Fun Things

  • Come Home to Kittens

    I can’t say enough about how strong my mom has been since my dad’s passing.  She has been the epitome of grace and strength throughout the past seven weeks.  She is facing all…

  • Sadness, Advertisements, and Books

    I feel like all my blog has been lately is sadness and advertisements.  Not that there’s anything wrong with either of those.  Sadness is normal and healthy, and advertising helps pay the bills,…

  • I Should Have Stayed in Bed

    This past weekend I made a bunch of plans, forgetting that Chris was scheduled in be in tech rehearsals all weekend long. Thankfully, my mom came down for the weekend, so I didn’t…

  • Feeding New Moms

    I don’t know about y’all, but babies are every where in my world right now!  It seems like everyone is either pregnant, getting ready to pop, or just had a baby.  Which is…

  • Summertime Confessions

    1.  This morning I checked my email and saw that one of the mom email lists that I am on from church sent out an email announcing that Jake and the Neverland Pirates…

  • I Will (Did) Survive!

    Well, I survived vacation bible school. It was pretty awesome. We had 525 children, and ages ranged between three years old up to fifth grade. I’m so glad I was involved because the…

  • Running Around All Crazy Like

    Well, against all odds and against everything I thought I knew about myself, I have actually stuck with this running thing.  Who knew I was so determined and athletic?  (Determined athletes still groan…

  • How I Became a “Yes” Mom

    Bean is three years old. Which means a large part of my day is spent telling him no. No, you cannot bring those rocks inside. No, you cannot wear slippers to church. No,…