
  • Being Married to a Dad

    When Chris and I were in high school, I thought he was hot. I loved that he loved his family and ate dinner with them every night.  I loved that importance he gave…

  • A Love Note.

    Fifteen years ago, if someone would have asked me if I knew who Kate was I would have said, “that redheaded girl?” Twelve years ago, if you would have told me that I…

  • A Healthy Marriage

    We took Bean to the pediatrician for this two-year-old check up a couple weeks ago and they confirmed what we had already suspected. He’s a pipsqueak. Bean’s in the 5th percentile for weight.…

  • Sunday Funday

    This weekend we got out and about. Thank goodness. I was getting cabin fever just sitting around the house, so it was nice to be going and doing things. Saturday we ran boring…

  • Vignettes of My Husband

    One time when he was in grad school, Chris was working on this show that was designed by Maurice Sendak (author of Where the Wild Things Are).  This show had a woman dressed…

  • A Funny Little Story

    This weekend Chris and I took Bean to the Orlando Science Center for a day of Big Boy fun.  In the exhibit about weather and the earth, I took a minute to sit…

  • Euphoria

    Since coming home from the hospital, my hormones have been whacked out, to say the least. But unlike during my pregnancy, my hormones seem to be surging from happy to happier and back…

  • Back to Our New Reality

    After such a fun day on Saturday with family, Sunday morning was a lazy day for me, Chris, and Gracie Girl. Everyone was still at our house and would be coming back up…

  • Look What We Made!

    The past few days have been a whirlwind of surprises and excitement as we welcomed the early, unexpected arrival of Baby Gracie.  Thank you all for your emails, comments, FB messages, and Tweets…

  • My Gracie Girl

    All day I have been thinking, “I wonder if Kate will have enough energy to put some pictures up tonight?”  Then I thought, “wait a minute!  I have a blog too!”  I know…