Bean,  Conversations with Bean and Gracie,  Parenting,  Toddlers

From the Mouth of Babes

Bean is talking so much right now.  And it’s not just the talking that’s getting better.  He’s able to reason and put thoughts together.  Which means that sometimes when he puts thoughts together, he says some of the funniest things!  Take a few examples from the past two weeks:

Exhibit A:

Bean was hanging out in our bedroom the other morning while I was getting ready for bed.  I was putting lotion on my belly and I could see him staring at me, clearly thinking about something.  His little brow ruffled and he came over to where I was standing.  He put his hands on my stomach and traced a few of my stretch marks.  And then he thought for a minute more and finally said, “Mommy boo boo?”  Yes, my child.  Those stretch marks are mommy’s boo boos.  Boo boos that you and your sister gave me.  And I love them.


Exhibit B:

On our way home from school every day, Bean and I drive really close to the airport.  His favorite thing to do is watch airplanes, so that is his favorite part of the ride home.  Today as we were driving by the runway, there was a huge plane that was landing.  Bean was chattering away in the backseat, “Airpane! Airpane! Airpane!”  And then all of a sudden he got really quiet.  And in the rear view mirror, I could see him watching the plane and thinking.  He thought for a minute and as he watched the plane land on the ground, he said quietly, “Airpane fall down?”

Exhibit C:

At daycare, I can only imagine how hard it must be to get a room full of toddlers to be still and follow simple directions.  One of the things they must say all the time to the kids is, “Listen!” because lately, Bean has started saying listen a lot.  Like, when he hears an airplane outside, he’ll get really quiet, open his eyes wide, put his hand to his ear and whisper, “Listen!”  It’s pretty cute.  So, this past weekend my mom and me were at Target looking for hospital pajamas for me.  Bean was in the shopping cart chattering away and Mom and I were talking over him, not really paying attention.  Finally, Bean got so frustrated that he was being ignored that he started yelling at the top of his lungs, “LISTEN!!  LISTEN!!  LISTEN!!”  That definitely got out attention and we laughed for the next 15 minutes at him.


One of my favorite parts of having a toddler is seeing Bean develop and grow, not just physically but mentally.  I squeal every time he uses a new word or phrase.  It’s just so exciting to see!  But even more than the excitement of watching his vocabulary grow, is the excitement of watching his thought process grow.  Seeing him learn to associate words with actions or ideas.  This age is so much fun!



  • Cindy In Owensboro, KY

    Kids say the most insightful things. I am amazed every day what my little one (who is 29months old) says. My favorite thing right now is when she says “I love you too” or “I miss you too”.

  • c laire

    Oh how wonderful!! I don’t have any children, but I babysit every week for a family who are half Australian half Italian. They’re trying to bring their children up to be bi-lingual, and it’s my job every week to talk to them in Italian to expose them to it a bit more. The younger one isn’t really saying much at the moment, but the elder (who has just turned 3) comes out with phrases that are half in english and half in Italian. It is hands down the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. At the moment her favourite one is ‘I love you tanto bene’, which is a mix of ‘I love you’ and ‘Ti voglio tanto bene’. Cutest thing ever. I go there every week so excited to hear what she’s going to come up with next!

  • Jess (In My Healthy Opinion)

    Oh my gosh, that’s so cute. Bean is adorable, and kids definitely say the most hilarious things. When I was 3, I was riding in the back of my grandpa’s car. We arrived at a restaurant and he said it looked crowded… I piped up from the back and said “Well didn’t you call ahead?!” Gotta love how kids always speak the truth. 🙂

  • Jessica W

    This is also the stage where you need to be very careful what you say. My husband and I had taken our nieces (at that time 3 and 1) out for a day of fun. We were driving back and we thought they were both out cold until the 3yo pipes up in this voice of total frustration “Ugh! He’s an aggressive driver!!!” We couldn’t stop laughing.

  • Megan @ Red Dirt and Crazy

    He’s so adorable! Q-Tip has us rolling most of the time these days as well. I am really loving this stage of development. Although, there are parts that I’m not sure I love…like saying she needs to potty in the middle of dinner simply to get out of eating her food. I’m not likin those parts at all!!



  • Jen at Caved In

    Just this morning I spike to my cousin whose 2 year old said today “mom don’t come in the kitchen but if you do, don’t say stop eating all the candy, ok?”. I can’t wait until Sullivan gets to this stage! Well….yeah maybe I can

  • Meghan

    One of the best things I ever got for myself as a Mom is a journal to write down my kids’ funny/cute/memorable sayings. I got one specifically for moms called, “Words to Remember”, but you could use anything! I try to write down what Emmett says as quickly as possible so I’m accurate. It’s easy to think you’ll always remember something cute, but it’s so easy to forget (especially after #2 comes along). It is so fun to look back at the things Emmett has said, and I look forward to eventually including Colin’s sayings, too. My favorite so far? “What do I smell? Is that a dirty diaper or what you’re cooking?”

  • Tan @ tan/green

    I have to agree that watching their thought process at this stage is the most amazing and fascinating thing! I just wrote about that this week as well – all joints have become elbows to our 18 mos old which I think is a hoot!

  • Melissa

    So cute! I was with my little cousin who is about Beans age and I spilled some of his juice and said oh no! he copied my oh no and then stopped for a moment and rubbed my arm and said “It’s okay” and then grabbed a towel to clean it up! Things like this make me so excited for my own little boy to do such cute stuff in the future!

  • Lynne

    Yep, that explosion of language is a great thing. I love preschool age kids, and I enjoyed mine so much when they were at that age – my boys are older (much!) now, so I love reading your blog to help me bring back great memories.

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