• Body Image

    It has been a jarring day, to say the least. I am spent. And my body image has been battered down to my sixth grade self. Several things happened today which led to…

  • Running Around All Crazy Like

    Well, against all odds and against everything I thought I knew about myself, I have actually stuck with this running thing.  Who knew I was so determined and athletic?  (Determined athletes still groan…

  • New Ears, New Baby

    Gracie has had tubes in her ears for two weeks now, and I cannot get over what a difference they have made in her personality. I knew (or I hoped) that they would…

  • New Ears!

    Yesterday we took Gracie in to get tubes in her ears. I was a little worried going into it, but mostly I was excited for her. Gracie’s ears have been such trouble for…

  • The Downside of Daycare

    We’ve had our kids in daycare since they were each about four months old. Our health insurance is provided through my job, and so we can’t really afford for me to stay home.…

  • Sick Bed

    I’ve blogged about this before, but it is so bizarre that I feel the need to blog about it again. The summer after Chris and I were first married, I came down with…

  • Get Your Motor Runnin.

    I’m going on three weeks of this terrible sinus infection (with a side of double ear infections). It has just been slow going’s getting better. As soon as I’d start to feel better,…

  • Scenes from a Sick Bed

    This week I have really concentrated on living through my sinus infection and double ear infections. It’s taken a lot of concentration. I don’t remember ever having been this sick. I broke down…