Fun Things

  • Really Good Days

    Do you ever have those really good days? Days when the sun is shining and your hair looks good and no one pitches a fit and everyone takes a nap and your husband…

  • Two Days, Two Dates, Too Old

    For the past year and for the next coming year, I’m taking classes as part of my process of completing my teaching certification. Some of the classes are online, but two or three…

  • Dear Sarah

    My best friend, Sarah, is in Michigan with her husband’s family for the summer.  I miss her like crazy.  She’s been in Canada at their family cottage for the past two weeks, which…

  • Going Home

    This weekend, we packed up and headed back out of town again. This time we went to our hometown of Pensacola, Florida (well, technically we’re from a barrier peninsula just off the coast…

  • Another Pinterest Project

    Hi, my name is Katie and I am addicted to Pinterest. Ever since my obsession with Pinterest first began, I’ve had my eye on these particular bookshelves for Bean’s room. They are really…

  • Hair of the Blog

    When I was in Atlanta with my sister a couple weekends ago, I did a series of videos with her on her fashion and style. Mostly it was about her hair. A lot…

  • Happy 3rd Birthday, Bean!

    Tomorrow, June 1, is Bean’s 3rd birthday. But I’m too excited to wait the one hour and fifteen minutes to post this on his actual birthday. We are celebrating tomorrow morning with Bean’s…

  • Gone a-Visitin.

    We all had so much fun in Atlanta this weekend. I wanted to spend some time with my sister before her baby arrives this August and before all the pre-baby festivities begin and…