Bean,  Parenting

15 Months Old

Today Bean has his 15-month-old doctor’s appointment.  When I called to schedule it, I had to think twice about if he was really that old.  How could that be?  Wasn’t he just a newborn, like, yesterday?  And now, here he is riding around in golf carts and playing on putting greens with me and Chris.  Time flies, I tell you.


Bean’s age right now is just a hoot and a half. He is so much fun. He even has a little sense of humor. He likes to hide from you and then pop out when you’re looking for him and when he pops out, he dies laughing like it’s the best joke ever. My dad taught him how to fake laugh, too, so sometimes when it’s quiet he’ll just throw his head back and start fake laughing until everyone around him is laughing along.


He is becoming even more independent, if that’s possible. He likes to feed himself now, which is really just him picking up food with his hand and putting it on the spoon and then aiming the spoon in the general direction of his mouth. So far we’ve had the best luck with yogurt because it’s thick enough to stay on the spoon. Peas are the hardest. Darn rolly things. He also likes to brush his own hair and his own teeth. And he’s not a fan of holding your hand when he’s walking anymore. He wants to do it by himself.


He is also becoming so much more physically active. He can walk really good and steady now and he’s even started running a little bit. I accidentally taught him to jump on the bed, too. I didn’t think he had the muscle strength to do it on his own, but I was very, very wrong. Now, I find him jumping on beds whenever he gets the chance. Way to go, Mom… We are noticing, too, that he seems to be left handed. I’ve read that kids use both hands until they are a little older and then stick with one, but Bean seems to use his left hand for just about everything right now. I’m interested to see if that sticks or if he’s just trying it out for a while.


What I really love about his age right now is how verbal he is becoming. There is not much that he can’t communicate to us, which has drastically reduced the number of temper tantrums he throws. Although, he can still throw a mean tantrum when he wants to. He can say these words: bear, ball, book, bath, bubble, baby (lots of B’s…), Nana, G-maw (Grandma), G-momamamama (Grandmomma), Ga-dad (Granddad), Mama, Dada, Molly, Lucy, all done, down, no (that’s a favorite), rain, water, bird, dog, cow, kitty, bye-bye, hi, night-night, go, car, truck, bed, piggies (that’s what he calls his toes), nose, eye (although he points to his ear…), mouth, head, tummmm (tummy), snack, juice, milk, all gone, and a handful more than he surprises me with everyday.


He has all but two teeth now and I think he’s about to start cutting those soon because his gums look a little raw. And last week Chris noticed that he’s getting fine little peach fuzz on his legs!! How cute!! His hair is getting thicker – and curlier! And we think it has finally decided to be blond. He was going back and forth between blond and red for a while, but I think it’s going to stay blond this time. He is getting cuter every day, too. And, thankfully, his cheeks are still as fat as ever! I don’t know what I’m going to do when that baby chub goes away.


My favorite part about this age is how flexible Bean is. He’s pretty good about napping twice a day still, usually taking an hour nap in the morning and then a two or three hour nap in the late afternoon. But if we are out and about, he can adapt pretty easily to just one nap and sometimes he’ll skip them all together and be fine. He might get a little cranky early that evening, but that’s alright. He’s also so flexible on what activities we’re doing, too. With us in the middle of moving right now, our days are a little unpredictable. Sometimes we’re home all day, but sometimes we’re running all over town getting things taken care of and Bean Man is right there with me. As long as he’s got his little snack cup, he can go and do whatever it is we are doing. Like practicing a little putting…


Yep, 15 months is one of the best so far. Although, there really hasn’t been a bad month yet. I love that now Bean seems to be growing exponentially faster. He learns faster, he thinks faster, he moves faster, and every day it seems like he has grown overnight. It makes me excited to get up every day with him and see what’s new!



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