Q & A with MC

Pregnancy: Round Two

This week I was asked about my pregnancy with Gracie compared to my pregnancy with Bean. Was it different? If so, how? In a word, yes. This pregnancy is very different than my pregnancy with Bean.

I am 27 weeks pregnant this week. Here’s what I looked like at 27 weeks with Bean…

27 Weeks

And here I am at 27 weeks with Gracie…


I don’t know if you can tell or not, but I have put on a lot less weight this time around than the first time. A lot of that is due to the fact that I was really sick in my first trimester of this pregnancy – way worse than I was with Bean – and so I lost almost 15 pounds at the beginning of my pregnancy.

I’m also carrying really differently. With Bean, I put weight on all over but with Gracie it has (so far, knock on wood) been just in my stomach area. And it sticks out much further this time, too! Which means that my back is hurting more this time than it did last time.

But that’s okay because I’m not swelling as much this time around!! Remember these hobbit feet?


Well, not this time, baby! My feet are swelling, but nowhere NEAR as bad. However, check out those sexy varicose veins I’ve gotten this time around… And my cankles. Feast your eyes on those cankles and be very jealous!



Besides the physical differences, there are emotional differences this pregnancy, too. Aside from the obvious (Hi, I’m dealing with depression!), my emotions are a lot more unpredictable this time around. I blame it on the fact that I am a woman stuffed with another woman inside me. Like a turducken of estrogen. I’m just an emotional being at the moment. What can I say?

The biggest difference though I would have to say is my attitude about this pregnancy. I am so much more laid back with this one. I’m ALMOST (dare I say) enjoying my pregnancy this time around. Little things that happen to my body don’t freak me out. I’m not worrying about what will happen once the baby is here. I’m not pouring over parenting books. I’m just relaxing into my pregnancy. I’m not nervous or scared. I’m just excited and ready. Gracie could come tomorrow and I’d be ready to go, whereas with Bean I was so worried about how life would be once he arrived.

All in all, this time around has been so different and, actually, much better than the first time. But as much better as this pregnancy has been, I still can’t wait to be un-pregnant. Mostly because I can’t wait to meet my little Gracie Girl!


  • Christy

    You even look girlier with this pregnancy! I can’t exactly explain why…maybe your hair, rounder belly, less swollen…not sure. This one is a gonna be a girly, girly girl. Stock up on pink, princesses, and everything nice.

  • Kate

    You need to warn people before you use terms like “turducken of estrogen!” Someone could be casually drinking a soda and end up with it splattering their computer when that someone suddenly laughs so hard (not that that happened here though). 😉
    So glad that Gracie girl is growing healthy and happy.

  • megan

    Isn’t it so nice to enjoy a pregnancy instead of stressing out about every little thing? Keep it up, you awesome pregnant woman, you!

  • Jen c

    Turducken of estrogen is the funniest thing I’ve heard in awhile! Nice touch :). So happy you are feeling better this time around. I still love prego bellies without missing mine and you look fantastic!

  • Ashley

    You look phenomenal! You can definitely tell about the weight..your face is a lot thinner in the second photo. And yay for no hobbit feet!

  • Alaina

    I’ve heard rumor (you know, never having a kid yet myself) that each pregnancy is a little different….same with the labor. You’re definitely carrying differently…I forget, is it boys or girls they say you carry lower? Or is that some old wives tale?

  • Kat @ Living Like the Kings

    That is so crazy because we’re having a girl and I’m carrying her like you! All in the front (my back hates me) and not much swelling at all. It’s nuts because I didn’t think that carrying boys and girls would be all that different. I thought it was an old wives tale. But this is creepily similar. Needless to say, I’m dying to meet our little one who is due in less than 10 days now!

  • Nikki

    Love your use of turducken! I’m surprised that your feet don’t swell considering that you are teaching. I remember that when I was student teaching my feet would kill me by the end of the week! And I wasn’t even pregnant. Elementary students have way too much energy!

  • Heather

    I just recently found your blog and am really enjoying reading, so thank you! Just had to tell you that your line: “I am a woman stuffed with another woman inside me. Like a turducken of estrogen” was fantastic. Hysterical! I’m really enjoying your writing, and as a professional writer I’m pretty picky about what I read. 🙂

    I’m also pregnant with our second child, a girl (our first is a girl too), and this pregnancy felt very different than my first. I’m 21 weeks now. I expected it would be a boy because it is so different, but surprise! I love the name Grace, and am hoping to convince my husband to agree to it as a middle name, but so far he’s not on board. Sigh.

    I’m really empathizing with your struggle with depression too. The beginning of this pregnancy was really difficult for me. We had just moved to a new country (to the Netherlands from Boston so my husband can attend school here), and I was totally lost, homesick and lonely. Combined with the pregnancy hormones, well I’ll just say that it was a really messy time. It takes balls to put all that out there, not just with your friends and family, but with the internet as well. Thanks for having the guts to do it, though – it really helps to know that we’re not alone in our struggles. I’m doing better now, thankfully, but remain a bit nervous how all of this will translate postpartum.

    Best wishes to you in your pregnancy. 🙂 Little girls are wonderful!

  • Kay

    I’ve been reading your blog for a few months now and this is the first time I’ve commented on one of your posts. This statement “I blame it on the fact that I am a woman stuffed with another woman inside me. Like a turducken of estrogen.” is the FUNNIEST thing I have read online in ages.

    Thanks for the hilarious image! Love your site!

  • Krista

    I had a boy first and girl second and had the same thing happen, I gained about 20 more pounds with my son, but was so sick with my daughter, all my weight was in my belly. I loved it! Enjoy, you look adorable!!

  • Nona

    Well I have to agree with the best phrase of the week Turducken of estrogen. Yo look great and I am so happy for you abot not swelling this time It sucks and the Dr.s usually don’t like it! Love your site and I am so happy you are getting a girl now after having a beautiful boy.

  • Mariya

    This post made me really happy for you. You just look so relaxed in your current pregnancy photo. I keep hearing about how much harder the second one is, but you’re showing me how great it can be. Congrats!

  • R

    You know, in the middle of our second big snowstorm here, I can’t help but notice that maybe your tan is helping you to look even better this time around.
    Dear sunshine, I miss you. And I miss Katie. Could at least one of you come back please?

  • rebecca

    My pregnancy with Zoe was a whole lot like yours with Gracie, except my puking didn’t stop after the first trimester…I puked the entire 9 months. I blame it on the estrogen. And the crazy crazy hormones. Oh my goodness! I’ve told my husband he gets one more shot at spreading his DNA and if it’s ANYTHING like the first time around…..to call and make an appointment with the Dr!

  • Sarah H.

    Interesting! The same day you posted this is the day about 6 people tell me they think I’m having a girl because I’m gaining my weight evenly all over–not just belly. Haha. But it was the opposite for you! And it seems for other commenters as well…who knows. There’s only two options, so I’m not too concerned ;).

  • Lindsey

    “I am a woman stuffed with another woman inside of me. Like a turducken of estrogen.” This had me literally rolling on the floor laughing. You crack me up!

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