Bean,  Birthdays,  Parenting

A Guilt-Driven 10 Year Old Birthday Celebration

This Saturday, Bean turned 10 years old. Ten. As in, two hands of fingers. As in double digits. As in, according to my high school English teacher, Mr. King, I no longer have to spell out his age (three, four, five, etc.) and can now simple use numbers. As in, I have been a parent for a decade, people. A DECADE.

As in, some of you have been reading about my family for a decade. Let that one sink in for a minute. WE OLD, IMAGINARY FRIENDS. We so old.

On his actual birthday, we celebrated pretty low key. Because it was his birthday and Bean ruled all on Saturday, we had to get up when he got up to open presents, which was, like, ass-crack of dawn thirty. He got some really great presents from everyone. Chris and I gave him the Hogwarts Great Hall Lego set, a Lego race car, and a set of laser tag guns that he asked for. From family, he also got a few more Lego sets, Lego PS4 games “Jurassic World” and “Incredibles 2,” the Smart Games Asteroid Escapea, a Perplexus Epic puzzle ball, and a remote control glider airplane.

After his birthday breakfast and presents, we hung around the house for the morning playing with his new toys and then headed out in the afternoon to see “Aladdin” (really good, btw!). Then, we came home and had dinner and cake with Nana. It was a really great day, but we were resting up for his birthday celebration with friends on Sunday.

Back in April, we spent a Saturday morning laying on the couch, leisurely planning out Bean’s birthday party. Like the put-together and always-on-top-of-things mother I like to pretend to sometimes be, I patted myself on the back for having the foresight to think ahead for planning because Bean’s birthday always falls in the last week of school, which is just chaos ’round these parts. Yes, planning the birthday party ahead of time was definitely the responsible, rockstar parenting thing to do.

So, we have this great conversation about what kind of party he wants and who all he wants to invite and then I very promptly forgot the entire conversation in about an hour and never once thought about it again until this past Monday when I was a thousand miles away on business and the 4:00am guilt monster reared it’s ugly head to remind me that I am a terrible mother who has forsaken her children for a paycheck which will probably end up putting them on some therapist’s couch in about 15 years, lamenting about “that one summer when my mom worked and all my hopes and dreams of a fun summer died a long, slow, painful death.”


So, like most working mom’s, I shoved the guilt down to the depths of my soul, where I will most likely have to deal with it at some point. But, as Scarlet O’Hara says, “I’ll think about that tomorrow.” Instead, I decided to fix the problem as best as I could. We invited Bean’s two best buds out for an afternoon at the Main Event for the ropes course, bowling, and basically my entire paycheck in arcade credits.

(Note to self: Add “buying offspring’s love” to list of therapy topics.)

But, the boys had a great time and Bean said it was one of his favorite birthdays, so that’s a big fat win in the mom column.

(Note to self: Add “setting unrealistic life expectations for offspring” to therapy topics.)

So, we probably won’t win any parenting awards for Bean’s birthday, but that doesn’t mean that it still wasn’t an awesome weekend spent celebrating a beyond awesome kid. It actually was a birthday weekend that perfectly summed up Bean’s personality, actually. Laid back and happy with pretty much anything, as long as cake and laser tag is involved.

Ten years of loving that little dude has just been the greatest. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BEAN!


  • Jenn

    10! Cannot believe he’s 10 this year. Woah. For my 5 yr old’s birthday this year we nugged her to forgo a party with her classmates and went to an indoor water park overnight instead, just the 3 of us. Between her gifts and the hotel we also spent about a paycheck but she had a blast and I didn’t need to deal with booking a place and RSVP’s. Win win in my book

  • Diane

    Sounds like he had a fun weekend! Hard to believe that he is 10 already! I remember when you posted he was born. Happy to have been a faithful follower for a decade. It is also so much fun because my oldest is the same age as he is. Also happens to have the nickname Bean that was given to her by other people. haha

    • Elisabeth M

      I think I have indeed been reading your blog since before you were pregnant with Bean. That’s insane! How did that happen so fast?!

      Congrats on pulling it together. The working mom hustle is real and sometimes painful. You are killing it though!

  • Lee Ann

    Looks like it was a great birthday party to me! Wish at 50(-coughcough-something), I could have a party like this, but I’m not sure my insurance would cover the broken bones and torn muscles. But let’s get to the really important stuff … there is NO WAY I’ve been reading this blog for more than 10 years! No way! Bean … I mean Michael … must have been five years old when you first posted his birth announcement, and you’ve been double-blogging the years to make it seem like it’s been 10 years. Yep, that’s what you’ve done. Glad I figured that out!

  • Jemma Liu

    Hi I am from Singapore and have been reading your blog since I was pregnant with my son who is now turning 6! I was inspired by your parenting anecdotes and just wanted to say that you are a real encouragement even all the way across the equator. Thanks for sharing your stories and life!

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