Around the House,  Changes,  Childhood,  Family,  Marriage Confessions,  Moving,  Travel,  Understanding Chris,  Understanding Katie

A Family Affair

This past weekend, Chris, Bean and I rode to Atlanta with my parents for two very important events.  On Saturday morning, my cousin, Jake, had his Eagle Scout ceremony and then later that day was a bridal shower for my sister.  I was so excited to go because all the festivities were at my Aunt Joan and Uncle Tim’s house.  And I love my Aunt Joan and Uncle Tim!

This is my Uncle Tim.  He is my mom’s brother.  When I was little, he was my wild and crazy Uncle Tim.  But now that I’ve grown up (and so has he…), he is now my incredibly successful and yet still very cool Uncle Tim.

Mostly because of this lady…

This is my Aunt Joan.  She’s one of, like, 5,000 kids in her family.  Nothing rattles this woman.  Which is how my Uncle Tim went from wild and crazy to wholesome, successful family man.

Well, this lady also helped with that transition, too…

This is their firstborn, Abby.  She’s my cousin.  And she’s brilliant.  No.  Really.  While my sister and I were off perfecting our eyeliner skills, Abby was curing cancer and finding solutions to world peace.  And as if her mad smarts and sweet face weren’t enough, she’s got an amazing sense of humor.

It just ain’t fair, I tell you!

But as wonderful as Abby is, the reason we were all up at the crack of dawn on Saturday (aside from Bean’s shrill shrieks of excitement at the watermelon on the breakfast buffet…), was this guy…

Jake is my cousin and a newly appointed Eagle Scout.  Like his sister, Jake is one smart cookie.

Exhibit #4,591:  He scored something crazy like 2 points shy of a perfect score on his SAT or ACT or some other standardized test that I have mentally blocked from my brain because my score was so embarrassingly low.

Exhibit #4,592:  He recently was accepted to West Point, where I am sure he will be more interested in scholarly and military pursuits.  Whereas I will be focused on all those cute men in uniforms.  (Am I getting too old to say that?)

And not only is Jake smart, but he is just about the most kind person you will ever meet.  He is soft spoken and thoughtful and all of his decisions are rooted in his faith.  In fact, even his Eagle Scout project enhanced his church.  He built a beautiful prayer garden on the grounds of his church for devotion and prayer.  It was beautiful, even in the cool weather.  I can only imagine how pretty and reflective it will be when everything is in bloom around it.

Now, as inexperienced at parenting as I am, even I know that it is no coincidence that Uncle Tim and Aunt Joan ended up with TWO exemplary children.  That’s just darn good parenting.  And I think that comes from the home they have raised Abby and Jake in.  Their home is beautiful, but the beauty isn’t in materials goods necessarily.  Their home is filled with reminders of the experiences they’ve had as a family.  Everywhere you look there are trinkets from their travels.

Their home is filled with good food and even better friends.  And family.  Always there is family.

Chris and I are still having trouble adjusting to our move.  It doesn’t feel like home here and we are missing our life in Connecticut every day.  But it doesn’t take too much to remind us why we are here.  I look at Abby and Jake, Chris and his sister, and my sister and me and I can see the important role that family has made in all of our lives.  It has shaped us as people and we are all who we are because of our family.  And as hard as this adjustment is, I’m so glad we are able to give weekends like this to Bean.  And to ourselves, too.  Its just good for you to be around people who love you.

Of course, an hour after this picture was taken, Bean fell and chipped half of his front tooth.  All he knows is that before all this family was around, he had both his front teeth.  So, I’m not sure exactly what Bean thinks of all this family nonsense really.  He could think we’re a bunch of weirdos.

That’s always a possibility when you’re dealing with family.


  • Mrs Jen B

    Wow, Eagle Scout! What a great achievement – my cousin was an Eagle Scout as well so I know that’s no joke. And my husband has a cousin like your cousin Abby. This girl travels the world to set up governments in third world countries and speaks all sorts of languages – she was out of college at 19 or something like that. Makes me feel like quite the slacker in comparison.

    You have such a great family around you!

  • Tressa

    Family is always nice to have around. Makes our hearts happy.
    I’m sorry to hear you are still having a hard time adjusting. I’m sorry about Beanie’s tooth too! Poor lil guy 🙁
    That last picture of you holding Bean….you look beautiful!!

  • Tracey!

    After I left Florida I swore I would never return, to live that is, well I just returned from Fort Lauderdale on Sunday from a huge family gathering and maybe it’s your post or maybe it was stealing a few moments with my sister shopping for… well whatever but— I can’t believe I am even saying this– but I have given some serious thought to returning as well. Your posts are honestly giving me some great insight! — keep reporting!

  • GirlyGreenGirl

    Katie you look GORGEOUS in that last photo… like a model! I highly suggest you use it for everything.. maybe even write a letter to the RMV and attach this picture as evidence in your case.. I’m sure once they see it they’ll let you put it on your (Florida) license!!!

  • andrea

    congrats to the eagle scout. great pics. i love the last one. so precious, it makes me melt
    that is your dad you are hugging in the one pic right? i hope this isn’t inappropriate or too personal, but may i ask what happened to his finger? i’m always curious about that sort of stuff and i’m kinda nosey.

  • Michaela

    just to jump on the big old bandwagon:
    wowza to that last photo! you look so pretty! and bean, as ever is so cute 🙂

  • Marla

    Wow. Congrats to Jake.

    And I’m sure you will start to settle into your move soon. Remember, home is where the heart is! 🙂

    That sounds so so so cheesy. Haha.


  • Aunt Joan

    As if I needed another reason to cry!! We loved having you all this past weekend and want to thank you for taking the time to make Jake’s ceremony even more special. We love you. Aunt Joan

  • Cindy

    That is awesome that your cousin is an Eagle Scout and that he is going to West Point– your family must be so proud!

    That is sad that Bean chipped his tooth– where is the pic? My coworkers baby did that when he was about 1 1/2 years old and is now 3.

  • AmyV

    Such a wonderful family.. so much to be proud of!

    Now that Bean had his hair cut it’s looking pretty light. Almost a little red?!?! From one redhead to another, this might just be wishful thinking. 🙂

  • MaryGene

    My brother is an Eagle Scout!! It’s crazy–only something like 2% of men in America ever reach the rank of Eagle Scout–I think it takes a lot of sticktoitivness, if you will. 🙂 And that last pic of you and Bean is precious! Deserving of a frame, I think!

  • Holly

    Congrats to your cousin!
    I agree with the others. That last photo is stunning of you and your bean!!! Poster size enlarge that and frame it!.. okay maybe not poster but 8×10!!

  • Christina

    What a sweet time with your family! They sound amazing.
    I bet once you are in your own house and get settled it will really start to feel like home. Transitions are so hard…I hope it gets easier day by day.

  • Breanne

    When did the little bean decide he was bored of being a plain ol’ brunette and will himself into having a head full of his mama’s hair? Cause I’ve been lurking on your blog a while and it’s pretty new. And pretty darned cute.

  • Ella

    Oops that was ment to be a smile 🙂 not a wink 😉 I also ment to say what a beautiful house your Aunt & Uncle have.

  • Leah

    Dang I knew I should have made the 7 hour trip to ATL to go to my cousins Eagle Scout ceremony. I could have met one of my favorite bloggers. I was unfortunately traveling in the opposite direction that week. Do you have any pictures of the group of guys there that received their’s? (Although to be honest I’m not sure if that’s how these work…they do have a group ceremony and not individuals right?) I’m guessing it would have been the same one. Small world huh?

  • Dayla

    GREATEST pic ever! That last one is adorable!

    Wish your cousin Jake luck at West Point. What an accopmlishment! My little sister graduated from the USMA West Point in 2004. She just got of the Army! It was a tough go but well worth it.

    You, Chris, & Bean have a lovely family!!!

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