Friendship,  Marriage Confessions,  Random,  Travel

Bachelorette Weekend: Part Two

Saturday morning, the original plan was to go to Max Brenner’s chocolatier restaurant in Union Square for a chocolate-themed brunch.  On Sunday morning, we were supposed to go to this beautiful, dainty, much nicer place for a morning-after brunch called Hundred Acres.  But we ended up switching and doing Hundred Acres on Saturday morning because we figured Friday night was going to be the tame night and all the girls would be in a much more presentable state on Saturday morning, rather than on Sunday morning after our big Saturday night extravaganza.

Excellent choice.

Hundred Acres was beautiful.  Out of all the brunches I’ve had in New York – the city that made brunch famous – this was the best one I’d had.  It was a gorgeous restaurant in SoHo that specialized in trendy Southern-style food.  Oh, my word.

Let me just describe my meal to you.  I had two poached eggs, each served on a homemade sausage patty and topped with a hollandaise sauce that makes me drool just writing about it.  The two sausage patties and poached eggs were served over (…wait for it…wait for it…) JALAPENO CHEDDAR GRITS.   I almost cried.  In fact, I might have.  And the biscuits there were heavenly and served with sweet almond butter.  That is brunch done right, I tell you.  I would have taken a picture of the plate, but I got too excited and I ate the whole thing first.  And then I scraped my plate with pieces of biscuit.  And then I licked the plate.  So, after that, there wasn’t much left to photograph except a really clean plate.

After brunch, we headed back to the hotel for the lingerie shower.  I had the girls keep Ginny busy in one of the other rooms while a few of us decorated for the shower.  I think it ended up being just perfect.  It was girly and feminine, instead of raunchy.  Even the penis cake (which I debated about having, but ended up deciding that it really wasn’t an official bachelorette weekend without SOME sort of male body part on display).  Ginny’s friend, Amy, made the cake and it ended up being sort of… I don’t know… Cute?  Pretty?

This is getting awkward.

Let’s just look at more pictures….

Ginny loved it!

She had a crown that said, “Bachelorette.”  She also had a sash that said, “Bride to Be.”  Just in case any of us forgot who she was or what we were celebrating.

Ginny has always loved beauty pageant attire.  It suits her.

Before the festivities began, we toasted Ginny and John Michael.  I told her how proud I was of her and how happy I was for her and JM.

She cried.

I cried.

We’re emotional people.

After that mushiness, we, appropriately, ripped into some penis cake and presents.  Ginny got some beautiful lingerie.  And after we made all the necessary catcalls and hoots and hollers, I insisted that we play every known shower game on this planet.  I love shower games.  LOVE them.  We played things like guessing what was in Ginny’s purse, answering questions about Ginny and John Michael’s relationship, and making Ginny leave the room and then asking the girls about what she was wearing to see who could remember the most.  But the afternoon ended up being a hilarious recount of ever funny Ginny story we could all think of.  I had a blast hearing about Ginny’s time in college and I learned a lot about her.  Not just about her drinking and dating habits (which I believe the entire South is aware of…), but I heard some really sweet stories of friendship and loyalty.  Not that those traits surprise me in Ginny, but it was really great to hear them from all of her friends.

Most of the girls there were Ginny’s sorority sisters from college.  I never joined a sorority and I’ll be the first to admit that the stigma of “sorority girl” was a major reason I didn’t.  But having spent time with Ginny’s friends this weekend, and a few times while Gin was in college, I can tell you that I might not know about all sororities, but I do know that the ladies of Chi Omega at the University of Florida are about as high class and down to earth as a group of girls can be.  They are supportive of each other, encouraging of each other, funny, humble, the first to laugh at themselves, and smarter than most professional women I’ve ever known.  Each of them are accomplished and unique in their own lives, but collectively they are a group of women who make you want to do more with your life.  I was so proud of Ginny that afternoon.  She has made some pretty damn good decisions in her life, but one of the best she’s ever made was to join this group.  She has friends that define friendship, and that is really what that afternoon was about.

After the lingerie shower, we had nap time.


We all took about an hour nap in our hotel rooms.  Some of the girls were hung over from the night before.  Some of the girls were full and sleepy from a big brunch.  Some of the girls were resting up for the big night out later that day.  And some of us were trying to catch up on nine months of sleep since the arrival of our first-born child.

After naps though, we broke out the fishnets and short black skirts to celebrate the bachelorette in true bachelorette style…

I’ll be posting the last Bachelorette Weekend post later today.  Be sure to check back to catch all the details and pictures from the Big Night Out!  Complete with feather boas, good food, and 60-year-old exotic dancers…


  • Faith

    So….I really, really, really, really want my hair to look like Ginny’s… Would you/she mind if I showed my hairstylist her pictures to try to achieve that? Or…better yet…do you happen to know who did her hair when she lived in Atlanta (where I live…maybe I could just go see that person?!)? Thanks!!

    • Ginny

      Hi Faith! I went to Salon Carrica while I was in Atlanta. They are fabulous but really expensive… so in between cuts I went to the closest Hair Cuttery for a trim. 🙂 And, nope I would mind at all if you took any pictures. Thanks for the compliment!! I’ve been growing it out for the wedding and have been struggling to have it look fun in the process.

  • Tracey!

    Katie, I love your choice of clothing! the lavender with your red hair is brilliant. I just love when people know which colors work really well for them and dress appropriately. Bravo! I realize my comment has nothing to do with your post but I just thought you would like to know:) Oh and I wanna see this pretty penis cake too.


  • Heather in ND

    I threw my sister a bachelorette party and it was pretty lame compared to the weekend extravaganza you threw for your sister— awesome job! 😉 Can’t wait to read the last installment!!!

  • Ana

    I also did not join a sorority because of the stigma but one of my best friends was a chi omega at Texas Tech University and I agree Chi Omegas are classy ladies! I have loved meeting all her Chi Omega friends 🙂 I love your sister’s dress! And you did such a great job with the bachelorette party 🙂

  • Tressa

    AWESOME job Katie!!! I can’t wait to hear the rest….and see YOUR fishnet!! 😉
    Sounds like a great time was had by all. Memories…lots of Memories made

    (IT is pretty) lol

  • Emma

    Loving this – I didn’t have one as we got married in Vegas but we are ‘re-doing’ my best friends bachelorette next year (we were all very poor college students when she got married)so I am stealing some ideas!

  • Jaclyn

    Ginny’s bachelorette weekend looks like it was a blast! I love the way you transformed the hotel room into such a great party-suite.

    I, too, was hesitant to join a sorority from what I’d heard of them, but it was one of the best choices I made in college and most of the girls I still keep in touch with after school have been my lovely Pi Beta Phi girls.

    Can’t wait for your next post!

  • Jenna

    THANK YOU for the sorority shout out 🙂 I almost didn’t join a sorority because didn’t feel I fit the stereotype, but just as you said about Ginny, joining one was truly one of the best decisions of my life.

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