Bean,  Daycare,  Parenting

Laying Down on the Job

This week, Bean’s daycare teachers sent me an email with a few pictures of him they took this week.  Isn’t that nice?  I got the email at work and it just made me stop in the middle of my busy day coercing middle schoolers into learning the difference between primary and secondary sources and smile.

Then I opened the email attachments and found this picture…


And this one…


And this one…


I think the biggest adjustment that Bean is facing at daycare is the transition from two naps a day to one afternoon nap.  But, apparently, he’s not letting the school’s policy stop him from getting his beauty rest.

When I picked Bean up from daycare the afternoon that I got the email, I did like I do every day.  I picked him up from his classroom, walked him out to the car and got him all strapped in his car seat, gave him his little car-ride snack that I bring him every day, and then I got into the driver’s seat and immediately opened his school bag to go through all his papers.  I can’t ever wait until I get home.  I want to see what he did that day as soon as possible.  Usually there is a piece of artwork or two, and there is always his little activity sheet that tells me what his schedule was that day, what he played with, how his mood was, etc.

On the bottom of this form that day, his teacher had written the following note:  “Michael enjoyed playing with his new friends today.  He also enjoyed putting Mr. Bear in the mail box.”

Oh, the hours of entertainment and giggles this kid has given me…


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