Fun Things

  • Big Boy Day

    First, thank you all for the suggestions on how to deal with Bean during this transition period. We had an appointment with our pediatrician on Friday for Gracie and while we were there,…

  • Because It’s Friday

    Because it’s Friday and I can’t think of anything else to say this week… And because we all know you guys are just here to see cute baby pictures… And because Gracie finally…

  • The Mini-Nursery

    Just like we did with Bean, we are keeping Gracie in our room at night in a bassinet until she’s a little bigger. I’m sure she’d be fine, really, to sleep in her…

  • Jenn Hopkins – YOU ROCK!

    When we first moved to Florida, I got an email from a photographer friend of my sister’s who offered to do family portraits for our little family of three.  Jenn Hopkins was a…

  • Finishing Touches

    We are two weeks away from Gracie’s arrival and I think the nursery is finally done.  I had been feeling a little bit like the room wasn’t quiiiiiiite done yet, but couldn’t put…

  • Sunshine and Showers

    This past weekend, my friend Sarah threw me a lovely baby brunch in honor of Miss Gracie. It was absolutely lovely and I felt so special – just like any good shower should…

  • Stud.

    On Saturday, during nap time, Bean learned how to open his “child-locked” dresser drawers. Which means he was able to get into his bottom drawer that holds all of his summer stuff. Swimming…

  • Has Anybody Seen My Baby?

    This weekend I was doing something in the living room and Bean wandered off to play somewhere.  He was gone for about 10 minutes when I heard him cry out, “Momma!”  And that…