Marriage Confessions,  Southern Weddings

Come Visit, Ya.ll!

I’m so happy to announce that I’ll be posting a regular column twice a month on the Southern Weddings Magazine blog starting… TODAY!  I am super excited because Southern Weddings encompasses all that I stand for as a Southern woman – charm, sophistication, and sweet tea, among other things – all wrapped up in super chic and yet very down home weddings.  Basically, I want to invite myself to every wedding they profile.  I don’t think the brides would mind.  I’m a really good wedding guest.  I always bring a gift, I never drink, and you only have to take the microphone away from me during love ballads.

Come visit and say hi to me and the lovely ladies of SW. Today we’re chatting about my pro-Valentine stance.


What are your thoughts about V-Day? Cheezy? Lovey? Too commercial?


  • Paige Taddiken

    Yo Katie … that was like the best post ever. And I’ve read a lot of your posts. Could you link up every time you post over there? Because I’ve been married for a while and I’m like never going to be qualified as Southern. I mean, tea does not come sweetened where I live.

  • Katie N.

    Great post on SWM, Katie! It made me smile, because your guest posts on SWM are how I originally found your blog and started following you. At the time, SWM was the only blog I knew about and read religiously. Then, one day, you posted there (I believe it was your hilarious registry post?), so I clicked my way on over to MC and haven’t looked back! Now I read literally about 20 blogs a day (sick, I know), but MC is still my favorite BY FAR. Conversations in my house often start with, “My blog friend…” and my husband knows I’m referencing you 🙂 MC is the blog that launched me in to this time-sucking activity known as following blogs, but I couldn’t be happier I found YOUR blog and have been able to follow you through these past few years. Your posts always make my day 🙂

    And, since you asked, I am totally pro-Valentine’s Day! But not in a cheesy, spend lots of money on me by buying roses and a fancy dinner, just in a sweet way with fun little gestures as a reminder to celebrate our love 🙂

  • Melissa

    Love the post, and this is going to sound like such a nitpicky thing, but it’s “y’all” not “ya’ll.” I know I sound ridiculous pointing it out, but it just drives me insane every time I see it.

  • Nikki

    Such a cute post! I’ve never been a huge fan of Valentine’s Day, and I’m really not sure why. My Husband thinks it’s a trick that I don’t want anything, but he’s starting to get used to it! I think when we start having kiddos that I will want to start some traditions. We will just have to see!

  • Elisabeth M

    Great post. And congratulations on the renewed relationship with SWM. I’ll admit, I’m not a Valentine’s person, but you make a strong case for it. As we get older and life gets more complicated, maybe it does make sense to have a day where we stop for a second and say “I appreciate you in my life!”

  • Carlene

    I LOVE the part is about being what makes you fight. I’m not emotional AT ALL, but if the littlest thing goes wrong in our marriage, I lose it. And its because I love him too much. We care about each others opinions more than anyone else in the world, so every disagreement seems magnified. Thank you for putting that into words!

    Also, to answer your question: I don’t like Valentine’s day. At all. I hate being told when to go on a date and do something special with my husband. If I want to go out to dinner, or surprise him with cute lingerie, I can do it on our anniversary, or March 10, or September 23, or June 2.

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