Around the House,  Day in the Life,  Marriage Confessions

A Day in the Life: Two Year Old and Three Months Old

This week I completed a course I was taking for my teaching certificate. I’m taking another course online, but this one was in a classroom for the past two weeks. We had a babysitter come stay with the kids and so for two weeks, things have been kind of tricky around my house. Our schedules are all messed up, the laundry is piling up, I can’t find my favorite travel mug, and Bean’s not quite sure what to make of the babysitter coming over all day, every day. Even Gracie has been a little out of sorts. It’s just been a crazy time here.

Because of that, I really have nothing to say for my blog today. My brain is out of whack and when I do have a minute to sit down, all I can do is look around my house and think, “We’re a mess!”

So, I thought I’d turn THAT into my blog post. Here’s what my life looks like at this exact moment: Thursday, June 30, at 5:34pm.

Gracie is sleeping and Kitty Kitty is shielding her sensitive eyes from the filth that is the Casey Anthony trial that I can’t stop watching.


This is my living room. Bean and I were just playing Legos. Haven’t quite cleaned that up yet. Oh, and he just stole Kitty Kitty from his sleeping sister. You snooze you lose, Gracie Girl.


After a quick reminder about what belongs to Gracie and what belongs to Bean (we have that conversation about 10,000 times a day), Bean decided Mr. Bear is cooler than Kitty Kitty anyways and so he asked me to take Mr. Bear’s picture instead.


This is a wedding shower present from a shower that I wasn’t able to go to at the last minute. I still haven’t gotten the gift to the bride and I think the wedding was last weekend. (Hi, Laurel! Congratulations!) So, here sits the gift.


Speaking of gifts, today is my mother-in-law’s birthday. (Happy Birthday, Jackie!) And here is her gift. On my kitchen counter. Shoot.


Here’s the third book in the Hunger Game series that I ordered from the library. Does your library deliver? Mine does and it is awesome! You just sign up for the book and a couple days later it arrives on your doorstep by courier! Brilliant! I can’t wait to read Mockingjay. I’ve loved this series so far, plus I think I might teach with it next year.


Before I can read Mockingjay though, I have to finish the book I’m reading now, Love the One You’re With. It’s cute, but kind of makes me feel dumber for reading it. It’s a good beach book though.


After morning after morning of dragging myself and my clothes down to the laundry room to iron, I gave up and decided I could buy myself two extra minutes of sleep if I just put the ironing board in my bedroom. So, I did. If my Dad is reading this right now, he is shaking his head in shame at his lazy redheaded daughter. (Hi, Dad!)


My watch battery died this week, so I did what I always do. I went out and bought a new watch. Why I don’t just replace the battery is beyond me. I have a whole watch drawer in my jewelry box full of watches with dead batteries. Which is just plain silly. I have some super cute watches. I should just get the darn batteries replaced. Although, buying new ones is how I keep my watch collection so super cute!



Gracie got a new washcloth when her Grandmomma came to visit for Bean’s birthday. Isn’t he cute? I keep him on top of her body wash and she just stares and stares at him through her bath.


In the evenings this week, I cleaned out our junk closet in the office. That’s right. I have a junk CLOSET. None of those silly drawers for me. But, it was becoming a health hazard to open the closet door, so I cleaned it out. I don’t know if you can tell, but just in case you can’t, this is the AFTER picture. The before picture would have looked like a landfill.


I ran out of my favorite face wash last week. And, incidentally, it’s face wash that my sister sells. And, incidentally, my parents were visiting Ginny last week. Wouldn’t that have been convenient for me to call and ask them to bring me a tube home? But that would have been too easy. Instead, I am squeezing the life out of this thing every day, hoping just one more “pfffttt” will give me enough cleanser to make it through. (Ginny – if you’re reading this, I need a refill!)


And this is Bean, who has followed me around the house as I’ve taken all of these pictures. He has now fallen on the floor at my feet and is rolling around, yelling, “Mommy, come play! Come play!” So, I must go play. Because my boss is, quite literally, a two-year-old.



Back to regular blogging on Monday! Have a safe and happy 4th of July!


  • Chanon

    Trick for your Mary Kay: Cut the bottle in half and take out 1/2 inch from cut side. You can get anything that’s still inside and can’t be sqeezed out and you can put the two pieces back together (over one another?) so it doesn’t dry out before your next bottle arrives. 🙂 And I have a junk basement…so a closet would be so much nicer!

  • melissa

    I’m currently reading through the same book series. I picked up The Hunger Games last night and finished it a little over twelve hours later. I can’t stop reading! I got stuck waiting an hour and twenty minutes to be seen at the doctor’s office today and I started reading the second book. I’m going to have to drive to my friend’s house very soon and get the third one! They are so great. My brain is just exploding with thoughts.

  • sarah

    Katie, as your imaginary friend I have to ask you… HOW HAVE YOU NOT FINISHED THE HUNGER GAMES SERIES YET????? Seriously, I’m shocked! I know you have a newborn and an adorable toddler who both like to soak up all your attention BUT I don’t know how you stopped reading. From the first post that you mentioned the series I downloaded the first book on my Kindle and read the whole series over a single weekend. I was addicted! Of course, I don’t have kids so I have the luxury of ignoring my husband for a weekend while he fends for himself. Those books are SO good! Thanks for introducing me. Now will you hurry up and finish and tell us your thoughts??? : )

  • Kattrina

    I just finished The Hunger Games series and LOVED it. I couldn’t put it down; it was amazing. I am now in a state of depression because I realize I am not Katniss, I am Kattrina. It’s sad. I have that same facewash and love it too! My sister sells Mary Kay also so I think I pretty much own the entire line. Literally. I have at least $500 of Mary Kay stuff and before she sold it, I didn’t even wear make-up and I hardly ever washed my face. How things change!

  • Waiting for Bulgaria

    That first picture of Gracie is so cute. And Bean . . . well you’re going to have to fight the girls off with a stick. I read the entire Hunger Games series while I was stuck in bed with the flu for four days. I loved them, and not that I was glad that I had the flu, but I was able to read as much as I wanted.

  • Chanon

    PS: check out the movie cast for The Hunger Games and tell us if that’s how you pictured Cinna andHaymich! (When your done with the series of course!)

  • Jen @caved in

    We have been dealing with the same thing this week. We are so busy but when we look around at the end of the day it doesn’t look like anything has been done. Apparently I’m behind in books. Haven’t read the hunger games series but sounds awesome. I’ll have to pick it up

  • Allison

    I like these kind of posts. They feel real, and offer an overall glimpse into your life :).
    After hearing about the Hunger Games, you’ve pushed me to checking my library – I’ll add it to my list.

  • Dessi

    My favorite part.. the gifts waiting to be sent off! This year for my dad’s birthday, I thought I was on top of things! I had the card two weeks early! We skyped and I flashed the card. The next week we skyped and I flashed the card in the envelope with a stamp on it! By the third week, his birthday had come and gone and I still had the card 😡

  • jen

    I really love this post cause it let’s me know that we are not the only family that at the end of the week looks around n goes oh crap we have a huge amount of life errands to catch up on.

  • Whitney W

    Thank you for being so honest! I am currently 32 weeks along with twin boys and was put on modified bed rest 2 weeks ago. I feel like my house is falling apart and I can’t get everything ready for the boy’s arrival fast enough. It makes me feel good to know I’m not the only one who doesn’t have everything perfect all the time and sometimes it is ok to just relax and have some fun instead of worrying about everything I have to do. Thanks for the book recommendation! It will give me something to do while I am stuck at home all day!

  • Jenn

    Our second bedroom has a walk in closet that is kind of our junk closet. Except it holds our winter clothes and some of my old toys/books that my mom boxed up and sent to me in totes. I recently did a book exchange where I got three new books in the mail and then promtly bought 12 more because of the clearance sale at barnes& While I’m sure you have plenty of books for Bean, you may want to check it out anyway. Books are around 75% off.

  • Britt@knewlywifed

    Thank you for this! My house is a train wreck! I’ve been working and teaching bible school this week, so my house has been neglected. Last night I noticed my 7 month old trying to eat a clump of dirt on the bathroom floor. It is time to clean!

  • Jen M

    I big fat puffy heart love the Hunger Game series. Mockingjay seemed to go on for a bit but it could be because I read the 3 books over what felt like 3 days (more like a week and a half or so). They consumed me. And I think it’s blasphemy what you said about Emily Giffen’s books. I love her stuff. Have you read Something Borrowed? Lastly, i have a junk room as well. Its not something I’m proud of…Have a great weekend!

  • Ashley

    First, I really enjoy your blog Katie! Second, if it makes you feel any better I think every closet in my house is a junk closet. Third, I love, love, love the Hunger Games! I can’t wait to see what they do with the movies next Spring. Hope you all have a great 4th!

  • Melissa

    Like some of the other commenters on this blog, I was completely unable to put down the Hunger Games Series books. I blew through all three in a week. Also, I hear you on the whole end of the week chaos. And I seriously don’t know how our apartment gets so disorganized because it feels like we are never there!

  • Margaret

    Get a kindle….then no one can see what you’re actually reading, so you can read your guilty pleasures all day long!

  • Melissa

    Glad I’m not the only one who does that with my watches! I have to admit I have worn a cute watch that has a dead battery just because it went perfectly with my outfit! hee hee

  • momiss

    Great post, as always. Your carpet looks clean, so have no fear! A few lego’s never hurt anybody. Much…… and I feel for you with the Casey Anthony thing. I would have waterboarded her after she told the 3rd lie, but that’s just me. I had to live through Bill Clinton’s debacle when my kids were small. I pretty much turned off the tv for lack of explanation for the kids and never went back. I do not regret it a bit.

  • Barbara Manatee

    I want to read The Hunger Games, too…but have a huge pile of other books to read on my dresser. (despite that, I just ordered 4 other books from the library…LOVE having more time to read in the summer!)

  • LD

    You have the sweetest family and I enjoy reading about your life – messy house and all – LOL.

    Anyway, I had a horrible memory when I saw your ironing board and I wanted to share it to plant the warning seed.

    When my son was 5 and had to have his tonsils taken out, there was a mother that was out of her mind with crazy grief.

    She was using the iron and got distracted for a brief second and her preschooler son walked by and fell into the ironing board and the hot iron fell on him. I didn’t know the family, but I saw the little boy’s burns – horrible, horrible memory.

  • Lauren

    You are doing it! I say: celebrate your course completion, let the sitter watch the kids one more time and go out with your husband. You deserve it. The chores will always be there anyway. 🙂

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