Around the House,  Changes,  Marriage Confessions,  Operation BWYP,  Suburbia

Home Sweet Home


Since Gracie’s birth, I have been staying home with the kiddies while I’m on maternity leave.  When I stayed home on maternity leave with Bean, time seemed to fly by.  I was home for 12 weeks and it felt like I blinked and that time was over.  I stayed home for about six months at the beginning of last year with Bean, too.  We had just moved to Florida and I was looking for a job, so I kept Bean home with me until I found one.  During that period, time seemed to drag on incredibly slow.  I was waiting for a job to come through, money was tight, I was stressed, and staying at home, quite frankly, bored me to tears.

The truth is that I’m terrible at staying at home.  I’ve always considered myself to be pretty self-motivated, but something about being at home all day made me lose all motivation to do ANYTHING productive.  I tried really hard to keep both me and Bean active and busy, but our days just felt long and boring.

Something is very different this time around, though.  I don’t know if it’s Bean’s age which allows us to do all kinds of fun activities or if it’s because there are two kids now so “boring” isn’t exactly on the menu these days.  Or, maybe I’m just satisfied and full in my heart now.  Maybe it’s a little of all those things.  I don’t know what the reason is really, but I am really enjoying this time at home with Bean and Gracie right now.

Our routine has become really nice for all of us.  In the mornings, we usually play outside on the back porch before it gets incredibly hot.  I sit Gracie in her bouncer on the patio table and then Bean and I can play.  We play with sidewalk chalk, bubbles, Bean’s wagon, and all his other outside toys.  We also throw balls a LOT, hit golf balls, and (when I’m not looking) throw things into the pool.  Though, that last one means we have to go inside because we’re not allowed to throw things in the pool…

Bean helps me make lunch and we eat around noon and then he plays outside more while I clean up.  Bean usually goes down for a nap around 1:30 and sleeps until about 3:00, which is when I try to get some things done.  My goal is to get the kitchen cleaned, the floors swept, a load or two of laundry done, and at least one other room cleaned a day.

In the afternoon, we try to do something.  Either a friend comes over to play or we run an errand or two or we go to the park. Lately though, we’ve been playing outside in the yard and pool.  Yesterday we played in the sprinkler for the first time and Bean thought it was the greatest thing ever. He also had his first Icee Pop.



By 5:00, we head back inside and Bean plays while I finish some things around the house and get dinner started (if I’m lucky…).  By the time Chris gets home from work, Bean and I are worn out and Gracie is finally starting to come alive.  She usually has her perkiest time between 6:00 and 10:00 in the evening, which is nice because it gives Chris and I some time with her after Bean’s gone to bed.

I miss teaching and am looking forward to going back to work, but for now I’m pleasantly surprised to find myself really enjoying this time. I like spending my days playing with Bean. At this age, he’s like having a little friend around all the time. And I really love this time getting to know Gracie and seeing how fast she grows. I like getting things done around the house and running errands with both of the kids. I even like occasionally fishing Pez dispensers out of the bubbles.



My days are full, fun, and happy right now. I’m excited to see how the rest of our summer goes here!


  • Jen @ Caved In

    Sounds like you guys are having a great time! I’m so happy you’re in a good place now, you deserve it. We’re getting a small wading pool for Sullivan this year, I can’t wait! Not as fabulous as yours but I’ll take it 🙂

  • Alaina

    Love that you’re enjoying your time with your kiddos – I had to laugh when you said Bean was throwing things in the pool…totally something I would have done as a kid, too 🙂

  • Rachel

    I miss the sprinkler & icee days… for some reason my 11 & 14 year olds aren’t up for running through the sprinkler (while the moms enjoy cocktails, shhh don’t tell) any more. Enjoy every minute! =)

  • Rebecca {The Reluctant Housewife}

    I know what you mean when you say that the first time around the days seemed so long and boring…I feel like that so often! In my attempt to avoid being completely bored to death I fill my schedule with activity after activity and then I realize I’m burnt out…I’ve gotta figure out balance =)

  • Waiting for Bulgaria

    I completely understand your feelings. I also understand the not being very motivated at home thing. I’m a routine/schedule person. Still, I’m learning to enjoy my time when I’m home. So glad you’re enjoying it.

  • Sara @ embrylovescookies

    Being bored at home is so much a state of mind thing. I’m so glad that you are enjoying it this time, because those sweet kids aren’t going to be small forever. I hope you are soaking up every second that you have with them.

  • Barbara Manatee

    Isn’t it great? My first maternity leave I had preemie twins. It was all about routine and survival. When I had my 3rd child, life with an infant was so much easier, even though I had two 2 year olds running around, too. We got out and did so much – had a baby carrier and he traveled! You’re a Pro!

    April is Autism Awareness Month. I’m blogging all month about Autism.

  • Tressa

    Katie, I am so very happy that you are happy and content now. You have bloomed where you are planted!!! You have came full circle! When Mama is happy, everybody is happy!! 😉

  • MistyK

    One of the things I love about your blog is that Im one step behind you of sorts. My daughter is almost exactly a year younger then Bean and it is awesome to see that days like that are possible in the future. I’ve been a sahm for 6 months now, yet still feel lost in limbo and like a failure because all rooms are not *perfect*. your schedule gives me so much hope that by this time next year I can have a good amount of free time to clean, and still play with my girl. Who knows maybe throw a #2 baby in the mix…one day.

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