
  • Easter Fun

    This morning, Chris, Bean, and I woke up and put on our Easter duds and headed out to try a new church.  Its the second one we’ve tried since we’ve lived in Florida…

  • Toasting the Bride

    On Saturday night after my cousin’s Eagle Scout ceremony, my aunt and uncle threw my sister and her fiance a wedding shower.  It was a lot of fun. But throughout the whole evening,…

  • A Family Affair

    This past weekend, Chris, Bean and I rode to Atlanta with my parents for two very important events.  On Saturday morning, my cousin, Jake, had his Eagle Scout ceremony and then later that…

  • Weekend Warriors: Florida Edition

    This weekend I remembered the things I love about Florida.  The warm weather.  The sunshine.  The outdoors. And my hair remembered the reason we left Florida.  The humidity.  I’ve taken, like, two showers…

  • Today Was a Great Day

    After struggling through the past couple days and trying to adjust to living in Florida again, today was just the day that I needed.  Chris and I started the day by unpacking box…