Around the House,  Marriage Confessions

Blog Fodder

I get asked a lot how I come up with content to write about on my blog every day.  Under normal conditions, it’s really not so hard.  I just tell you whatever train happens to be running through my brain at the time I sit down at the computer.  But these days, the exhaustion from starting a new job, chasing around a toddler, and growing a person is catching up to me and my brain has been having a hard time forming single words, let alone full sentences for a blog post.

When that happens, the one way I can always jog my mind is to just start snapping some pictures.  Then, when I sit down at the computer I can make a blog post or two out of random pictures I’ve taken lately.  Works like a charm.

Except today.

Today I hit the proverbial written wall and so my brain shut down.  So, I grabbed my camera (which my parents found at their house and my dad brought to me today – Woo hoo for finding your camera!) and I started walking around my house taking pictures of things.  Sadly, when I sat down at my computer to see what I could turn into blog fodder, there wasn’t much.  It was just a collection of pictures of crap in my house.  Not much of a story there.  But, it’s getting late and I’m getting even more tired, so before I start crying and/or throwing up, I thought I’d just show you exactly what I have…

These are picture frames on my kitchen counter. I got the idea from my sister’s house. She has big, open counters, too, and to decorate the largest part, she has a collection of photos of family and friends. I’m not sure how I feel about pictures in the kitchen. I’m on the fence. But, here they are.


While we’re in the kitchen, this is Bean’s dinner plate. Potatoes and carrots from the beef stew my dad made us for dinner with ketchup poured over everything. Cause that’s how we roll.  He also had applesauce, but that was eaten immediately.  Applesauce doesn’t last long ’round these parts.


And speaking of Bean, here he is walking to the car one morning on our way to school.  I took it because I thought he looked like a little man.  Specifically, a little man named Chris.


This is a box that Chris and I are scared to unpack because it says “Toilettries” and it’s been packed up since Connecticut. It makes us wonder what toilettries we’ve been living without for so long…


This is a maternity dress that my mom just made me. It’s her first try with maternity clothes and I think she did a great job! It’s so soft and flowy, too. I can’t wait to wear it!


These are two Coke bottles that we watched being bottled at the Coke-a-Cola factory a couple years ago. I want to get rid of them because…well…they are two bottles of flat Coke. But Chris (of course) won’t let me. His reason? They were bottled on Leap Day. What a weirdo.


Good news! During the move, I found a drawer of my jewelry box that those loser burglers missed when they stole my jewelry last month!!! I still lost all of my valuable jewelry (anything with stones and all my earrings), but these are a bunch of cheap street jewelry I collected over the years at different street fairs, mostly in New York. None of it is really valuable, but it means so much to me because I HAVE MY OWN JEWELRY AGAIN!!


Tums by my bed. A pregnancy staple.


A rubber hippo from Bean’s Animal Kingdom birthday cake. I have no idea where it came from. I didn’t even know we still had it. But it was on my bedroom floor this afternoon.


This is Chris peeking his head through the back door while I walked around the house taking pictures. He was out in the pool and wanted me to come out there with him. I told him it was too cold. He told me he knew he could warm me up. I reminded him that’s how babies are made. Obviously.


A $20 gift card to Shutterfly. My mom bought me some maternity clothes at Motherhood (because I am scared of that place and refuse to go in myself) and when she checked out they gave her a little “Congratulations on Getting Knocked Up” gift bag. In the bag were all these coupons for baby stuff and one of them was this gift card! Score! If you’re preggo, get thee to Motherhood and collect your gift bag!


Chocolate pudding. My snack while I blog tonight. It gives me inspiration.


So, that’s about all the boring blog fodder I can come up with today, folks. Perhaps tomorrow my mind will be focused enough for me to put words together into actual sentences. And maybe by Friday I’ll be able to put those sentences into actual paragraphs.

Whoa there, Preggo Polly.

Let’s not get carried away…


  • molly

    What a great idea, Katie! I have to admit, I am constantly coming up with really cool (in my opinion) blog post ideas and then I forget them. I honestly feel like I have no time. With a full time job, a two-year-old and a 5 month old, let’s just say that sleep has become WAY more important than blogging. Hoping to pick it back up. If baby #2 ever learns how to sleep 🙂

    p.s. I think your babies will be about the same age difference as mine. 21 months? That’s our crazy wonderful life.

  • Casper

    We understand! With pregnancy the brain becomes foggy. I have a bottle of tums at home, in my desk at work, and in the car. A must, for sure!

  • Cassi {Miles from Suburbia}

    From a reader’s perspective, the reason I read certain blogs has little to do with the content itself. I read blogs written by people I feel a kinship with – people who I feel I would get along with in real life. And once I feel that way about a blog, the author could write about paint drying (and some of them do!), and I’d still come back again and again.

    You don’t abandon your friends when they have an off day, right? Right. 😉

  • Ashley

    haha I laughed out loud at the caption under your picture of Chris. My husband says stuff like that to me all. the. time. They don’t every grow out of it do they??
    Love the little glimpses into your life =)

  • Mindee@ourfrontdoor

    I love the dress your mom made. It looks like the colors and pattern are perfect for you.

    As for Motherhood: let’s just say that when I was pregnant that store made me cry. It seems they believed that only skinny women under 5′ 7″ got pregnant. There was nothing for my giraffe turned hippo shaped self.

  • Tressa

    I love this post! Let’s us know more about you, your home and life! I love pictures, I like the idea of pictures on the kitchen counter. If you have room anyway.
    That IS Chris Jr walking down the sidewalk!! 😉

  • Ashley

    Very cute! For one thing, I too have photos in my kitchen. I like it. Another thing, that’s a cute picture of your husband! Finally, what a great dress! I wish someone I knew would make me a dress. :)Let us know if she decides to open her own Etsy store, okay?

  • Jessica S.

    I discovered a few months you also get one of those handy shutterfly gift cards in your ‘Congrats on Getting Married’ bag at Target if you register there 🙂

  • Megan (Best of Fates)

    Your mom has a possible career making freaking adorable maternity clothes.

    ‘Cause I’m in awe.

    And I don’t awe easy.

    At least not when it doesn’t involve woodland creatures.

    Or cheese.

    But everyone awes easy for cheese.

  • Megan @ Red Dirt and Crazy

    I am a firm believer that pregnancy does wicked, wicked things to your brain. I couldn’t remember anything during the entire time and it was such a slow process getting my brain to return. And some days…it leaves me again!!

    So…I totally understand and I’m here for you!! Foggy brain and all!



  • Stephanie

    Pregnancy brain is the worse. Love the honesty in “what to post” I get the same way. It sure was an adventure looking at the pictures you decided to post. I felt like I was walking around your house with you looking at randoms. Love it!

  • Jaclyn

    I love the random factoids that come about when there’s nothing particularly blog-worthy to write about some days. Even if it was random it was still very helpful to me! For instance:

    1. Seeing all the picture frames reminded me I need to print updated pictures (it’s been about a year or more since I’ve printed from my camera) to put in the frames I have around my place that still have the fake families in them.

    2. It really made me want a coke from the office fridge — I’m going to get right on that!

    3. Also, I’m scared for you and Chris and that box too. So many toiletries!

    4. Have you told us what your mom did before, and I’ve missed it? I had no idea she made clothes, and that maternity dress is gorgeous! You’re a very lucky pregnant lady 😉

    Thanks for reminding us other writers that there are always things to write about!

  • Christina

    I love it. This is your life, these are your days…it’s what you will be glad to see and remember later.
    All of these pictures are great, even though mundane. Because they’re mundane. I think there can be beauty in what is so ordinary.
    Love the dress! And my mother-in-law has an entire counter in her kitchen dedicated to framed photos, and I LOVE it. It adds so much personal charm. 🙂

  • Nikki

    Thanks for the post! I have random plain counter space in the kitchen and I love the idea of putting pictures there! Might have to go frame shopping tonight. Bean is growing up so quickly. He’s starting to make me feel old!

  • Betty

    I love all the pictures! Also, when you register at Target you get a $20 shutterfly giftcard in your “congrats on being preggo” bag. I MAY have gone to 2 different Targets to get 2 bags…

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