Family,  Holidays,  Marriage Confessions

The Fun is in the Imperfections

This year, Chris and I decided to send an electronic Christmas card to anyone who left a comment on our blog this year.   Don’t worry – that’s all we know how to do with your email addresses.   We aren’t smart enough to know how to do anything sneaky with them…

The evening we decided to take a family picture for the card was rough.   It was almost bedtime after a long day at work.   I was tired and hungry.   Bean was in that hysterical fighting sleep phase.   The dogs just wanted some attention.   And Chris was anxious to get the card finished and move on to something else.   It was brutal.

Last night I dumped the pictures from our camera onto our computer and I just had to laugh at some of the rejected family portraits.   Sometimes, rejected pictures tell the real stories.

And my personal favorite…

Eh, well…   What can I say?   We’re not always perfect.   We don’t always smile at the same time.   But we’re a family.   And when all is said and done, that’s what is important.   I think at the holidays it is especially difficult to hide your imperfections.   We tend to put so much pressure on perfectly memorable moments and, if we’re not careful, we’ll let those real experiences pass us right by.

It has been one crazy year in our family –   we bought a new house, Chris stared a new job, we had a Bean, I met the Pioneer Woman.   But some of my favorite memories this year were the ones we made on accident.

So, here’s wishing you a holiday season full of imperfections and mishaps and, mostly, full of laughter.


  • Amy

    I received your card, and I thought it was fantastic! So thoughtful, Merry Christmas, and thank you for letting all your readers be such a part of your lives!

  • Jen

    I just want to say that I have been a long-time lurker. The day I found your blog I read the entire thing (on a roadtrip home from Disney World!). I have been a faithful reader ever since. I can relate to so many of your posts and you have been an inspiration (you are my pioneer woman!).

    SO… since its Christmas and all (and mostly because my husband made me do it!) I wanted to say Thank you… thank you for entertaining me, for letting all of your readers be part of your life. I look forward to your updates!

    Now… that I pushed my shyness aside and built up the courage to comment… you may see a bit more of me! 🙂

    Merry Christmas!

  • Lisa

    Oh my gosh, did you have a remote for your camera or did you have to get up to reset the timer each time? Either way, the pictures turned out pretty cool. It was a nice surprise receiving a card from you, thanks so much and I hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas!

  • Zoe

    I loved getting the card, it was such a nice little surprise. I forwarded it to my boyfriend (who, by the way, thinks this blog is awesome and Bean is the cutest baby ever), and he loved it too. The out takes are so cute!

  • KP

    Thanks for the card! Love the outtakes, too.

    I still can’t believe how you work full-time, have a baby, pets, and a house to keep up, still make time for daily blogging, and manage to execute other thoughtful ideas like the e-card. I’d love to read a post about your time management skills because I know I could learn a thing or two. Maybe in January?? 🙂

    Merry Christmas!

  • Kate

    I loved the card. My personal fave is the one where Chris’s head is cut off. How frustrating that one must have been. Everyone else is perfect (even the dogs!) but poor Chris lost his head.

  • Kiele

    I love reading your blog and I just wanted to say thanks! Your posts make me laugh ALL the time! You have a wonderful family and I hope you continue this awesome blog so we can see the Bean grow up (he really is the cutest baby ever).

    Merry Christmas 🙂

    p.s. I saw this and thought it was adorable and just wanted to share with you:

  • Jayme

    Thank you for the Christmas E-Card!! And thank you so much for posting the rejected pictures!! I almost wish people would send those out instead of the one that looks ” Good” I like family disfunction better…. It’s more real 🙂

  • Shannon

    I thought the Christmas e-mail was very nice! I absolutely love these pictures too. As nice as a “good” picture is to look at, these are much funnier and just as cute.

  • Ashley

    I have to admit, I was nervous and tremendously excited all at the same time when I saw your e-mail address in my inbox! At first I was thinking “Holy cow, Katie sent ME an e-mail”, then to think “HOLY COW WHY IS KATIE SENDING ME AN E-MAIL?!” Haha but it was a wonderful surprise and I LOVED IT 🙂 Merry Christmas!

  • Katy

    I loved the card! Thank you for taking the time to send it out! Made me feel like I’m not just a crazy stalker. (Blogs do that to me. The whole seeing in someone’s life thing.)

  • Dayla

    OH my goodness! That is exactly what our pictures look like, instead of 2 dogs it’s 2 teenageers, and instead of 1 Bean we have 1 dog!!

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