On the Sunny Side of the Street (Freaking Finally!)
Well, ain’t it nice to see you all again! I have missed you! But I had a much needed little time-out with the fam and we are all in a much better place…
Happy, Friendly, Independent Little Dude
This week my good friend, Sarah, and I took Bean to a new splash park. That is absolutely his favorite way to spend an afternoon and this park didn’t disappoint. I continue to…
Our Family is Growing!
Yes, it’s true. Our family of three just became a family of four. I’m so happy to announce the arrival of our slimy, scaly bundle of joy. I bought Bean a fish yesterday.…
The Sacrificial Laundry Wench
Laundry is my nemesis. It’s like the house guest that just won’t leave. I stumble over it. Climb over it. Cry over it. And, yet, it continues to sit there in gigantic piles…
Book Worms and Book Ends
One of the things that I am most proud of as a parent is Bean’s love of books and reading. I started reading to him before he was even born. I’d read things…
When Mom Does the Dishes
This past weekend as I did the dishes, I learned several important things about the men in my life. First, they are easily entertained. Next, some short person has been putting items into…
Operation BWYP: Almost There, But Not Quite
Since moving our family from Connecticut to Florida five months ago, Chris and I have been working on Operation: Bloom Where You Are Planted in our marriage. It’s what we are calling our…
That’s What Grandmommas Are For
This past weekend, Chris’ mom, Jackie, came to town with her boyfriend, Charles, to celebrate Chris’ sister’s birthday. We had such a fun weekend. We went out for hibachi on Friday night for…
Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds
Once upon a time there was a little mutt puppy named Lucy. She was beloved by her owner named Katie and all was right with the world. Together, Katie and Lucy explored the…