Around the House,  Changes,  Dads,  Family,  Flashbacks,  Husbands,  Marriage Confessions,  Travel,  Understanding Chris


Last Thursday, Chris left to visit Florida on business.  It was the first time he’d been away since Bean was born.  He called me about every hour, just to see what we were doing.

We’re eating peas and missing you.”

We’re chewing on our socks and missing you.”

We’re taking a morning nap and missing you.”

It was really sweet at first, but then it got a little annoying.  I mean, don’t get me wrong.  I loved hanging with Bean Man and we actually had a lot of fun together.  But a play by play with a seven month old baby isn’t exactly what I’d call interesting.  By Saturday afternoon, my answers were more like,

We’re changing this chunky, nasty diaper.  When are you coming home?”

We’re cleaning drool off of Molly’s tail.  When are you coming home again?”

We’re scraping applesauce off the ceiling fan.  Come home.  Now.”

When I crawled into bed on Saturday night, I was exhausted and couldn’t wait for Sunday afternoon when Chris’ plane landed.  Bean Man and I had played until we both couldn’t keep our eyes open.  I called Chris to say goodnight and was happy to find he was driving back to his sister’s house, where he was staying.  He had about a 20 minute drive to his sister’s and that was just enough time to talk about our days.  Talking to him on the phone at night always reminds me of college.  We dated long distance all four years and I don’t remember a night when I didn’t talk to him just as I drifted off to sleep.

Just as I was about to tell Chris goodnight, Big Molly suddenly jumped up and ran downstairs, barking.  It was about 11:00 at night and very unlike her to go crazy like that.  But then I heard it.

A car door opened and closed.  And it sounded really close.

“Chris,” I whispered.  “It sounds like someone is in the driveway.”

“Are you sure?  It might just be the neighbors.”

But then I heard the back glass door open.  And Molly started barking even louder and more ferociously.  And then I heard someone jiggling the doorknob.  So, I did the only logical think I could think to do.  I yelled into the phone, “Someone is opening the backdoor!” and I jumped out of bed and went flying downstairs, yelling like a crazy person.


I mean, I was loud and I was pissed.

When I got downstairs to the backdoor in our kitchen, there was Chris.  With his cell phone up to his ear.  Laughing at me.

I was half asleep and ready to rip someone’s head off if they tried to break into my house and the unexpected sight of Chris standing in our kitchen confused the hell out of me.  It was the first time in my life I thought that maybe I was actually dreaming.

“Are you here?” I asked.

“I’m here,” he said, wrapping his arms around me.  “I missed you guys too much, so I came home.”

I have never been more surprised by Chris.  Not necessarily because he came in my backdoor at 11:00 that night.  But because he missed us so much.  Chris and I have always been pretty independent in our relationship.  I think that, too, comes from dating long distance for so long.  We love having each other around and it makes our lives better, but we can survive without each other for a little while.  But since Beanie has been around, I’ve noticed Chris is slightly more of a homebody.  He prefers to stay home with Bean than go out most of the time.  He prefers to take Bean with us than leave him at home.  He calls more when he’s gone.  And now, he was coming home early.

The next morning when Bean woke up, he was so excited to see Daddy standing at his crib.  He smiled and squealed and hugged and kissed/slobbered on Chris’ cheek.

But I don’t think Chris minded one bit.

It used to be that when Chris called when we were apart, he was calling because he missed me.  And it used to be only me who could make his face light up and smile that that.

But there seems to be someone else in his life now that can bring his entire world to a halt.  Someone else who can turn his head and change his plans.

You can learn a lot of things standing in your kitchen at 11:00 PM in your pajamas, half asleep, threatening to kill intruders that you happen to be married to.

I learned that if someone were to try to break into my house, they had better be wearing a helmet.  I surprised the crap out of myself by how much of an un-weenie I am!  I am such a nervous person when I’m in a house by myself usually, but its nice to know that if something were to happen, I wouldn’t cower under my covers.  Instead, I’d come out swinging.

Like a bad ass.

I also learned that its important for Chris and I to have time apart.  Its important for us both individually because it gives us time to ourselves and time to appreciate and miss each other.  And its good for Bean Man to spend time one-on-one with his parents and to get that individual attention.

But more than those things, I think I’ve learned that while being apart is still an important part of our relationship, its the coming home that makes it all worth while.

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  • Katie

    Isn’t it amazing… you think you know every side of your husband, and then this baby comes along and a whole new side of him emerges. It’s such a cool thing. I love it! : )

  • Lori @I Can Grow people

    Oh dude, it is hard entertaining a baby by yourself while your guy is away, isn’t it? I think Aaron has been away 3 times so far since P has been born–the first two trips were before Porter turned two months! I had Lily here for one trip and my parents here for the other. I couldn’t have survived without them! Aaron was gone to a convention in November and we survived, but next weekend is another mommy-son weekend while daddy’s away in Sarasota for work. Let’s hope all goes smoothly!

  • Melissa N.

    That is too awesome that he came home early just see y’all 🙂 Even if you were going to go downstairs and beat his ass before knew it was him. *lol*

    My husband tells a story of me doing something like that when I first moved in with my him. I’d been upstairs in our apartment, and he came home from doing PT, but didn’t call the cell to let me know he was on his way. He decided not to wake me up, and just come up the stairs and wake me up. Obviously it was the wrong thing to do because I slept with the BB gun under his pillow…and turned it on him. He said I didn’t hit him, but I blew up the wall with the BB’s trying to.

  • Kelly @ The Startup Wife

    This was so sweet. And also, hilarious. And actually, you had me going for a second there–so glad it turned out to be Chris! I was picturing myself in that scenario and getting super nervous for you. Hopefully any potential intruders are reading this blog and now know that you’d kick their asses. 😉

    Those pictures of Chris and Bean are freaking adorable.

  • Kristen

    And you didn’t get just a little mad at him… for scaring the crap out of you?! I was nervous just reading that! My husband’s first trip away since we had our peanut is coming up. Think I’ll tell him NOT to scare me if he comes home early!

  • Nate's Mom

    I am so proud of you for yelling at the “intruder!” I’ve often thought what would I do if that happened. I’m pretty sure I’d grab Nate and go hide in the attic. The cats, of course, would greet the intruder, flirt flop, and ask for treats….

  • Katy

    Ok, no idea why that made me cry like a baby, but so cute! And painful. Because I have chlorine eyes from swimming. Damnit, guess it was worth it and I should go vote again.

  • Rebekah

    This was just too funny! You had me going there, and I was really glad it was Chris. It’s always surprising what you will find yourself doing in a situation like that! Love the pictures of Chris and Bean. So sweet.

  • Syd

    I just found your blog. Great story. In fact, it made me cry. But I’m pregnant, so hormonally, I suppose that’s not too crazy. Still. Crying. And smiling.

  • Abby

    So funny! It’s lucky for him that you didn’t have a baseball bat in your hands! I don’t know what I would have done if I thought someone was breaking in… yikes! btw, my husband would have been in Big trouble for doing that! :o)

  • Katie

    I know JUST what you mean by your wonderful homecoming. My husband has traveled for work ever since we married 20 years ago, and “Daddy Day” is still received with whoops, hugs and tag team wrestling! So happy you all had your own “Daddy Day”—they never grow old!

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