Changes,  Health,  Marriage Confessions

Part Two: 30 Year Health Check


Yesterday was the first in a series of posts I’m doing about taking care of myself. Partly inspired because of my 2012 resolutions to eat better and exercise and partly inspired by my dad’s heart disease, I’ve been trying hard lately to be a little healthier. Which, for someone as lazy as me, is a big deal. Yesterday was all about what I’m eating (and not eating) these days, and today I’m focusing on the exercise part.

Or, as I like to call it, “Operation: Dying On My Neighborhood Sidewalk.”

The morning after Valentine’s Day, I found myself lying awake in bed at 5:00am. That’s not that shocking, really. I usually wake up between 4:30 and 5:00 every day and then just lay there dozing and making endless lists of things to do until my alarm goes off at 6:30. On this particular morning, I found myself making a list of all the crap I’d eaten in the past couple days. It was a long list.

And then I started thinking about that conversation I had with Sarah in my driveway about heart disease.

And then I started thinking about how there’s nothing I can do to prevent heart disease and how I really wanted to see my babies grow up so that they could experience sleepless nights when they have children of their own.

And then I sat straight up in bed and thought, “But I CAN do something!”

And then, really quick before I could think it through, I got out of bed and dug out my only pair of athletic pants/shorts/capris thingies that I own and put them on. Then I dug even deeper for that sports bra that I was sure I owned at one point in college. Then I dug out my Walmart brand tennis shoes that I bought for a crazy party in the middle of the woods one night in college. I took my iPhone and headed out.

But I got to my front door and realized it was still really dark outside and I didn’t know how comfortable I felt running around in the dark by myself, so I ran back upstairs and dragged Big Molly out of bed and made her go with me. Turns out, she’s the perfect running companion because she’s fat, she’s lazy, and she pants louder than me when we run.

Which got me thinking about the real reasons that Sarah always made me go running with her

Anyway, I went running. All on my own. No one made me. I just got up and did it.


But the true miracle in this little story is that I’ve gone every morning since.  Every morning I get up at 5:15 and run. Trust me, no one is more surprised by this than me. But after spending hours thinking over how the heck I ended up in an exercise routine (RUNNING, no less!), I’ve decided that it really is the perfect thing for me. I can’t ever do things in the evenings with Sarah because I have the kids. That’s a legit excuse, too. That 5:00-7:30 time frame is pretty chaotic in our house and a lot has to happen. Me stopping to go run or walk is really tricky. Plus, if I run or exercise, part of the reason would be to clear my head and take some time for myself. Hauling the kids around in a stroller doesn’t really do it for me.

But that 5:00am hour is really perfect. I have childcare. I have peace and quiet. I don’t have to brush my hair. Or teeth. I can just get up and go. So, I do. Usually, I run from 5:15 until about 5:45 or 6:00. Then, I get home and find Bean awake (he’s an early riser, too). I get Bean up and we go downstairs and have breakfast together, just the two of us. It’s actually really nice. Once we’re done eating, I let Bean play in the living room while I go upstairs and shower. While I’m in the shower, Chris gets up with Gracie around 6:45 and they go downstairs with Bean. I’m usually showered, dressed, and ready to go by 7:00, so I then help get the kids dressed and bags packed for the day. I pack my lunch, grab my keys, and we’re out the door by 7:30.

At first, I worried that I would be really tired from getting up that early, but it really hasn’t bothered me. I do notice that I go to bed a little earlier, which is actually good for me. And I’m sleeping much sounder, which is a minor miracle for me because I am a terrible sleeper. The one day that it really bothered me was today. I didn’t have to go to work and the kids were in daycare for the first half of the day, so without anything really to do, I just sat there and got really tired. But if I keep myself up and moving, I can go all day without feeling tired. Actually, I feel pretty darn good.

For the actual run, I’m using a great app that my mother-in-law recommended. She is a runner and serious athlete and she recommended Jeff Galloway to me back when I ran my first 5k and everyone thought that I was going to become a real runner. So, I downloaded Easy 5k with Jeff Galloway (this link is to the $3.99 app, which I am about to upgrade to, but I have the free one right now and it works just fine).  I have used a Couch 2 5k app before (I can’t remember or find which one it was!), but I like this one a lot better.  Jeff Galloway uses a run/walk pattern for running.  And he does everything in one-minute intervals.  So, you run one minute and walk one minute.  Which is really great because when I tell myself that I just can’t run any further or I’m going to pass out on my neighbor’s lawn, I remind myself that I can endure anything for one minute.  And so I keep going.  I also like him because he talks to you a little bit while you run.  He says a few little encouraging words as you’re running, but what I really like is that he talks to you a little bit about healthy living.  He might say a sentence or two about how your body burns fat.  Or what kinds of carbs are healthy and which you should avoid.  It’s never too much chatter, but just enough to remind yourself why you are running.  It’s actually very encouraging for me.

Jeff is my friend.

Right now, I’m almost up to 1.75 miles at a time and it takes me about 25 minutes.  Every day, Big Molly and I take a different route.  We run through our neighborhood, or we cross over into the next neighborhood and run around there.  Today, we ran all the way down this major road, which made me feel super powerful because I see lots of people running along that road all the time and I am always envious of them and their runner-like bodies.  This morning as I ran that route, I thought to myself, “I wonder if all those people I see running this way are panting and drooling and whispering curse words under their breathe, too?  Probably.”

After a week of running, here’s what I’ve decided.  The term “runner’s high” is not really the right phrase.  That phrase has always implied to me that the act of running gives the runner a high.  That does not happen to me.  (Although, this morning, for the first time, I made it through my run without feeling like I was going to die next to a yard gnome.)  What I experience is more like a “after runners high.”  And it lasts, roughly, all day.

All day after I have run, I feel pretty invincible.  My head is clearer.  I’m happier.  And I feel like I could literally kick someone’s arse if I had to.  I don’t really use the word “empowered” too often.  (Mostly because I can never remember if it’s “empowered” or “impowered.”)  But that’s the exact word for it.  Running for half an hour in the morning makes me feel empowered all day long.  I especially feel empowered over what I eat that day.  I turn down sweets and treats a lot easier if I’ve run that morning because I know how hard I worked and I think to myself, “Remember thinking that it was the end of your life as you stumbled by Mrs. Patterson’s driveway this morning?  And then how you pulled it together and made it all the way to Mr. Iverson’s corner lot without stopping and/or dying?  Is that doughnut really worth undoing all that effort?”

You know what else?  I feel prettier.  (giggle, giggle)

I feel kind of stupid saying that, but it’s true.  I feel prettier.  I’ve been carrying myself a little taller.  I’ve been wearing skirts instead of jeans.  I have taken a little more time getting ready in the morning.  And those little things are huge for me because I haven’t really felt attractive in a long time.  Probably not since I had Bean Man.  I figured that running would help that, but I thought it would take a while.  Maybe I’d feel better about myself when I could see some change in my shape.  But, apparently, my mind doesn’t need to wait for my body.  Nothing has changed.  I still look exactly the same, but I feel better about myself in one short week.

Although, I can’t say Big Molly experiences the same thing.  Poor Big Molly.  That sweet, big, fat dog runs every step with me and I am so grateful for her!  When I start to slow down, she pulls ahead a little and tugs me with her.  And when she starts to slow down, I remind her how good we’re both going to look in bikinis this year and she picks up the pace a little.  We’re good running partners.

So, I’m exercising regularly.  And I’m not dying.  And I’m not hating it.

Miracles do happen.


Tune in tomorrow when I talk about what health and beauty products I’m using these days as I get closer to hitting the big 3-0.


  • Anna

    Running really does make you feel empowered!!! I too have begun running about a month ago and I have noticed how much better I feel about myself!!! I am also eating healthier!!! It’s amazing how a little bit of exercise can make you feel!!! Keep up the good work… People kept tellingly when I first started this health kick that if I did it for 21 days straight it would be a habit and Im glad to say in on week 5 of this awsome habit!!

  • Alyssa

    I’m so proud of you. I need to start running again, I just haven’t worked out the timing yet. Hubby leaves for work between 4 and 5 am so I can’t run in the am and night time is not good for me to get out and run with dinner, bath, and bed time. But I’ll figure it out eventually I guess.

  • Lindsey

    We live in Utah so we had to buy a treadmill in January when I decided I wanted to run. I love running in the morning – not only does it make sense for the same reasons as you, kids, dinner etc – but it sets the tone for your whole day. Keep it up! I can feel you glowing! lol

  • Diana

    Yay!!!! That is super exciting. My 3 year old Aussie is my running buddy. The funny thing is, while aussies are supposed to be energetic working dogs, he is kind of a sandbagger. I find myself having to yell words of encouragement when we get past 5 miles.

  • Tara

    Just FYI for anyone else who is intersted, the Couch25K is now called ‘Ease into 5K’ (or something like that). I used it, it worked like a charm! I took a 3month break and came right back to running 3 or 4k at a time!

    Well done! You are an inspiration to us all (thanks for the kick in the butt to go running this evening…!)

  • meg

    oh my gosh i just started running this year too! i was the kid in gym class who would cry the day we had to run the mile for the presidential fitness test. cry. tears. so far this year i’ve done a 5K, a 4.5 mile turkey trot and am training for a 10miler. i’m so excited for you that you’ve found this for yourself! my one recommendation is to ditch the walmart sneaks and squirrel away some funds for a pair of real running shoes (go to a running store and get fitted). you don’t want to save your heart by having to trade in for bilateral knee replacements 🙂 go katie!!

  • Sarah H.

    First I envy anyone who can shower and get ready that fast. I TRY but the shower, full makeup, blow dry, straighten, curl my hair, pick out an outfit thing takes me an hour and 15 min every day. I can never exercise in the morning because there’s no time with all that primping!
    I use to run for the first few years of our marriage—when I was a teacher and then a grad student if fit into my life easier. I totally understand that when you run healthier food choices are easier! So true. I’ve never had runners high either –but I did have swimmers high! The high is when you get to this magic point where it feels like you could go on forever. With some coaches I never achieved it, but I had this one that for some reason his practices were designed SO well that I hit that place often. Ahh, good memories.
    Anyway, I’m SO glad you’re doing it and not hating it! Keep up the good work! Now that you’ve blogged about it we can hold you accountable 😉

  • Angie

    Go Katie!! I run off & on…and I always feel so good when I do! I just need to borrow some of your dedication & stick with it! I usually go after work, which works for me (kid-less) but sometimes I drag my butt out of bed for a morning workout with Jillian Michaels 30 day shred to get some toning in…and those are always motivating days…I just need to do it more!

  • Megan

    You go girl! I’m a Wellness Director at a Y and I preach this to my clients all the time 🙂 Nothing quite beats that after-running high…and you’re right, the high usually comes AFTER you’ve gotten through the part where you feel like you’re dying haha

  • Nikki

    Oh how I loathe running! I go to the gym in the morning, and it really sets a great tone for the day. I’ve noticed that I fidget a lot less and I’m less grumpy, which makes my coworkers happy. It’s been rough the last week, so thanks for the extra motivation!!

  • Michelle

    Okay, so Daniel and I are taking our first annual “away from the kids” vacation (Henry is 2.5 and Daisy just turned 1!). I feel like you when y’all had your vacation away from the kids! While I was on the plane (we are going to NYC BTW to get some culture and just relax in the city!)- I read this article and it made me think of you. First off, it talks about Target and how they target new moms. It’s FASCINATING! You would love it! Secondly, it’s all about forming new habits and how to create new habits for exercise that work with our behavioral habit forming brain. Read here: I know it’s long- but trust me, it is so worth the time!!! Know that one of your imaginary friends was randomly thinking of you while on a kidless vacation! Ha!

  • Meredith

    You’re Awesome! I’ll second the comment about getting some good running shoes.

    And one tip…as if you needed one… make sure you commit to 1 whole month before you make any changes. At least then, you’ll see results and it’ll be close to a habit, so when the decision comes to whether you want to continue the answer will definitely be YES!

    You ROCK!!

  • jen

    thanks for the idea about the phone app…i just started training for my first 5k this week and the app idea was super helpful.
    Good job with the running every morning…Im with you about running in the morning so much easier when you have small ones to tend to.

  • Mindee@ourfrontdoor

    “Which got me thinking about the real reasons that Sarah always made me go running with her…”
    Best line of the week.

    Darnit Katie, you’re reminding me of all the reasons why I run even though I hate it and since I haven’t run since last summer, now I feel guilty. Luckily I live in Nebraska so I can use the weather as an excuse for a few more weeks.

  • Casey @ The Baker Bee

    I am so incredibly proud of you. And, you know what??? Running (or exercise at all, really) DOES make you prettier! It makes your skin glow and makes you smile more… what is prettier than that?! I am a runner, too, and I couldn’t imagine life without it. Good for you and keep it up!!

  • Chloe

    Good for you!
    I know I should do the same… but it’s not going to happen. I just know myself. I’m too lazy.
    But maybe if you keep writing about how good this running thing is, maybe, MAYBE I start running… 😉

  • Kim@NewlyWoodwards

    This is truly inspiring me! Congrats on this accomplishment – because if you are anything like me, getting up and moving that early is an accomplishment. Heart disease also runs in my family, so I’ve been reading your posts with lots of interest. And, I’m really trying to convince myself that getting up a little earlier for a walk wouldn’t kill me. Because it didn’t kill you. Right? Right?

  • Katie

    Thank you so much for your “30 Year Check Up” posts. I’ve just turned 30 myself, and feel the same as my age catching up to me. People have always told me I have an old soul… whatever that means. ; ) But being healthier is something I’ve been struggling with too, obesity runs in my family. You’ve encouraged me to get up and start walking/running in the mornings. Thank you so much for sharing your life with all of us. You’re so encouraging!

  • HeatherM

    I’m SO jealous of your warm weather! I was running last fall, but then this stupid thing called winter came along. Our average highs are just starting to creep into the thirties regularly, and that’s mid-day, so temps are in the 20’s in the mornings and evenings. There are some runners out now, and I don’t know how they do it. When I think of running in 20 degree weather, I think of bronchospasms and slipping and falling on ice a mile from home, and my husband not answering his phone to pick me up, and then I get stranded.
    By the way, have you seen the movie How Does She Do it? with Sarah Jessica Parker? There is a funny bit in there about moms and their mental lists. Speaking of which, do you think maybe you are feeling better in part just because you are worrying less? You aren’t laying there and making mental lists all the time. Maybe doing so was harder on your mind and body than you thought.

  • Kristi

    What a great post! I started running two years ago because a friend told me I could, and now I have a half-marathon and a triathlon under my belt! Keep it up – it does get easier as your endurance builds and you were very smart to ease into it. I think a lot of people start running and then give up because it takes awhile to build your endurance. Good for you, and for your family, too!

  • Arden

    I started the Couch 2 5k program about a month ago! I never thought I’d be able to do anything aerobic cause my asthma always had me wheezing a couple minutes in, but the way it builds up your running time really helps! I’m up to running a whole FIVE minutes at a time before walking again, which is something I never thought I’d do! I’m with you, having an app to cue you when it’s time to run and walk is SO key! I’ll have to check out the Jeff Galloway one!

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