My Home for the Holidays
You know those people who leave their Christmas lights up all year long? I would totally be one of those people if Chris would let me. I love Christmas. And…
Family, Pictures, and Grown Up Little Sisters
This past week we loaded up the fruitcake and stuffed Beanie in his car seat and drove 10 hours to my sister’s house in Virginia. Once we got on the road though,…
Beancast: Traveling for Thanksgiving
This year, we traveled to Virginia to spend Thanksgiving with my family at my sister’s house. The trip was supposed to take 10 hours according to Mapquest. We factored in an…
A Thanksgiving Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, Today we come to you in thanks for all the many blessings you have given to us. We thank you for the people in our lives that show us…
The Grandmomma Has Landed
On Saturday evening, the Heavens opened up and dropped a Grandmomma on my front porch. Beanie was pretty excited. So was I. Chris’ mom, Jackie, and her boyfriend, Charles (which I like…
Giveaway: Traditions and Shtuff
To me, the holidays are about traditions. And presents. And fudge. But mostly about traditions. In my family, my Mom’s Christmas village is a tradition that I love. …
Family (Dis)function
Chris and I originally planned to be at our house for Christmas this year. It was going to be our first time having Christmas in our own house. I figured that…
Part of the Fam
I thought I’d give you all an update on Chris’ dad since I’ve gotten some emails about it (read about Chris’ family crisis HERE). He is home from the hospital and recovering…
Being a Big Kid
I try to keep this blog upbeat. If I had to classify it, I’d hope that it could be considered a humor blog. One of my main goals in writing is…
Doing What Comes Naturally
One of the things that I’ve always loved about my relationship with Chris was how easy it comes to both of us. We may not have too many elaborate gestures. We…