded to 6…Molly and Lucy would be very upset if they found out they weren’t included in the family count, but thanks for the suspense… 😀 I voted for Lieutenant Dan, my hubby’s name is Daniel and Gary Sinise was just awesome in Forrest Gump. I don’t know if you can get them in the US, but I used to have jellybean parrot fish (or blood parrot fish) on my desk at work. They are like little doggies, they used to be happy to see me when I arrived at work and love to just sit and be in view of you. Soooooo cute, but you’d need a proper tank with a filter for them, maybe a Bean upgrade in a few years.

  • Megan (Best of Fates)

    Ironically, this is somewhat perfect timing, as last night I was having a conversation with a friend’s roommate. Said roommate has two cats, and she was explaining where their names came from. The gray cat is named Squishy, and we commented that we’d always assumed he was named after Finding Nemo. No, she assured us, she’d been wanting to get a cat and name it Squishy since she was a small child.

    “Because that’s what happens to cats who go outside.”

  • Nikki

    YOu know that you don’t have four in your family now, right? Your dogs count too! I think they will forgive you htough : ). My darn computer at work wont let me vote, but I choose squishy! Great name for a child’s fish. I have 3 fish right now, but I really want a betta! The man doesn’t agree with me, so I’ll just wait until he goes out of town to buy one mwaaaah haha.

  • Meredith

    In order for the fish to remain alive it must “keep swimming” hence wouldn’t it make sense to pay homage to Dorie’s mantra and name the little fishy friend “Squishy” (coincidentally my daughter’s nickname from her auntie) GO SQUISHY!!!

  • Claudia

    I’ve had 3 Beta fish before, each at different years in college. They all lived happy, wet lives until my friend went on vacation. Every time my best friend would go on vacation, the darn fish would die! St. Louis: fishy died. Baja: Fishy died. Hawaii: fishy died. I gave up after the third try. I should had dumped my friend for killing my fish but I choose the path of less resistance.

    Although I wanted to vote for Lt.Dan, I think Squishy is an easer name for Bean to say. So, I thought about the child, instead of my sellfish thoughs and choose Squishy. But in my head, he will forever be Lt. Dan 🙂

  • Jessica

    Beta fish are great pets! I had one in my college dorm for a while, cleverly named Fishy. He would get excited when I got back from classes, and especially after I went home for the weekend…he would swim all around and blow bubbles 🙂 I ended up passing him on to a friend of mine that was having a hard time adjusting to college life without her family close by. He really cheered her up!

    And they’re super hardy. My neighbors had one for a long long time. They renamed him survivor because the thing just would not die.

  • Marie

    Aww, I love bettas. I’ve had them for years, until I got my cats. I still vote for Archimedes, like I mentioned on Twitter yesterday, but Lieutenant Dan and Squishy are excellent names. I pick Squishy. 🙂

  • Jessica W

    Let me say that I LOVE Finding Nemo and “Squishy” happens to be one of my favorite lines (Up there with “Find a happy place! Find a happy place!”) but I voted for Lieutenant Dan. This is why, Squishy might imply certain actions Bean might take upon the fish. Like my 3 1/2 year old niece who just tragically learn you can’t give fishys hugs…

  • abi

    Both are cute names, but I like Lt. Dan a little better. I love betas! I had one that lasted a 4 years or so….then I got stressed before I got married and he somehow – went away before my big crazy summer of moving a few states and changing jobs and all that. And my new husband didn’t seem to mind at all that he didn’t inherit a fish.

  • Jesse

    So, maybe I’m being super sensitive, but your beta fish tumor story was really upsetting! I couldn’t imagine flushing a still living fish just because it was ugly. Of course, I cried when my 3 year old beta that I won at a wedding died of old age. What’s even worse and more hypocritical, I eat fish! I guess my animalistic compassion only applies to those I’ve not seen alive first.


    oh its a siamese fighting fish we have them here but we have to have heaters and lights are they are considered tropical fish, how strange, good look with him/her

  • Noelle

    My roommate and I had a Beta fish in college. His name was Martini, and he was living a great life until Spring Break. We put an automatic feeder in his bowl while we were gone, and after that he just sat under the feeder waiting for more food. I think he ate himself to death. Very sad.

    I vote for Lt. Dan. What a great name! Although I was thinking Pork would be a good name too since he is Bean’s fish…as in Pork ‘n Beans. Haha! Too corny?

  • Sara M

    I got a beta for my first office job. he lasted about 3 months before he committed suicide by jumping out of his bowl. I found him the next morning…very gross!

    Love the Pork N Beans suggestion!

  • Niki

    I voted for Lieutenant Dan. It’s funny and unexpected.

    We had a bunch of saltwater fish several years ago. Unfortunately, something went wrong and they all died. I don’t remember all their names. I can only remember Jailbird (a black & white striped fish) and Rafiki, a butterfly fish. (He/she reminded us of the monkey in The Lion King.) There was also a yellow tang, a periwinkle-colored tang, a couple shrimp, an emerald crab (I think we named it Oz), another black and white striped fish and some snails. There may have been one or two more.

    That was a lot of money down the drain. :-/

  • Kate

    Just make sure you never replace the stones in the bottom of the bowl with marbles!!! I had a beta fish for exactly two days before it died- we think it swallowed a marble. Fish are excellent low-maintenance pets- I had fish from toddler years to the end of grade school. At one point we had 6- the only two names I remember are black-eyed pea (a goldfish w/ black eyes- I guess they all do though lol) and bossy (a white fish).

  • Sarah C.H.

    I voted Lt. Dan because it’s just too funny a, and I love funny names for pets. My friend used to have a cat named Bob

  • Tressa


    My daughter has 4 beta fish in her apt. and her roommate has 4!!! Guess that’s the thing to do!!
    I lOVE the gallon bowl with the bamboo plant in it.

  • Katie M


    And way to be a tease… I saw the title and first sentence and thought you were preggo. Horrible, mean trick to play on your readers.

    Maybe I got babies on the brain…

  • Laura

    Lieutenant Dan is clearly the better name, but since it’s Bean’s fish and after reading the reason behind it, I have to vote for Squishy. Really, what’s gonna be easier to teach him to say: Lieutenant Dan or Squishy? Though both would be totally adorable.

    And how exactly did this new fish come to be part of your “family of four” while Lucy and Molly have been apparently pushed out of rank? I bet Lucy will want a word or two about this situation.

  • Heather M

    I called my very first fish that I won at a fair – Magic.
    My next 2 fish I called Sinbad and Odysseus. 🙂 I was a crazy kid!

  • Melissa

    I love fish I’ve had so many. Beta’s are my favortei though and I’ve had to do so much research to keep them alive! For some reason all mine end up getting sick and I have to do fishy ER to save them! Actually the fishy I have right now Looks JUST like yours. Blue with a very dark head and red bit on the bottom fin – how funny! Here’s a link to prove it 😀

    I was happy to see he got a new bowl, the little one on the table had me so anxious just picturing bean pulling it over and then fishy either drying up or being a doggy snack!

  • Erin

    I just started reading your blog 2 months ago when I had my first child. I needed something to read during my long hours of breastfeeding and a friend suggested your blog. I have been an avid reader ever since. Then I read your post today and almost screamed out loud when I saw that you lived in Tallahassee. Me too! Can I assume you went to FSU? So did I. Such a small world! I am so glad that this girl that I’ve decided I could be friends with if we met in person is a fellow Seminole. 🙂

  • Msnels

    Fish = too scary! We had 3 big Oscar fish as a kid (the smaller 2 didn’t have names, the bigger one we named, well, Oscar). They ate live goldfish! And we did try saltwater fish once, except we didn’t know the proper salt to water ratio of the tank – all very, very traumatizing!

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