Eff This Healthy Shizzzz
A few weeks ago, I blogged about how I have given up certain things in my life in order to simplify and make myself happier. One of the things I gave up was…
Puke and Rally in My 30’s
Yesterday, I started my first workout of a three-week bootcamp. For three weeks, I am going to be doing these crazy intense workouts and eating like a squirrel. Please notice the extreme excitement…
Running Around All Crazy Like
Well, against all odds and against everything I thought I knew about myself, I have actually stuck with this running thing. Who knew I was so determined and athletic? (Determined athletes still groan…
Making Changes Instead of Making Excuses
This week I made a little change in my life. Actually, a pretty big change. I decided that I was tired of not liking the way I felt about myself. I’ve become lazy…
Jillian Michaels and Other Things I Could Live Without
I am late blogging today because I spent my entire morning preparing for a 20-minute work out DVD. Today I started my first day of Jillian Michael’s 30-Day Shred. With Bean’s first birthday,…