Baby Products,  Reviews

A Look Back at My Registry: The Diaper Genie

If it would not be too much of a stretch for me to say, “Get a Diaper Genie or you will die.”


I love mine.  And for this product, I went top of the line.  Trust me.  When you have two dogs and a husband, you don’t want to add any other smells to your house than you can help.  Plus, at the first whiff of a dirty diaper, my dogs would have been all over that nursery.  Then I would have had to kill them.  And then Chris would have had to kill me for killing them.  So, the Diaper Genie actually saved my life.

In all seriousness, this one is worth the splurge in my opinion.  I have the Diaper Genie Elite II (Babies R Us, $34.99) and it was probably the best $35 I’ve spent on Bean yet.  That sucker keeps in smells better than anything I’ve ever seen.  Except for the initial nasal explosion when you first take the diaper off, there is hardly ever a smell in the nursery or our house.

I also like this one because it is really easy to use.  I don’t know about you, but I could never figure out diaper disposal systems before I had this one.  I used to babysit a lot when I was in high school and college and there wasn’t ONE TIME that I could figure out someone’s disposal.  I usually ended up just sitting the dirty diaper next to the disposal.  Nice, huh?  I didn’t get many repeat gigs for babysitting.

But this one is really easy to use.  Step on the pedal, drop in the diaper just like a trash can, and you’re done.  Now, in full disclosure, sometimes if the diaper isn’t heavy enough to drop itself down when I close the lid, I have to tap on the pedal a few times and that seems to help the diaper drop in.  But that happens only every so often and its an easy fix.  Besides, those light weight diapers aren’t the problem.  Its those heavy diapers that you have to watch out for!

I know it might seem lame to spend extra money on a diaper trash can, but trust me.  It is totally worth it.  Totally.

Check back in later this evening for the last two installments of the blog blitz on my baby registry.  Up next?  My high chair.


  • Emma

    Amen and Amen. We didnt originally register for one of these puppies but we soon learned that small babies= large smells. It has been wonderful and saved us many a time!

  • Sara M

    My sister had a diaper genie (although not with a flip lid like yours, had to push the diaper down and do some kind of twist thing) and I could never figure that thing out! We went with the Diaper Champ and loved it so much we got another one for baby #2.

  • Jenny J

    Thank you so much for writing these posts. I am not an expectant mother, nor am I planning to be one for awhile, but these are great. It’s really nice to have the advice from someone closer to my own age than my Mom for the products out today, a lot of the options were ones that she didn’t really have access to.

    Your blog in general is wonderful, I love reading all the stories and what you write is so relatable (sp?) and the Bean is just adorable!

  • Caitlin

    I agree! We actually bought two of them, one for the nursery and one for the main floor. The main floor one is in our dining room (I live in a townhouse, there’s not a ton of space) and it never smells. Totally worth the money!

  • Holly

    What a good idea to review products from your baby registry! I couldn’t ever operate the Diaper Genie so we went with the Diaper Champ…super easy to use and it doesn’t require you to buy bag refills, it just uses plastic grocery bags or small trash bags. Love your blog!

  • Rachel

    I had a diaper genie when my oldest was born. She’s 13 now. Hated it. Couldn’t figure out the twisty thing to get to work. Glad they seem to have solved that issue.

    Love your blog & just skimming the reviews to see what has improved in the ten years since my last baby ws born (like the diaper genie, who knew?!)

  • Jenny

    I actually would recommend the Diaper Champ rather than the Diaper Genie. Diaper Champs are just as effective at keeping the smells at bay, but you can use any bag in them you want (rather than buying the expensive Diaper Genie bags). Maybe the newer Genie’s don’t require those bags (they certainly have come a long way since you had to get tendinitis trying to turn those dang dials), but such was not the case when my guy was born. Diaper Champs you just flip the handle over and it works like a plunger to push the diaper down and seal it away at the same time. Brilliant. Anyway… just FYI. 🙂

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