Cups Without the Cake
This past weekend, Chris was in tech rehearsals all day on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Which left me to fend for myself with two wee ones that weekend. Luckily, they are getting to…
Soooooo, Bean’s three and a half. And if I had to describe three and a half year old boys in one word, it would have to be “rambunctious.” Like, REALLY, REALLY rambunctious. Bean…
Gracie Update: Age 22 Months
Gracie Girl is 22 months old this week. In some ways, I can’t believe she is almost two-years-old, but in other ways it is hard to believe she’s ONLY two-years-old. Gracie Girl is…
Daily Dose of Tillman: Tuesday
“Oh, man,” said Tillman. “I love hanging with you, Aunt Katie.” “Oh, yeah? Well, I love hanging with you, T-Man.” “So, what are we going to do this afternoon?” “Well, I thought I’d…
Potty Training by Brothers
I’m not going to lie. One of the hardest parts of being a parent are Saturday mornings. My little elves don’t know Mondays from Saturdays, so 6:30 comes early no matter what day…
Fun in the November Sun
This past weekend, Chris painted some more on the outside of our house. He’s been doing it one side of the house at a time each weekend. It’s looking really good! Because he’s…
Toddler Gangs
Don’t be fooled by these faces. They may look happy and playful, but they are really hardened gang members, capable of monstrous acts of rebellion. They are the smallest members of the well-known,…
Dear Santa… (Part 2)
I shared a few weeks ago about toys the kids have had throughout the past few years that are still huge hits around our house. I thought today I’d give you a sneak…