Fun Things
Long Weekends, Happy Hearts
Friday was a teacher planning day for me. I originally planned to send the kids to our daycare because they offer an extended day program on days when the public schools are closed.…
Remix: A Laugh A Day
Last night, I was browsing through old blog posts from way back when Bean was born because he has been a total turd this week and I wanted to be reminded of a…
Hello again, imaginary friends! I missed you so while I was away, but I did enjoy a much needed break from my blogging grind stone. I have been soaking up time away from…
Ginny vs. The Birthing Ball
So, my sister and I were talking this week and she told me a story that made me wet my pants. Seriously. I laughed so hard that I peed my pants. I figured…
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
I am a firm believer in celebrating the end of the week on Friday nights. There’s nothing more disappointing to me than looking forward to Friday all week and then going home and…
Hi. I’m Married to a Five-Year-Old.
Chris has two jobs on school-day mornings. He fixes the kids breakfast while I get dressed, and he takes Bean to school after Gracie and I leave at an earlier time. Easy peasey.…
Vacation Pictures, Part Two!!!!!
(This is a continuation of our vacation to the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee. See it from the beginning here.) At the end of our awesome first day of vacation, we came…
Pop Some Popcorn! It’s Vacay Picture Time!
Oh, imaginary friends. Come. Sit on my couch and hold my photo album in your imaginary laps while I explain every single vacation photo to you in detail. There are 428. Seriously. That’s…
Weddings + @Instagram = #truelove
Chris and I went to a wedding this past weekend that rocked my socks. First of all, it had a crucial element to all successful weddings: A happy couple. Ashlyn and Josh are…
Things I Love Right Now
1. Bean’s soccer games. I love cheering for him on Saturdays at his soccer games. It has been so fun to watch him grow and learn this season. He doesn’t seem to have…