Family,  Holidays,  Husbands,  Marriage Confessions

On Father’s Day

Because you check on Michael every night before you go to bed, even if I was just in there.

Because you talk like Mickey Mouse.

Because you share your pretzels and cucumbers with Michael.

Because you go to church with us even though you’d rather sleep in.

Because you get Michael’s crib ready for bed every night.

Because you go straight to him when you get home from work.

Because you know where the tickle spots are.  For both of us.

Because you watch Sid the Science Kid.

Because you walk around with Michael on your shoulders.

Because you’re teaching Michael what sound a dolphin makes, even though that’s such a strange thing to teach him.

Because you cook dinner for us every night.

Because you switched to whole milk.

Because you keep me from dressing Michael like a nerd.

Because you can sing the entire children’s CD in the car.

Because you show Michael every picture of family in our house every single day.

Because I can’t find a picture of you in the past year without Michael in it.

Because you tell everyone that you have the coolest kid ever.

Because you go to work every day so that you can provide for us.

Because you moved across the country for your family.

Because you miss Michael when he spends one night with my parents.

Because the first thing you took to your new office was a picture of your son.

Because you are so excited about building a tree house that you point them out to me in other people’s yards.

Because you don’t want to miss anything that happens in Michael’s life.

Because you call during the day just because you miss us.

Because you never get frustrated.

Because you don’t even know how good of a Dad you are.

Because you tell us how much you love us every day.

There are so many reasons that you are a good father, Chris.  But I don’t have to list them here.  You can look at Michael and at the person that he is becoming and you know what kind of dad he has.  You make my life better and you make Michael’s life fuller.  Thank you for taking care of us, making us laugh, and being there for us every day.

Happy Father’s Day, Daddy!

We love you,

Mom and Michael


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