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Putting the GRAND in Grandparents

A few weekends ago, I asked my mom and dad if they’d take Bean this past weekend.  Chris was going out of town and I really wanted a weekend to myself.  They happily agreed.  Naturally.

A few days later, my mom tells me that they have decided that they were going to take Bean to Disney World the weekend they had him.  They have season passes and they’d love to take him.  I got off the phone and sat there for a minute.  I was sort of irritated, actually.  What a strange reaction.  But my hormones are raging right now (that’s New Guy making his presence known since he isn’t making me sick anymore…) and so I thought maybe I’d settled down and the feeling would pass.  But a few days later, I was still sort of irritated.

When I finally stopped and thought about it, I decided I wasn’t irritated, I was sort of bummed.  It would be Bean’s first trip to the Magic Kingdom and I really wanted to be the one to take him.  So, I mentioned it to my sister.  My sister is the person in my life I go to to tell me straight up if I’m over-reacting to something.  Gin has the ability to listen to me, understand my point of view, and then say to me, “Kate, grow up and get over it.”  It’s a gift she has.

And that is precisely what she told me when I called her about this.  “That’s what grandparents are for,” she reminded me.  And she was exactly right.

Bean is going to have lots of first-times in his life and you can bet I’m going to try to elbow my way into 99.9% of them.  But there will be times when he’ll experience things without me.  And that’s okay.  That’s actually really good.  It will make Bean an independent person.  It will teach him that life exists outside of our family and it will give him to confidence and security to be happy in places where Chris and I can’t be.

You know, grandparents play a HUGE role in that part of Bean’s development.  Both my parents and Chris’ provide different viewpoints, different experiences, different environments than Chris and I could provide and that only makes Bean’s life richer and fuller.

And it’s not just good for Bean, I think having grandchildren for our parents changes the way they see the world now, too.  It opens whole new viewpoints, experiences, and environments for them, too.

And besides all of that – they just have fun spending time together!



They watched the parade together through Downtown.


They danced in front of the big castle.


They had ketchup for dinner.


They rode the carousel.


They watched the elephants spray water in the jungle cruise.


They rode the Peter Pan ride.


They saw the Country Bear’s Jamboree. (Which hasn’t changed a bit since I was Bean’s age.)


But mostly, they just had fun.


When they finally came home last night after a full day at the park, they were all so happy and excited and as I sat through all the pictures they’d taken and heard the stories from their day, I felt all warm and fuzzy inside as I realized that THIS was the reason we moved to Florida. This was it. It was for afternoons just like that one. It was so Bean could grow up knowing things that only grandparents can teach him. It was so Bean could know his grandparents just like Chris and I grew up knowing ours.

And it was so our parents could smile this big…



  • Rachael

    Thanks Katie for this post. I have Grandparent issues sometimes too and it’s always nice to remember why I like being so close to our parents. I didn’t grow up with my grandparents near and I am so glad that the kids can see theirs when whenever they want instead of every few years. I wish I had been able to do that.

  • Melanie

    Oh my, I totally understand. I have a 10 month old, and want to be there even when he tries new food! how sad is that!? Grandparents must be a big part of my little guy’s life, too. And though i’ll be there for many firsts, it’s just not possible to do them all. And that’s okay. 🙂

  • elise warren

    Katie, I absolutely love the picture of bean man with the ketchup and riding the peterpan ride! They are just so descriptive of the way he was feeling! Thanks for making me smile today! I wish my kids had this same opportunity with there grands, we just moved to nashville, and are about 2 hours from everyone, some not as willing as others. It makes me very sad! good luck with the new guy!

  • Krista

    I love it!! What a fun weekend for Bean – and you are right, that’s what you moved back to Florida for. Hope you feel better soon :o)

  • Sara

    You know, I’m impressed that you parents have the energy to take a toddler to Disney for the day! Frankly I don’t think I have the energy for that 🙂

  • Alyssa

    that’s sweet. Before I got down to that part I was thinking but this is why you moved to Florida. I understand your feelings though, I love seeing my little one have fun or do things for the first time, heck I would want to go myself!

  • Jen C

    how great for bean to actually have his grandparents close by while he’s growing up. its so worth it to have that kind of connection and for you and chris to have that support and family time.

  • Ashley

    This warms my heart on a day where my heart needs a LOT of warming. My grandfather got put in the hospital this morning for Alzheimer’s, and it’s tough that I can’t be at home with my family, because I am off at school! I have never lost a grandparent before, so this post reminds me that we have to cherish every moment we have with them, even when the times get tough!! They change our lives in ways that no other family members can 🙂

  • Casey

    This post brought tears to my eyes. Hubby & I are fortunate to have our parents as daycare for our 4 month old boy and though there are some ‘iffy’ moments, I love that he will be more well rounded from having them help us in raising him!

  • Michelle

    Oh Katie- how fun!!! 🙂 grandparents are the best and Bean’s got quite the pair. We live 5 minutes from my husband’s parents and we’re SO LUCKY. Seriously. I totally agree- it’s amazing to have someone else to show the little guys new experiences. Very well said!

  • Ashley

    This is great. I love how you can admit your insecurities and how you are so self-aware. I also love how in the end, what matters to you is your son’s best interests. So glad Bean had a great time in the House of Mouse (who wouldn’t?)!

  • Nate's Mom

    LOVE this post. Love Bean’s non-enthusiastic fist pump on the carousel, Love Bean’s ketchup face, Love Bean on the Peter Pan ride and, most importantly, I love that Mr. Bear joined Bean on this momentous occasion. How wonderful that he shared this experience with his grandparents!

  • Lindsay (YoungMarriedMom)

    Okay, first: that ketchup face is priceless!

    Secondly, I totally appreciate your insight; my husband and I were just talking about how our Peanut’s grandparents are part of his life and what that will mean in the future. Your honesty and humility are a great help in considering that. Thank you for sharing!

  • Ella

    I would have probably had the same reaction as you at first too. Thats great you can think things through and see the positives in a situation like this. You are so lucky to have your parents close by (as you know!) Your mum & dad & bean lookesd so happy in those photos – what wonderful memories Bean & the new guy will have spending time with grandparents. I hope you enjoyed your time out too.

  • Angie

    Grandparents are amazing. Mine died before I was born so for my boy to know his grandparents has been amazing for me to watch.

  • Julie

    I can totally relate. I know that my son has to have a relationship with all of his grandparents, but it is so hard to let go of those “firsts”. Thanks for being an inspiration!

  • Courtney Sloane

    Oh my heavens! How sweet. I am so glad that Bean has his grandparents near enough that he can have random days and fun weekends with them. I have been blessed to grow up within 15 minutes of both sets of grandparents, and I know I take this for granted.
    It looks like Bean and your parents had a blast!

  • Tressa

    This post makes me sooooo happy!!
    THIS is why you and Chris moved back closer to home!!! So EVERYBODY could enjoy each other !!! For Bean man, the GRANDparents and you and Chris! It’s a win win situation 😉

  • Laura

    How awesome that Bean gets this special time with grandma and grandpa. When you’re feeling sensitive about it, just think about the joy that it so obviously brought your parents! They are smiling just as much as Bean! Too cute! Very happy for you. Hope the cold gets better soon.

  • Deana Rooks

    I saw them! We have passes too and live in Orlando and I said to my husband “that looks just like bean” and then he thought I was some weird blog stalker. 🙂 Glad they had fun. YOu guys should think about passes. We have them and go allll the time.

  • Amanda H

    What a beautiful post. I sometimes get jealous of all the fun things that my son gets to do with grandparents but I just remind myself of my wonderful relationship with my grandparents and it all seems okay.

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