Blogging,  Giveaways,  Marriage Confessions

Geez €¦Quit Flooding Me With Comments, People!

Oh, pretend blog friends, I’m so sorry I yelled at you and we had our first fight.   And, holy moly, did you people make up for not commenting!   You can probably not comment for the next 10 years and you’d still be off the hook.

But don’t do that.   I’d miss you.

Yesterday was so surreal as I read all your comments.   I told Chris it was like all my imaginary friends suddenly just walked in my door.   I mean, knew you guys existed, but I sort of thought it was all in my head!   Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the incredibly kind comments and thoughts yesterday.   This blog is a true passion of mine and it was so wonderful to know that it wasn’t falling on deaf ears.

I also heard some pretty consistent reasons for not commenting – the most common one being that you never heard from me so why should I hear from you?   You all said it much nicer, of course, but let’s call it what it is, shall we?   I said, “Where are you people?” and you said, “Where are WE?   Where are YOU???”

Its so nice to know you all now so that I can stop having pretend conversations with you in my head.

We really must be friends because only friends would know that this is a truly horrible personality trait of mine.   I’m terrible with the ol’ correspondence thing.   Just ask my best friends from high school that I haven’t seen since graduation.   Or ask my two college roommates who were like brothers to me that I haven’t talked to in about 3 years.   Or ask my sister who has left me about a million voicemails that I haven’t returned.   Or ask that guy from American Express that keeps sending me nasty letters.   (Just kidding.   I always pay my bills.   Don’t have a heart attack, Mom.   It was just a joke.)

I’m terrible at keeping in touch.   I don’t respond to emails, voicemails, Facebook, Twitter, letters, or that one time Chris sent me a greeting card he made out of pretzels.   So, it really doesn’t surprise me that I don’t keep in touch with you all on my blog either.   Its not that I’m not reading every single word you write about a thousand times.   I devour what you say.   You have such great ideas and thoughts and even if its just you saying, “My husband does that, too!” it still makes me feel like you’re not all out there reading about my life and thinking, “That chick just ain’t right in the head…

But I can change, imaginary blog friends.   I can change!

In an effort to give the people what they ask for, my trustee techy sidekick, Chris, will be changing our commenting format so that people can REPLY to comments, too.   And I’ll start replying to comments as well.   I can’t promise I’ll get to all of them – especially if you all go all over-achiever on me like you did today – but I’ll comment just enough to let you know that I’m here and I hear ya.

Oh, imaginary   blog friends, I’m so glad we’ve made up and moved on.

You know what I like to do when I’ve had a big fight with someone?   Buy them a present.   Cause its not real love if you can’t materialize it, right?   And that’s exactly what I’m gonna do for you all.   Well, just one of you really.


I’m gonna give one special Chosen Child this beautiful insulated wine picnic set as my way of saying, “I’m sorry about our first lover’s quarrel, but I know it will just strengthen our relationship.   Now why don’t we sit by the lake together and drink wine and cheese on a plaid blanket and talk about where we see this relationship going in the next five years and when it would be a good time for me to meet your mother.”

That’s what this gift says.   You know.   In my head.

To be entered to win the wine tote, ENTER A COMMENT BELOW telling me who the last person was that you got into a fight with.   And please provide juicy, dirty details.   And pictures.

(Just kidding.)

(Unless you want to.)

*Giveaway ends Friday at Midnight EST.*


  • Jessica

    The last person I got into a fight with was my silly little sister. I don’t even know what we fought about, but she’s the only person I ever fight with now that the whole “i’m not inviting you to my birthday party” elementary school is way over. We fight over everything; who got water on the mirror? who’s headband is whose? what color the wall is? etc.

  • Jayme

    The last person i got in to a fight with was my use to be best friend. Her husband ( which was my husbands best friend) was away at boot camp and she had posted some pictures of her with some guys hand on her leg. I got to thinking that that wasn’t right, and more pictures continued to get posted of this random guy and her. Well I told her husband that something might be going on. He confronted her about it, she lied and made me look like the bad person… we got into it. and now they are divorced and she has a baby with the guy she was cheating on her husband with. Gosh I am glad all of that drama is over!!!!

  • Maggie

    The last person I was in a fight with was my fabulous gay BFF/soulmate in LA. The fight was about me not understanding his “30s are a drag” drag party (it’s for his 30th birthday). He explained his sister was going as “Ken Etiquette” (she lives in Shelton, CT), “A male version of Martha Stewart,” and he’s going as “Diana Cancer,” complete with liver spots and an emphysema tank. He asked me what I thought MY sister should go as (she’s a cop in LA), and I told him it’d be funny if she went as the mustached lanky cop from Reno! 911. He was seriously pissed! “It’s not HALLOWEEN,” he yelled at me. Um, ok. I didn’t get the gay-clever-drag-party gene, I guess! Anyhoo…we made up, of course, once I promised to be some male version of Suzanne Somers (his idol-not stereotypical at all!) at the party.

  • Courtney d

    I last fought with one of my best friends–and I’m married, I know, shocking that my husband isn’t the last fight I had. But she was about to get married and was going nuts. She basically turned into a crazy PMS-ing drill sergeant instead of the girl I know and love. I remind her now, that’s the only time she’s ever allowed to act that way!

  • Jackie

    Speaking of not blogging, what happened to The Man Cave? I thought CHris was going to blog once a week. I love the “It’s too early to be grilling” –too funny. Love you all.

  • Cassie

    my boyfriend. it’s quite simple, really…. i’m always right, and so is he. we were leaving a wedding in Chattanooga, about 3 hours from where we go to school, and i was commenting (aka judging) everything i didn’t like about the wedding. and well, that consisted of the entire day. problem: the bride was HIS friend, so I may have struck a nerve.

    He commented that he liked the fact that there was a champagne fountain at the wedding. He said that at our wedding, he wanted to have beer on tap. major problem: though I do drink occasionally, my family doesn’t. AT. ALL. so considering that my dad would be paying for the wedding, it just couldn’t happen. end of story. though he has known my father and his SUPER! conservative ways for a few years, he just made it clear that it was still going to happen.

    he then added in “oh, and we’re not getting married at [my family’s] cabin, just as you’ve dreamed of doing your entire life.” ( minus that last part…but we’re talking about acres and acres of property with creeks, wooden bridges, and prettiness!) WRONG ANSWER. I responded “well, it looks like we’re marrying different people.” his response “since this isn’t going anywhere then, I guess you can get out here.” (three hours from our destination, mind you).

    after seriously considering it and sitting in silence for an hour… we’ve laughed about it ever since.

  • Jordan

    Wow, after reading some of the comments above, my entry seems so insignificant.

    I don’t actually remember the last hard core fight I had, but most recently my husband got angry at me because I can apparently be short and snippy towards him when we’re around other people. I vowed to work on it.

    • admin

      I am totally working on a “short and snippy” blog post for next week cause Chris says the same thing about me! – Katie

  • Sar

    The last person I got into a true fight with, with reprecussions? Where the relationship changed completely forever? My best friend from the time I was 5 years old, we grew up together. Then in what seems forever ago, high school, I did some extra credit that got me an A in my AP history class. She didn’t like that too much, we fought about it, and she quit talking to me. That was 7 years ago. Haven’t talked since, not for a lack of trying…

  • Ilana

    I was totally wowed to see how many other silent-types were lurking around your blog. Its so nice, it was like coming out the closet day. Sweet.

    Hmm..Last person I’d want to be in a fight with would probably be my hair dresser. Not a good time to piss someone off. You know…with the scissors…and the lack of wigs that don’t look like they’re not spray-painted….

  • Leeny

    Argument? Hubs of course. Can’t quite remember what began it.. which is odd because I usually can recall. Oh, maybe because it was my fault. Saying he might be a bit of a hypochondriac had quite more of an effect on him than I thought it would. Ooops.

  • Kelsey

    The last person I got into a fight with was my boyfriend:

    We were on a week-long canoe trip together, and terrible weather had made an already tense trip more so. One rainy afternoon, I realized my beau had left a borrowed piece of our camping equipment a few miles back at a campsite we had stayed at. (This was, of course, all his fault.) Frustrated and needing some alone time, I decided to canoe back BY MYSELF against the wind to retrieve said piece. Half a mile into my journey, I realized I was too weak and lonely to make the voyage alone, so I turned back, ready to make amends with my man. Upon my arrival, he ran to greet me, and in his eagerness, pulled the canoe upon shore, inadvertently dumping me into the lake. Many expletives, tears, and s’mores later, all was forgiven. (And the left-behind piece of equipment was eventually retrieved, together.)

    p.s. I love your blog, and read it pretty much every day! You give me hope that my high school boyfriend (we’re now finishing college) and I can beat the odds and become happily married one day, too.

  • Sandy

    I am sure it had to have been my husband! Don’t remember when or what it could have been about but I AM sure that I was in the right 😉

  • Katrina

    I don’t think I have ever gotten in a fight. I am very anti-confrontational. I almost got in a fight with my roomate a couple years ago… she drove me crazy. Slept with the guy I was dating (Thank God I didn’t) never cleaned the apartment, and then she was supposed to take over the lease when I moved out and she never did… come to find out she never put her name on the lease when she said she did! I got screwed with a rather large bill when she moved out before the lease was up and didn’t tell anyone…

  • Melissa

    Of course my husand. The details are blury. But memorable! My husband is the relaxed nt much really gets him aggrvated (except me). 99% of the time he apoloizes first (probably because he is wrong 99% of the time). Well recently I got him so mad he yelled and stomped and hit his fist on the table. I had to hold back a giggle because I never see him that way. I am the emotional tempermental one. I don’t even know what the fight was about, but I will not forget his reaction. By the way he loves your blog also. He tells me he reads it at work when he needs a good laugh. Not at you though with you.
    Your imaginary blog friend.

  • Shannon

    The last person I got in a fight with was my boyfriend of five years. We were on vacation in Alaska with his family (stressful, but fun) and we were kayaking in this bay with 45 degree water. He got in a paddle fight with one of the other guys and ended up dunking my arm into the freezing water!! It would’ve been fine, but I was wearing like 4 layers because it was so cold, and my coat and fleece soaked up the water. I got very dramatic and pout-y about it. It wasn’t pretty. But then he said I was pretty even though I got dunked, and that helped a bit!

  • Emily

    My last fight was probably with over Christmas and it was totally childish…a throw-back to elementary school… my sister never plays board games (the hubby & I are game-junkies) but she brought home a new BF and was suddenly interested in them. We spent all day playing the BF’s game (I’m talking about some weird Zombie game here) but when it was time to play my game (Apples to Apples, only the best game ever) she was suddenly tired. I threw a little tantrum (I’m a red-head too, what more can I say than tantrums run in my blood…) We made up that night and all was well, but that was my last fight. Compared to some of the fights above, it’s pretty mild. And a little embarrassing.

  • Margaret B

    You tell us not to comment and then you offer us PRESENTS! =) Seriously, though, just found this blog a few days ago and LOVE it (as well as the fact that I had my first son two months ago as well!).

    My last fight was with my darling husband, and honestly, it was only hours ago and I don’t even remember what it was about. Something stupid, probably, like that he wasn’t holding E correctly, or that he was annoying me by asking about something else that I hadn’t done yet. Seriously, I was with a fussy baby all day. Is he SURPRISED that I didn’t get much done? But I do love him.

  • Kimberly

    The last person I got in a fight with was my fiance. Looking back at it now, it is really silly and petty. He takes vitamins every morning and leaves the pill bottle on the table. I hate it. It is ugly. I suggested that he keep the bottle in the pantry. That was certainly the wrong move. He blew up at me and may have mentioned something about “nagging.” Needless to say, the vitamin bottle has remained on the table…for now. 🙂

  • Trish

    My last argument was with one of my gay buddies. He talked me into going to see Barry Manilow him..then got pissed because I got pulled up on stage to sing “Can’t Smile Without You” with Barry. He actually didn’t speak to me the rest of the weekend!!

  • Tammy in TN

    Ummm, my husband. I’ll spare you the details, but he didn’t call when he was 2 hours late, and he wasn’t answering his phone. It made me worry.

    Anyway, we almost had a fight over your husband’s wonderful post about how much he loved you. I showed it to my husband with a very “why don’t you ever write things like this for me” attitude, and voila! There was a love poem in my email the next day.

    Thanks Chris (and Katie).

    And, let me apologize for not commenting earlier. Especially on the bean video. In my defense, I usually read your blog while breastfeeding, and it makes it hard to type and read at the same time. I especially wanted to post a comment about the video, because at the time I had spit-up in my hair, and it looked like that scene from There’s Something About Mary. I wanted to comment that we could almost market spit-up into a hair product.

    Your blog is funny. I love it.

  • Zella

    My boyfriend and I have been sharing a twin bed (Yes, a TWIN bed) for over three years now. Needless to say, bedtime comes and do we snuggle? No. Do we enjoy the any romantic privileges? No. We play rock paper scissors for who gets to sleep in the living room with the cat with irritable bowl syndrome.
    So, Boyfriend tells me last month that we finally have the money for a new bed. We decide on a queen, go big or go home. And I have been counting down the days, hours, and minutes until Thursday, today, when we get to go to Ikea. And it’s a good thing that we’re going that Thursday, too, because our schedule’s booked for the next two weeks.

    And so, last night, my rock beat his scissors, and when I woke up this morning to shove him off the couch and go, he takes one look at me and says–even though he knows how much it’ll crush me– “I don’t feel like going to Ikea today.”
    I stop dead in my tracks.

    All hell breaks loose for about twenty minutes, during which I throw our twin bed off the balcony and the cat has a foul accident under the desk, and Boyfriend reveals that today is actually his birthday. Great. Now we both feel like jerks.

    We never did go get a bed.

  • Erin

    Let’s see – that would be with my son over putting his books back in his backpack at church this morning. And this was a knock-down-drag-out-time-out fight. And of course, I won. Because I always do. With a thre-year-old, you have to.

    And I usually don’t comment because I’m laughing too hard – you CRACK ME UP! And I have children climbing all over me 🙂

  • erin

    DH, of course! I was hormonal and feeling overworked and underappreciated re: the baby. I WENT OFF. Poor man. But he didn’t through my sorry butt out or anything, just kissed me the next morning when I was over it and told me he still loved me. God, he’s wonderful.

    Btw, I usually don’t comment because I don’t feel like I can add anything to the discussion. Your posts are already perfect, so why should I muck it all up? But I’ll give you love if you want. 🙂

  • Bridget

    I’m sure the last fight I had was with my live in boyfriend. We are getting a new roommate and our apartment is in shambles. In an effort to keep everything equitable, we only clean/tidy/discuss household things when we are together, but since we have opposite schedules, this poses a problem. We have been snipping at each other about the state of our bedroom now for over a week. Thankfully, since we’ve been together since high school, we know that this too shall pass.

  • Liz, JM, and Leo

    I last fought with JM. We fought over who got to get in the shower first this morning. We only fight over really serious, consequential things.

  • Lauren Whitney

    That would be my soon to be husband. He gets on my last nerve making my full time working, grad school attending, wedding planning self feel like I’m not understanding his stressful day. EXCUSE ME?!? Haha

  • Jules

    This guy, right here, is the last person I got into a fight with. You see, he looks cute. He’s a snuggler. He has those big eyes that make you want to squish him. I love him a I really do. But yes, I fight with my animals. I believe it’s more a battle of wills. We have words, or rather I have words and they stare back at me. They usually win. Tonight’s fight? Pug drank the last beer.

    The fight before that? My husband farted in my general direction. No joke. I speak the truth. This might sound funny, a joke, a lark… I wish. Our divorce papers will have the reason for separation listed as “Uncontrollable Flatulence”.

  • Kelly

    The last “argument” I got in was yesterday at work. It was with a five year old, who thought that she was going to tell me and the class what to do. I wouldn’t really call it an argument, rather a discussion on who is the teacher.

  • Stefania

    Wow… that is a lot of comments. I “argued” with my Mom last night. She just has some minor foot surgery and she already wants to go back to work. Her job is mostly standing on said surgeried foot… so I yelled at her and told her to be a “good” girl and listen to me. It barely works.

  • Rachel

    You got so many comments yesterday! Yay!

    The last proper argument I had must have been with Josh, but I can’t really remember it. I’m very non-confrontational!

    I had a semi argument with my friend a couple months ago, but it was the first time ever that I’ve had a serious issue with one of my friends and we are both didn’t want to offend the other so it just turned in to “no, I’M so sorry, it’s nothing, it doesn’t matter, you didn’t do anything” so I don’t think that counts either!

  • Kara

    You tell me a day of the week and I will tell you which argument my husband and I had. Actually, I can’t remember them because by now we’re REALLY good at making up! I’m not talking about the sexy way of making up (get your mind out of the gutter:), I’m talking about the I don’t wish you’d get hit by a car anymore kind of making up.

  • Jasmine

    I seem to have been pretty peaceable lately as I can’t remember the last fight I had. Surely it was with my husband, me complaining about how I need him to help out more around the house or something. Not very juicy or exciting, but hopefully it earns me a wine tote!

  • Kristin

    The last person I got into a fight with was my husband. We had just finished the bathroom renovation project from hell, we were both exhausted and then he told me he didn’t want dinner that night…AFTER I had gotten everything prepped and ready to go. I lost it. He yelled. I cried. I yelled. He made popcorn. We pouted on our repective ends of the couch. It was all good. We were tired.

  • Diana Oliver

    My husband is the last person I got in a fight with. At 4am. This morning. Somehow it is my fault he fell asleep on the couch after I had already gone to bed, didn’t put the dog in the garage and the dog used the bathroom in the house. Yep. I’m still trying to figure that one out too. Then I called him this morning to say good morning and his mood still hadn’t improved so I hung up on him.

    The wine picnic basket looks lovely but I’m afraid the bottle of wine in my fridge won’t be waiting for it to arrive if I happen to win. I’m cracking that bad boy open tonight…with the dog!

  • Jessica

    My dog. Yes, my precious Maltese, Parker. He is the cutest little dog you could ever see. (Proof: But underneath that cuteness is pure evil. You see, on Tuesday I had to have surgery. Nothing serious just a mole removed… but trust me it was no picnic. I am terrified… I mean, TERRIFIED of needles. And when the doctor told me I would have to have a stitch… well I don’t remember what came right after that because of the blood loss to my brain, but when I recovered I had a stitch, covered by a band-aid, and a huge bruise from the needle and pain. Lots of pain. Being the graceful person I am, I (on the same day mind you) bump it quite hard on the corner of my desk at work. Yes. I fell to the ground crying while my co-workers laughed from the hall. That night I come limping home with a now swollen leg and am greeted by the 8 pound beast who cannot tell that I am in pain. He proceeds to jump… no claw at my wound. I had been calm to that point- pushing through the pain like any good, strong woman. (well, other than when I cried on the floor at work.. and passed out. but those are minor details.) But I could do so no longer. I lost it. My poor little dog (whom I do consider my first born) didn’t even know what he did! I just yelled, “NO PARKER! BAD BOY! THAT HURTS! MOMMY’S IN MAJOR PAIN! YOU CANNOT JUMP!! NO JUMP!!” Which is met by him thinking it is a game we are playing and he goes and hides and then runs back out all cute and barks and me and runs and hides. Normally, I would think “Aw how wonderful!” But not today. Today I wanted revenge on the Doctor who caused me pain and since the doctor was at home all peaceful and happy.. my dog was the target. “BED!” I said. He went and he laid there until the guilt overcame me and I ran to his bed crying because of the pain and the need to make him, an innocent dog, suffer by being forced to sit still. I felt so bad that I just gave him the treat jar and told him to have fun and not to get too sick.

  • TeamHaynes

    My dad and I got into it the other day. When my husband and I moved out here to Michigan from California we THOUGHT we changed all of our address forms so important documents would come to Michigan. Wrong-o. We had used my credit card across the trip at our hotels because they are very picky about that so we figured we would pay the bill when it came because I always do that with any credit card purchases. We waited for a long time and the bill never came. I thought it might have gone to the next month’s bill so I waited even longer. One lovely afternoon I was working away on various things in the house and I get a call from my dad. He starts the conversation off by telling me there was a delinquent notice from Wells Fargo and I owe all this money blah blah blah. Ignoring the number figure that I owed I was like, “Wait a minute, did you open my mail?” This is classic dad. CLASSIC. SO we go back and forth about whether or not he should have opened my mail and finally I yelled, “No, it’s not ok! It is a big deal! Don’t do it again!” I felt totally like I was the parent. Which a lot of times growing up I was. So after calling Wells Fargo and getting everything cleared away, I get a notice in the mail a few days later that my dad paid one of the fees on the notice and apologized. I think this was probably the third time in my life he’s ever apologized for anything. So after feeling about this —> l l <— big, I put off calling him. Its a thing my family always did my whole life. You wait about a week to talk about it and by then everyone is cooled down and doesn't remember half the details. When I finally did talk to him I told him thank you and he said, "Yeah," because that is how my dad says your welcome.

    Sorry, not the juiciest of details but it works for what you need!

  • Deb

    This love quarrel has reminded me of the book, “The 5 languages of love.” Such an awesome book! You can go here and find out which of the 5 ways you give & receive love, it takes about 3 minutes:

    My last fight…hmmm….okay, I’ve thought about this too long and can’t recall something. So I’m going to go w/my husband. I’m sure he did something in the past couple months.

  • Melissa N.

    The last fight I got into was with my husband – since we live in FL and everyone else lives back in TX and we don’t know anyone here realy, he’s all I’ve got, so arguements are boung to ensue! *lol* We have lovers spats that don’t really boil up to anything, but the last fight was over “So You Think You Can Dance”. Yes, you read that right – a TV show. I hang my head in shame. It was the episode where they were announcing the top 4, and the way I understood the rules were the same way he did, but we were just explaining them differently, but we kept going back and forth tryign to prove each other wrong. Voices were raised, hands were slammed on couches to prove the point. he finally said “Screw it!” and left the room and slammed the bedroom door in hopes of getting the final word. We cooled off for a few minutes, apologized, agreed to disagreed on who was right and went back to watching the show. So in our house, some TV shows can be dangerous! *lol* 🙂

  • Katy

    Oh man. Get ready for TMI. My fiance’s brother has decided that he and his family will not be attending our wedding because it is “too far” (next state over, where I grew up). Lots of drama there. That’s ongoing.

    Stupid little fight last night was when the fiance said my boobs were saggy. C’MON. Don’t guys know better?!?!? I have a big chest, and I’m 28, not much I can do, but he better get used to it b/c it’s all down hill from here!

  • Rachel P.

    The last fight I can actually remember worth a flip was with my sister. We planned a Couples Wedding Shower (hostessed by high school friends) for a weekend SHE was off work. Only to find out (a few weeks before) she decided it would be a great weekend for her first trip to Talladega! She’s never watched a race a day in her life, but for some reason she felt the need to go…during her baby sister’s first wedding shower. We still had a great time at the shower even though I was a little disappointed she chose to go to a stinkin’ race…while she probably doesn’t remember too much from it anyways! We got over it pretty quick.

  • Kelly H

    My husband. Hey, we have been married 14 years – there are fights. We were fighting about his parents. Again. They have severe boundary issues and love to disregard the rules I have for my kids. I am not talking about silly food rules or such but rules that are in place for good reasons – usually safety ones. But who I am to say? Oh yeah, their mother. It is the same old argument every month or so. Did I mention they are leaving for FL in two weeks (WHEEEE).

  • Beth

    I not sure who I got in a fight with last. 😉 I think it would have to be my family doctor. I tried to tell her the new meds were giving me side effect (opposite of the normal side effects) and she didn’t believe me. She wanted to test me for more things. I got a little nasty with her and she either believed me or thought to herself maybe I need to give this gal a perscription for anger management.

  • Jeannine

    Ha! My last fight was with my hubby last Sunday and boy, was it a doozy! Check out my blog for details (and pictures ;-)) –

    Keep up the good work!

  • Kate

    I’m sorry Katie, but you’ve already met my mother. I forwarded your blog to her when you posted about the crazy things grandmothers can do (she will be one for the first time soon).

    But anyway, who did I fight with last? My husband about picking Godparents for that November baby. We’re only n stage one of the fight though, where we know that we are going to fight about it, but no one wnts to commit to the fight, so we’ll put it off a few more days before we really say what we think.

  • Miriam

    I’m just as terrible at getting back to people. I don’t even check voicemails until weeks later (including one that I should have replied to sooner because it was a friend of mine in the middle of a breakup). I keep meaning to write e-mails and letters to the people I care about. But most realize that although I have the time to throw randoms thoughts on my blog, I don’t have time to construct witty and thoughtful e-mails.

    Instead of telling you the last person I got in a fight with I will tell you the last person my cat got in a fight with. I had to take Audrey and (the late) Beavis to the vet. I told the vet that Audrey was a little high strung so they checked out Beavis first. Audrey sat on her chair and watched quietly. As soon as we put her on the table though, she sat prim and proper and immediately started growling and hissing at the vet. He hadn’t even touched her and she was already mad at her.

    Needless to say they had to bring her out back to get blood and give shots. And Audrey is now labeled as a dangerous to vets cat.

  • Jen D

    The last person I got into a fight with was my husband. The baby is teething (its a joy…you just wait!) and he had been very “i want my mom and she’s the only person who will do” all day. I was giving the baby a bath, husband pulled out the most delicious ice cream I have ever had. Dove Unconditionally Chocolate. Wow. I said, “yummmm, save me a bite or two” he responded with “ok”. Flash forward, baby is out of the bath, he is getting his bottle and I say again, “you are saving me a bite right” and I got a “yes dear”. Books for the baby, bed, exhausted mom comes back out to find AN EMPTY CUP OF DOVE UNCONDITIONAL CHOCOLATE. Normally, not really a big deal. Today, big deal. There were several “are you kidding me” that were thrown in there. He felt bad. See, he is a true chocolate lover and really goes into chocolate comas sometimes. I have seen it happen. It happened last night. He ate and ate and ate and didnt realize it was gone and he had said twice “yes, i will save you some” until it was gone. I know he knows how to share ice cream because he did it with our 7 month old son (yes, really, I have pics if you want). I pointed this out a couple of times with “you remember to share with Joe”.
    “Fight” is a relative term in this house. This is about as heated as it gets most of the time. I forgave him long before we ever went to bed but played it up for a while in an effort to get 2 new Dove ice creams brought home tonight.

  • Jessica

    My mom! Kept it in to long and then blew up like a volcano…not something recommend or pride my-self on.

    The wine cooler would be a awesome surprise date night for my husband & I…he would love it 🙂

    Thanks again for your blog & for keeping it real!

  • Jen W.

    I am sure it was some stupid argument with the hubster…but I can’t think of it at this moment in time! I’m sure he could tell you; he is good at remembering those moments! 😉

  • andrea

    i don’t know if i’d call it a fight, but my husband, Jasey, was the last person i was mad at that apologized to me.
    after coming home from work he had a ‘short’ HOA meeting. three hours later, after i’d already put our 2 year old to bed Jasey finally walks in the door and immediately asks if he can go get a drink with a couple guys (dinner has been waiting for at least two hours by this point). he says he’ll eat and put everything away when he gets back, they are just going to have one drink (and believe me by this point i should know better) but i say ‘fine, go ahead’.
    another 3 hours later, after i’ve already walked the dog, put the food away and cleaned the kitchen he finally comes home at 12:30 at night.
    it was a wednesday night, i never get to see my husband cause he works so much, i am home with our son all day so i would like to get out by myself sometimes and to top it all off i’m 8 months pregnant so i have crazy, irrational, raging hormones!
    needless to say i was in tears by the time he got home and mad beyond belief and he knew it, oh yes he did! we were up for another hour with me ignoring him at first then crying more and finally telling him exactly my thoughts on what happened. he apologized the whole time, i’ve never seen him feel so bad about hurting me.
    the next day i was still a little mad so i went shopping 🙂 (which i never do) and then told him that anytime he makes me mad like that from now on i’m going to buy myself something.
    sorry i don’t have pictures, i’ll be more prepared next time 🙂

    • andrea

      i only bought myself a new wallet for 5 bucks, but it’s really cute 😉 also bought some clothes for the kids, also on sale…i was only a little mad by then

  • Heather

    I’m a lover not a fighter.

    I am sticking to that. LOL!

    But I like wine. ME me!! Just kidding… I never win anything, it’d throw off my world view if I did win…. So….

    Have a great weekend!

  • Amy V

    My last fight was with with my husband (Surprise!). After a long day of cleaning the house from top to bottom and making a big dinner I was worn out. As far as I’m concerned, there Isn’t a cure for the housewife blues like a pair of fancy new shoes! So, with that being said, I wanted to go to DSW the other night to browse and see what I could find. Hubby wanted to come too, because he wanted to go to another store in the mall to look for something for himself. I should have had a red flag go off in my mind then that he may just cramp my shoe shopping style, but I thought it would actually give me lots of time away from him to look and dream and wish and ponder over which lucky pair(s) would be coming home with me that night.

    Unfortunately, he decided to tag along during my shoe shopping affair (I think he knows how dangerous I can be alone, in a world full of shoes, with a credit card.) He said that when it comes to shopping I get everything in excess. HOW RUDE. That comment just pushed me over the edge. To make an awful love story end short,I was forced to leave behind a gorgeous pair of Kenneth Cole Reaction black patent leather pumps. My heart has been aching for them ever since.

    Good news is I made out with 2 other pairs! That isn’t too excessive. I think cleaning the WHOLE ENTIRE house myself, THEN COOKING DINNER is EXCESSIVE!

  • melinda

    My (heavy sigh) boyfriend who seems to lack the emotional capacity to actually have a relationship. Heavy, heavy sigh. Maybe I could use the basket for a date with a new man. 🙂

  • Natalie

    The last fight I got into was with my boyfriend over carpet samples for the new house we’re moving into…which is a hilarious story by itself, but I figured I would tell you about the last PHYSICAL fight I was in:

    Six years ago, walking down a street of bars and drunk people at 2:30am…with a pizza. A slightly inebriated guy walked toward me decided he was a wee bit more hungry than I was and attempted to grab my box of pizza. Little did he know, I was craving that hot, stringy, doughy, cheese and pepperoni pizza all night and was a wee bit angry when he laid his hands on it. I proceeded to slap him across the face and run away with my pizza box. Most women would feel empowered by doing this…but I got home and cried because I actually hit someone over food that eventually contributed to the love handles I accumulated in college. Although now that I think about it, those tears COULD have been from all of those diet coke’s I drank that night 😉

  • Marla

    Gosh. It is weird that I can’t remember the last fight I got into?? I don’t really deal with drama and just eliminate people from my lives when they start acting dumb.

    Wait- my last big fight was with my ex-roommate. I haven’t talked to her since May.

  • Betty

    Definitely my husband. And we actually just ended this morning, and it might have started two days ago…. oops! And, I know you’re glad you got a lot of comments, but I hate that there are 74 responses before me, b/c that REALLY messes up my chances of winning! 🙂

  • Tanya

    The last fight I got in was with probably with my best friend. I’m not much of a fighter, more of a lover :)So I can’t even remember what it was about, no juicy details

  • Donna

    That would be my 10 yr old son, b/c he didn’t want to take a shower. I should add he had football practice in full pads for an hour and a half in the 90 degree heat here, he was smelly to put it nicely.

    See what you have to look forward to. 🙂

  • Linda

    Not a confrontational person so I don’t consider many discusions “fights” or arguments….though I’m sure my family does. Last person I “yelled” at was another Realtor on the phone….got off and my husband wanted to know who I was yelling at…I didn’t think I was yelling…just raising my voice to make a point that wasn’t getting through in the discussion. Aside from that probably just little ticky tacky things with either my 73 yr. old mother who lives with us or my DH and I couldn’t tell you what it was about………….

  • naomi

    ho. lee. crap.
    I LOVE that picnic set.
    And {no joke} I was JUST tell my husband last night how we needed to get a picnic basket so that we could take picnics down by the water {where we now live in a little rented house}
    But okay – the last fight I was in…
    I’m usually really laid back…I mean it take A LOT to offend me. {except if you talk in the movies…that REALLY gets me all worked up…I mean, I’ll kill ya}
    But my mom, my sister and I – we always fight… its more like insults of love.
    We can’t help it. We’re all blond and we all say/do stupid things for which the others will maliciously make fun of you, and then the fur will start to fly.
    Now that I live across the street from my mom, and my sister just moved back in with her…my husband is rather terrified and tends to disappear whenever we get together.
    I keep telling him though – its all in love.

    Oh and I will comment from here on out on EVERY SINGLE post.
    So you’d better get used to me.
    Remember – you have no one to blame but yourself.

  • Jill @ nokoikonomia

    My husband–over communication issues. Like most of our fights, started over something completely different and silly but served to release the pressures building up over other things.

    Making up would be easier with a nice wine picnic though!

  • Joanie

    My last fight was, not surprisingly, with the hubby. Tensions have been running high here lately as we’re slated to move into a new house over the weekend, and we’ve been trying to make arrangements for hydro and phone service switches, budgeting to make all the necessary payments, etc.

    Well on payday I knew we had a list of bills to pay and I just wanted to get at them, since I do all the bill-paying here. I casually mentioned that I was going to pay the phone and hydro bills and he told me that I had to wait until his say-so. Wait, WHAT?!

    I blew my top (because I’m one of those hot-headed girlies too) and told him I was sick of feeling like I had to ask “permission” to do things around here and being kept in the dark about our financial matters other than having the bills put in front of me and being told to “pay this amount”.

    He got mad, stormed out…but we made up later. I promised to try to keep my temper under control and he promised to try to keep me more involved in the budgeting process. =)

  • Betsy

    I get in a fight everyday with my 6 month old son, however he always seems to win. Last night he won with a KO (I almost sold him of Ebay last night)!!! I was on the ground curled up crying for mercy when he was finished. And no he doesn’t have colic and he isn’t teething, no telling what provokes it. I think he just likes to test me like I do with him during the day…little does he know I am just trying to get him stronger (for when the crawling begins or the sitting up by himself begins)! Oh the things we learn as Rookies!!! Thank goodness Grandma is coming tomorrow! However, I am sure he will be a complete angel.

  • Allison

    The last person I got into a fight with was my mom. I am ashamed to admit why, but it was because she was spending sooo much time with my brother and ignoring me! What can I say? I’m the youngest child, and I’m used to having all of the attention.. even if I am 22! It’s all better now. Remind me to be mature next time.

  • Lauren

    My fiance – we are remodeling our kitchen, and I nagged him one too many times about getting certain things done. He works from home and I work about 70 hours a week at this time of year, so I have a tendency to get short and snippy. I am trying to work on it though! Looking forward to the post re: short and snippy females and the poor men they terrorize.

  • Adrienne

    That would have to be the good old BF when he told me he was buying us a…ready for this…minivan!! We don’t have children and even if we have 20 I’ll doubt I’ll ever be down to drive one. Needless to say we didn’t get the minivan:)

  • Jenn

    I am currently in a fight with one of my best friends. She is getting married soon and didn’t ask any of her friends to be bridesmaids, instead she asked her future sister-in-law, whom she barely knows, to be her MOH. That’s all well and good–her wedding, her prerogative…HOWEVER, she then proceeded to ask ME to plan (and pay for) both her bridal shower and bachelorette party. I’m not even in the wedding!!!

    THEN, she asked her two other friends and MY husband to read a poem at the wedding. Did she ask me? No. She. Didn’t. When I told her that this hurt my feelings, she had the audacity to tell me that my part in her wedding is having the pleasure of solely planning her bridal shower and bachelorette party. Is it just me, or is that supposed to be the duty of the maid of honor??? I put hours of my time and hundreds of my $$$ to throw these parties and her MOH didn’t even show up!

    And seriously, this girl is one of my best friends and has been for about 6 years. She was a bridesmaid in my wedding and everything. Anyway, she thinks I am being “unsupportive” of her desires and I think she is just being a self-absorbed B***h….as you can tell, I am still pretty heated, but it really felt good to get that out. Thanks for listening to me vent 🙂

  • Jenn

    oh goodness…me too! except this happens every night in my house, so i no longer consider them arguments, more like small talk, haha!

  • Abigail

    I can’t remember the last fight I had, I try to avoid confrontation of any sort, I’m a wuss. But if I do get in a fight with someone anytime soon I can almost guarantee it will be with the husband about how we moved 2 weeks ago and some how all he’s been able to unpack are his legos. . .

  • Kathie

    Uh… It’s always with my boyfriend. We live together, and we’re practically married. We have “differences in options” all the time! The most recent… 2 days ago. No need to get into all the details, we’ll just say he wanted to hang with his buddies ALL weekend, and my family is heading to the beach. So.. we compromised, and now we’re heading to the beach too! 🙂 I love compromising!

  • Christina

    Um…does fighting with a 3yr old count? About things like why she can’t have cheese for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Or why I’m not going to watch Dora for the 5 billionth time today?

  • Maureen

    We are terrible fighters, my husband and I. For example, this morning I woke up to his LOUD radio blaring in the bathroom as he took a shower. I plugged my ears and continued dozing. When I brought it up later, I suggested we get a water-proof radio so he didn’t need to have the volume so high, he suggested he just not use it in the mornings when I was still sleeping.

    See? Terrible fighters – no drama, no yelling, no tantrums… I’ll never win the picnic basket.

    PS – Sorry for not commenting all this time (I’m a long-time lurker.) In honour of you, I’ve been commenting on lots of the blogs I frequent. You’re right, it’s only polite. 🙂

  • Janet

    Last person I argued with is my husband. Because the boys are both grown and out of the house and our cat refuses to argue with me €¦ Probably because he hates to see me lose.

    You see, I love to feed the wildlife that lives around our house. We moved to the country (relatively speaking) from Monterey, California and the first time I saw a real, live (cute!) raccoon and a possum wander up to our solarium, (a glass room off the kitchen) searching for snacks, I fell in love. So I feed them all of our left-overs €“ to include whatever cookies and cupcakes that don €™t get eaten and all the stuff from our pantry whenever I clean it out. It €™s like when I was a little girl in Germany and we €™d visit my dad €™s unit and I learned the sergeant running the mess hall was putting all the scraps into a 55-gallon drum for the local farmers to pick up and feed their hogs €“ I actually look forward to collecting goodies for my furry little friends. Until we moved here I never took a doggie bag home from a restaurant €“ now, I never miss the opportunity! And, when I don €™t feed the raccoon I feel bad because I find him/her swinging from the birdfeeders, and I worry he/she isn €™t getting enough.

    So last night, as I usually do, I put out our table scraps after dinner (and snuck in eight cupcakes when my husband wasn €™t looking) and went back into the house. It was a lovely evening so about an hour later my husband and I went out to sit on the deck. And, what do you think we saw? Not the one raccoon I thought I was feeding. Oh no! It was a FAMILY of SIX raccoons, all huddled around the pile of food I put out. My husband flipped out! He blames me for either attracting more vermin, as he calls them, or worse he said, causing a population explosion. So now I €™m in the doghouse and I €™m afraid that until this blows over, my little raccoon family may have to make due on our bird seed. I plan to put out extra!

    • Katie

      Oh, man. This cracks me up because Chris is like you – wouldn’t hurt a fly and wants all living things to flourish. I, on the other hand, want anything with claws to die. We have disagreed on this many times. – Katie

  • Sarah

    The last person I fought with was my fiance because he decided it was an awesome idea to get completely tanked at my college roommates wedding. Oh sure, he was a grand ol time when we were all at the wedding and afterwards, it was once I finally got him up into the hotel room where he proceeded to get sick all night (and tried like hell to throw up in his suitcase in the closet – convinced it was the bathroom). Then again, is it really considered a fight if it was of me being irritated and him not remembering anything?

  • Lisa

    I hate confrontation, probably because my parents used to fight a lot before their divorce. I avoid it when possible and I can honestly say that my hubby and I have never had a full blown fight with yelling and the like because we try not to let it get to that point. Last person I fought with was a tenant in one of my company’s properties who wanted me to evict her neighbour who had a bigger house than her, so she could rent the bigger house for herself!! As if we would really do that to someone!? She is a woman who fights with everyone…sigh, I need a new job.

    • Haley

      I feel your pain, I keep waiting for my hubby to make his millions so I don’t have to work anymore.
      When we figure out how to get rich quick I’ll let you know :).

  • Haley

    Just for the record, I read your blog everyday, but don’t comment. I don’t usually comment on anyone’s blog so I’m not playing favorites.

    Last fight was with the hubby because I asked him if he’d rather wash silverware or peel potatoes (I was going to do whatever he didn’t want to do). He then proceeded to tell me I was too demanding. At that point I told him to man-up and that I felt sorry for him because he was married to a woman that was sooooo demanding. (Our fight had migrated into the bedroom by that point)
    Then I told him I wasn’t mad at him (which made him mad)and when he when he wanted to be nice he could come out of his room (then I closed the bedroom door, he came out about 20 minutes later).

  • Tressa

    I’m so glad we could all make up!! LOL

    Well, I could say my last big fight was with my ex-husband and ex-best friend when they had an affair together. But that’s why they are now “ex”!

    I am now married to a wonderful man who spoils me rotten! He’s a lover not a fighter so that doesn’t happen much in our marriage (I said not much).

    We would love to win the wine picnic basket. We would enjoy it on the lake in our boat. Then maybe make some waves! If you know what I mean 😉

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    (I hope the Bean is a happy baby for you this weekend)

  • Tressa

    I forgot you wanted some juicy details! HA

    The truth is…. when they had their affair my ex-husband and I was leading a Bible study on Marriage when they got “hooked” up!! I know how dare them right! What nerve.
    Well they live together now ending her marriage of 12 years with two beautiful little girls and our 10 year marriage with my little girl.

    Just when you think life is sailing along fine….you get a BIG slap in the face! for our little town of 2,500 people to see.


  • dana

    i fought with a close friend. (do email fights count?) she accused me of being less than nice lately. i told her why i’ve been less than nice: she made light of things that are important to me, and it seemed clear to me that she doesn’t understand or care what i’m up to. that was stinky. so now i want a fun present to make up for it!

  • Nikki

    While I can’t divulge all of the details, but lets just say this argument is one that I will not be able to forget for a while. I work for a small company in a decent sized city in TX. The Assistant Chief for the Police Department for this decent sized city had a problem with a situation that we here handling, and I had to be the one to tell him that his title, while admirable, was not going to help him out on this one. He admitted that he wasn’t being easy to work with, and I agreed (bad idea). He then preceded to let me know that if I needed any help in the near future that he probably wouldn’t be there to help…even though I’m pretty sure that is his job?!? But I haven’t seen him since then, and have yet to get a speeding ticket or arrested, so we’re doing good!

  • Becky

    Well, if someone suddenly decides to stop speaking to you, does it count as a fight?

    If so, that would be me and my little sister. She and I were going to meet at our big sister’s house for dinner and were meeting there at 2. We hadn’t seen our big sis’s place yet, so I was kinda excited. My little sister asks for the address on facebook so she can google it. Big sis gives it to her and says that GPS doesn’t work since she’s so far out in the country. I check, and it’s about 2 hours from my house and maybe an hour and a half from my little sister’s.

    So. I call my little sister at 1 and ask where she is because there’s some bad traffic. She tells me she hasn’t. left. yet. Okay… I point out that it’s about an hour and a half drive, so she might want to call big sis and let her know that she’ll be late.

    And then little sis goes NUTSO. Like, bat**** crazy on the phone. Poor hubby even can hear her through the cell phone as she cusses me out for not telling her how far away it was! (Note: at one point, she mentions that our dad did tell her it was almost two hours away, so it’s not like she didn’t know). And she’s 22. She’s an official adult who can drink and everything. And she’s yelling and crying and moaning about why she didn’t mapquest it and how IT’S ALL MY FAULT. And then, right when she is at the height of her hysteria, she hangs up on me.

    I was so shocked I didn’t speak for a full five minutes. And the last time that happened it was because I was unconscious.

    Oh, and then she shows up 40 minutes after we do and because we have to take two trips in the 4×4 to get to big sis’s house we’ve been waiting for her the whole time in a parking lot in the pouring rain. AND THEN, to make my day perfect, SHE JUMPS IN THE 4×4 WITH HER NEW BOY TOY THAT SHE BROUGHT AND DITCHES MY HUSBAND AND ME. And then she proceeds to get a flat tire so it’s another TWO HOURS before we see anyone so we were in a parking lot for three hours in the rain in the middle of the mountains.

    So I called and left her a voice mail that said (exactly this, in a nice tone – I even called my mom to practice): “I’m really upset by the way you’ve acted today, but I don’t want to spoil Big Sis’s day. After this is over, we need to talk.”

    So go up and have a great time with big sis. Little sis acts completely normal.

    Then the next day I get up and she has de-friended my husband and me on facebook. I call and leave a message telling her that I’d like to talk, and NOTHING.

    Her whole response to this is even more hilarious when you know that she wants to work as a shrink with troubled children – and that she wants to specialize in mediation!

    I’m trying to be the better person and not complain about her to family/mutual friends, but random internet people? I’m fine with that since I know she’ll never read your blog (nothing against you, but she doesn’t actually read blogs, so I know yours is safe).

    I must say, just writing it all down makes me feel better about the whole thing. This is probably the first time I’ve been in a fight where I acted completely like a rational human being, even in the way I said things (even DH agrees, and he usually doesn’t). So go me! and my little sister is a bit wacko.

  • Kayla

    My last fight was with my common-law husband. I’ve been with him since college (even though I’m not even mid-twenty, it’s still been a long time with him). I left my high-school sweetheart of four years for this handsome gentleman, Danny. Now, Danny knew right off the hop that I’m a baby-crazy, housewife wannabe. The first moment I see those two pink lines, I’m quitting work, I always used to say. And we’d laugh and we’d joke and it’d all be hunky-dory. Last year about this time, he told me he had gone shopping for a ring for me, but then I messed up a little (it was my own fault, I was stupid and had a slight moment of weakness, but thank God he forgave me because I know now as I knew then, it was a mistake — I kissed another guy that, after it happened, I realized was a total not nice dude.) But we’re totally back the way things were before. We’ve both moved past, forgave and forgot. Now, the other night, he happens to mention in passing, that he’s not sure if he wants to have kids. He thinks he’ll be a poor father (to which I call “Lies!” on) and because he’s a couple years older than me, he’s afraid he’ll be the “creepy is-he-the-kid’s-grandfather-or-what?” dad. He refuses to have child out of wedlock. Absolutely refuses. His argument is that “if we can’t afford to get married, then we can’t afford to have a child,” to which I totally agree with, however, can anyone ever really afford it?
    So, as we’re kind of fighting now, since I’ve been with him for YEARS and he couldn’t tell me about this sooner? He mentions that he’s not to sure he wants to get married, either.

    I moved 14 hours away from my hometown, my family, my puppy and everything else, to a brand-spanking new city where I didn’t know a soul to save my life, for the sake of his job. I had to quit mine and start fresh. And I did it for love.
    I’m yelling about wasting the “last of my good single years” on something that will crash and burn, and not getting me to my ultimate goal of marriage and my 2.5 kids and my white picket fence (I know, I’m not greedy, eh?) I’ve even had my wedding PLANNED since I was in grade one! How dare he throw a wrench into my design!
    We’re on speaking terms now. A little bit. We’re working on it. But I know we’ll stick together, because that man knows how to end a fight.

    “That’s a definite (that he’ll marry me). It sucked to essentially not have you around for a week. I couldn’t last the rest of my life without you.” Aww. That’s a fight-ender right there.

  • Shelly

    My husband. This is just SO petty and childish I can’t believe it. He accused me of taking french fries from his Burger King bag. I blew up because this is ONE time I actually didn’t. Let’s just say it escalated………..

    Unbelievable, huh?

  • Sarah B.

    The last person I got into a fight with was my dog. Yes, my dog. See, she keeps drinking out of the toilets in our house, and it really disgusts me. I’ve tried discussion, seeing her point of view, bribes, but no. She loves that toilet water. I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree.

  • Emily

    Wow!! I can’t believe all the comments you’ve received!! It took me forever to read them and I hate to join the “husband” club but that’s who my last fight was with too..only I don’t know if it can be classified as a real “fight”. I would like to think of it more as a “tiff”! We live apart because of his job. His works requires him to be all over the place He’s a thousand miles away. It’s hard being apart and he’s been pressuring me to quit my job so that we can be together. I’ve had my job for 12 1/2 yrs and I’m very secure in it, plus my family is here…his family is here…and he’s only been at his job for 4 months, and the job he is on now is only for 3yrs then he moves on to something else. SO, he thinks if I love him I would want to be with him and his point is my job isn’t that greatest because I don’t make alot of money but have great benefits (retirement & insurance) We’ve been married 17 yrs and have no children so he doesn’t understand why I am hesistant to come be with him. I need security and I worry about the future. He lives for today. So that was our last fight and probably what we’ll be arguing about tomorrow,and the day after that, and the day after that… What do I do? Make my husband happy or stay where I am at? I’m miserable without him but feel like I’d be making a mistake if I quit my job, especially considering this economy..I’m lucky to have a job! Right now we don’t necessairly need my income but it makes things comfortable. Aren’t you sorry you asked? 🙂

  • holly (your biggest- yet NOT FAT fan)

    hm, lets see… last fight? i have so many of those…
    well, what level of fight are we talking here… like, husband take out the trash, i asked you for the fiftieth time kind, or the i hate your guts get away from me kind? hmmm… probably the juicier the better, eh?
    well, lucky for you, my husband just pissed me off. no, i mean TWO SECONDS AGO. i am sitting here, reflecting on which fight to share, and my attention needing husband got jealous of the laptop and SHUT IT as it sat in my lap.
    and i was furious. and he said, “there’s your fight”… but that only made me more angry. he is now sitting next to me apologizing while i finish and ignore him. he ISN’T really sorry. obviously he thinks that blog comments are TRIVIAL and doesn’t realize the greatness of winning something like a wine tote.
    well, i guess i should forgive him now… after all, he is massaging my feet… and he DID give me something VERY fresh to write about…
    isnt that how all husbands should apologize? a foot massage?

    (sorry no pictures…)

  • Liz

    Gosh it’s been forever that I’ve been in a fight. My husband and I have been married 7 years this September and we hardly ever fight….unless it’s about SEX! The man is 41 going on 18….phew…trust me when I say he is NOT a deprived man in that area….but go more than a day or two and the snippyness comes out in him!! But I’m thankful to have him want me as much now as he did years ago and for that I’ll take his snippyness any day!

  • Emily

    Well my last fight would be with my husband, of course. His mom was coming to visit. He had the day off work. I asked him to make sure the guest room was ready for her. I come home from work and the room is a complete disaster, hasn’t even been touched. She was to arrive in 10 minutes. Enough said.

  • Zoe

    It was yesterday, with my boyfriend. I was telling him about what uni assessments I had next week while he was surfing the net. Marketing exam on Tuesday, accounting exam on Thursday, management essay on Friday, it was all going to suck, blah blah blah. I stopped talking. Waiting… waiting… no response. And oh man, did I flip it! You never listen to me when I tell you things, playing on the internet is more important to you than me, you have no idea what I just said, rah rah rah. Full on Crankosaurus Rex. Luckily, he was penitent enough to calm me down before it turned into full on drama. I just can’t stand feeling like I’m less important than some page on the internet.

  • Jenny

    My last “fight” was with my soon to be 2-year-old, Will. It went something like, “Mommy go outside?” (This translates to “Let’s go outside, Mommy!”) I told him no because I was trying to do some housework. “Will go outside?” (This translates to “I will go outside without you, ok?”) I again told him no. He went and got his shoes, brought them over to me and sat on my feet waiting for me to help him put them on. Then he turned the full force of his little cherub face towards me and I felt myself bend to his iron will (he is aptly named, if I do say so myself.) Yeah, he won that round.

  • Ashley

    Haha this cracks me up! The last person I fought with was my boyfriend! I have a 3 year old nephew that I would do anything in this world for, and my boyfriend totally admitted that he was jealous of him last night!! I kept saying “He’s TWO and your TWENTY TWO! You cannot be serious right now!” He said “Well I feel like you would chose to do things with him over me!” to which I responded “I will take you to Chuck-E-Cheese if you want to go THAT BAD!” Hahahahaha Dead serious!! I was fired up 🙂 Hope your going to laugh as hard as I have about that one!

  • Maureen

    Catching up on my commentating… I hope my comment to the previous post did not come off as rude. I didn’t mean it to. It’s been a long week.

    Anyway, it wasn’t so much a fight really as a disagreement. It was when my boyfriend and I were coming home from dinner this evening. He’s having car troubles and is low on $ so being the nice girlfriend that I am, I drove my car. Even though I don’t really like driving at night and am not very good with directions. I thought he’d be grateful but instead he complained about everything I did. I’m a cautious driver and I like to slow down and make sure I know where I’m going at intersections that aren’t all that familiar to me. According to him this is a terrible thing to do because someone will either rear end me or get road rage. I am also terrified of left turns with no turn arrow. I never know how far to go out for fear that the light will turn red while I’m waiting for oncoming traffic to stop and then I’ll be blocking the intersection. But no, boyfriend says you must be an aggressive driver. I knew he meant well, so it wasn’t really what he said so much as how he said it, but when I tried to tell him this, he was distracted with something else and did not listen to me at all. I totally agree with above commenter Zoe. Guys are terrible terrible listeners and I absolutely hate feeling secondary to flight simulator, ebay, etc.

  • deepa

    I know I am late to the game, but we had a doozy last night and thought I would share. We have a brand new one-month-old baby, and, since I am nursing, I don’t sleep for more than 3 hours at a time (tops). Anyway, my mom was here Thursday and Friday night and I went to her place all day Saturday with the baby, so Josh had 2 nights off and a whole 8 hour baby-free day to do with what he pleased.

    Saturday night comes along and I ask Josh for help with the baby after a feeding (burping, rocking to sleep, etc) and he makes an annoyed noise when I call out for him. Well I just lost it. Sleep deprivation and pure jealousy fueled sobbing and yelling. Of course, this woke up the baby, which led to more hushed fighting. Lots of fun at 3:30am, let me tell you. After all three of us calmed down, Josh and i had some cuddle time and “I’m sorry’s” and slept all day today.

  • Laura

    Hi Katie,
    I’m also late to reply, but I had a fight last night about chili of all things – yes, I felt like trying a chili recipe from my sister in law last night (using the slow cooker crockpot).

    I’d twisted my ankle that morning, but I was perservering with the chili-making. I’m hobbling around the kitchen and boyfriend is just standing there, watching me. Then he starts interrogating me about the recipe, etc. We end up arguing about why I have to cook the beef before putting it in the pot. Lame, I know. I was just getting more and more angry because he was commenting and not HELPING. If you’re not going to help, get out of the kitchen!


  • Kelley Kelley Bo Belly

    I’m behind. But Katie, you must know that one our most recent fights was over a jar of mayo. I bought Hellmans’ which is apparently a sin. Well, Hellman’s was $2.50, Cain’s was $5. Seems simple right? Nope, welcome to WWIII. Apparently, don’t mess with the Mayo a Man grew up on.

    Well, moving forward, I guess even if Cain’s is $25 and Hellman’s is free, I buy the Cains.

  • Christy

    So I’m relatively new to your site and I’ve been reading through the archives randomly. I think you are absolutely awesome, hilarious, and that if we met in person we would be best, best instant friends. I totally have baby fever too and live vicariously through you because I won’t be having any kids for a few years (my ovaries weep). Not that I’m creepy…or ever expect to meet you in person….although we do live in the same area….but, I’ll just say this, Christy is to Katie, as Katie is to Pioneer Woman.
    So…my point.. now I finally understand that you’re bad at correspondence and don’t (necessarily) think I’m creepy or annoying. I’ve commented on your blog a few times but more so on facebook and twitter. Just recently, on twitter, you were jokingly asking if someone would bring you and Bean some Pho. You know what? I totally would have! That’s how much I love ya’ll!…But again, don’t want to sound like/act like stalker-mcstalkerson. There are boundaries in the blog world and I respect that. Back to my point..I was kind of miffed that you usually don’t respond to tweets and the like but I forgive you because of this post from many moons ago. See how you retroactively made our “relationship” OK again? You’re better at relationships then you thought, huh? So, friend me on twitter and I’ll feel better, and I’ll leave you alone to juggle your many responsibilities and family members without wondering why you aren’t responding to my tweet or comment. Although I would totally babysit Bean and clean your house for you while you napped and Chris had a beer with my fianc©e…..or not if you preferred. ; )

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