Fort Bean
On Tuesday morning, I was doing some writing and Beaner was playing in the living room. I heard all kinds of bumping and moving and dragging of toys around and so I kept on working. Until suddenly it got quiet. Never a good sign.
When I got up to check on him, I found Bean sitting in a corner in the living room in what I am pretty sure was his first attempt at building a fort.
He had dragged every toy he could find into this one corner in the living room and stuffed everything behind this little table. And then he climbed in and just sat there with all his things. Just hanging out in his fort.
And I would have thought that it was just an accident or coincidence that everything had accumulated into this one corner, but when I tried to pull the toys out and put them in the middle of the living room, Bean started screeching and squealing and yelling, “NO! NO! NO! NO!” Clearly, he wanted all of his worldly possessions in this one little corner.
So, I left him in his fort for the next half hour while he took things out and put things back in. It was his own little empire. Fort Bean.
No Mommy’s Allowed.
Jen at Cabin Fever
Too cute! Forts = essence of childhood. 🙂
Cabin Fever in Vermont
How gorgeous!
Ha! That’s adorable. I love it!
How funny! 🙂 He’s too smart. Also, I love how his hair has become so light over time! It just hit me seeing these photos that he’s blonde these days. So cute.
Look out – he’s a hoarder!
Heather Ben
super cute!
as if he was saying, “jeez mom, can’t you read my mind?”
Tabitha (From Single to Married)
Kids are so funny! Makes you wonder what’s going on in their cute little heads!
Binky? I thought those were going to stay in the crib?
Totally cute story!!
I am losing the binky battle. BUT I WILL WIN THE WAR, DAMMIT!
Oh I totally hear you on that. We tried the same rule for Daisy but she just yells “nan-nan-nan” until I let her have it for fear of my eardrums. Ooops..
reverse role….he puts things where he wants them and Mom comes along and messes it up!!!
So adorable
Miss M!
Okay, that? Is the cutest thing ever!
All I can think of is that song from Cinderella! In my own little corner, in my own little chair…I can be whatever I want to be!!
Katie N.
This post made my heart melt. He is too cute. So cute, in fact, that you should probably consider locking him up in your house for fear of him getting a girlfriend at such a young age. Kids are doing things at a very young age these days! 😉
Nigeria Hunter
Wow… I also just noticed he’s now blonde… I’ve seen a kid go from platinum blonde to dirty blonde but never from redhead to blonde… That Beanie is a super cool guy! 🙂
Abby @ They Lend Me Their Hearts
In his own little corner, in his own little chair, he can be whatever he wants to be. :o)
Good thinking on the “silence is bad news” thing. Once when my sister was about 5 our mom noticed she had been pretty quiet for a while. It turned out she had mixed together a bunch of her perfumes. Needless to say, the smell was highly unpleasant.
Too cute! My little boy got quiet the other day, and when I went to check on him (which I always do very quietly so I can spy on what he’s doing before he realizes I’m there – usually result in my favorite moments.), he was sitting with all his toys in a circle around him. When I asked what he was doing, he said he was taking a spaceship to a baseball game. Love it!
Such a boy!! Tonight while Farm Boy and I were getting dinner together Q-Tip was taking one bowel at a time out of the tupperware drawer and stacking them in the hallway. I have no idea what it meant but Farm Boy is convinced she’s going to be an engineer of some sort because she was “building” something. I saw a vet because she loves animals!
I think we need to get a life! lol…