Health,  Marriage Confessions,  Pregnancy

My OB and Me

On Tuesday during my first period class, I had the biggest contraction I’ve ever had. I was in the middle of teaching and it literally took my breath away. It lasted a few minutes and then it was over. I’ve had contractions off and on throughout my third trimester, but this one was much stronger and it was during the day. I don’t think I’ve ever had contractions during the day. Usually I get them at night after I’ve been walking around all day and my body is tired. Still though, I recouped and continued teaching. About an hour later, it happened again. A really, really strong and breath-taking contraction. By lunch, I was having them about every half hour.

On my planning period, I called my doctor just to see what they thought I should do. I spoke with her nurse and she assured me that there wasn’t anything to be done until contractions were about 5-10 minutes apart and that I should sit down, put my feet up, and drink lots of fluid because contractions can be triggered by being overly tired or being dehydrated. Since I only had one more class left that afternoon, I finished my day out and headed home.

When I got home, I did just like my nurse suggested. I rested and drank lots of water. My contractions still continued, but they weren’t nearly as strong or as regular. So, I decided to put in for a substitute for Wednesday and take a day to rest and then I went to bed at 7:15. I think I was asleep before Bean.

When I got up this morning, I felt much better and wasn’t having contractions nearly as intensely or as regularly. I took Bean to daycare and then headed to my doctor’s office. The first thing I said to my doctor when she came into the exam room was that my hospital bag was in the car and if she needed a ride to the hospital, I could take us right then. She laughed.

And then she said no.

And then came the begging.

“Please, please, please! Please! Please let me go to the hospital! Please! Please, please, please! Take this baby out! Please! Please!”

But she wouldn’t budge.

“You look great!” she told me.

“But I am so uncomfortably big! I don’t even fit in bathroom stalls anymore! My back hurts! My feet are swelling! I can’t sleep! Please! PLEASE deliver this baby today!”

“Katie,” she said. “I’m not delivering that baby unless there’s a medical emergency.”

So, I thought for a minute.

“I think that disc in my back is bulging again,” I said hopefully.

“You seem to be walking fine,” she replied calmly.

Shoot. This is the problem when you have a smart doctor. They actually pay attention to things. I’d have to be sneakier.

“I think my water broke,” I tried.

“You THINK?”

“Yeah. I think it did.”

“No,” she said. “You’d know.”


Finally, I gave up and asked my doctor at what point I was actually allowed to go to the hospital. She said that my contractions had to be 5-10 minutes apart or my water had to break.

“If I get a call from the hospital that you are up there, I’m asking them about those two things. If one of them hasn’t happened, I’m not coming up there,” she laughed.

She’s tough, my doctor. But she knows me too well.

So, it looks like I had a false alarm there this week. And it looks like I have to wait a wee bit longer before I meet Gracie. And this kind of makes me feel like this:


Hot momma.


  • Sarah@Crazy Love Gamble-Style

    Did you give her THAT LOOK? And she still didn’t give in??

    It will be over before you know it and being as this is your last baby *try* enjoying that wonderful feeling of having her kick inside you, this is your last shot at that. I know it is hard to look at it that way but as the mother of a 6 week old, trust me when I say, you are getting more sleep now then you will soon!! Hugs Katie! You are in the home stretch!

  • Julie

    OMG! I mean this in the nicest way, but that baby is huge! I always forget how big pregnant bellies get right at the end. I know I was bigger than my own house at the end of each of mine…good luck getting your water to break soon. Mine never did…although I always waited for something dramatic to happen when I was in a restaurant…like in the movies.

  • Lori @ I Can Grow People

    Because P-Bo arrived 5 weeks early, I never made it to the “For the love of god, get it out of me!” stage of pregnancy. I can’t imagine what you are going through. Drink your fluids, put your feet up and enjoy these last few weeks of just the three of you before you three become you four!

  • Angela

    First of all, I adore your dress ๐Ÿ™‚
    And I mean this in the nicest way possible, but man, that’s one big baby girl in there.

    Try and feel better.

  • Rebecca

    Pretty sure I had a conversation with my OB that went like this: Me: Um, so I don’t want to have to work anymore past Friday but they won’t pay me unless you write a note. OB: sure ME: Sweet. And then I cleaned off my desk Friday afternoon and set myself up to have 2 weeks of baby free, hubby free maternity leave…and then Zoe came Saturday morning. 2 weeks early. I was literally planning on her being late…Babies never do what they’re supposed to =) Why is that??? I was supposed to get a pedicure!

  • Amy

    Love the picture! Not much longer now. Just curious do you have a picture of yourself this pregnant with Bean that you could do a comparison with?

  • Erin B

    I just had my son 2 weeks ago, and I can totally relate to what your saying. I tried to bribe my OB to let me go to the hospital and have the baby. I was so big I couldnt fit in my car to drive! Hang in there! Hope she comes soon!

  • Megan @ Red Dirt and Crazy

    My old OB would be having some serious Deja Vu if she read this! I was the same way!!

    I feel your pain Katie…it seems like it was yesterday! And I’m not going to give you the “it will be worth it in the end” speech…it only made me more irritated. I knew it would be worth it but I was freakin miserable!!



  • Jennifer

    Love it! Been there and done that, except when I asked my OB she said “How’s Thursday?” that was on a Monday. You look good! Cute dress!!

  • Kristin

    Whoa–I was gonna say–Did you give her that look? But someone already beat me to it! Haha. Definitely, go back tomorrow and give her that look. You’ll be delivering right away! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Jeska

    Oh Katie! You made me laugh so much that I just had to share it with my husband. ๐Ÿ™‚ He thought it was pretty funny too.

    Love the pic too btw!

  • Ashley

    You STILL look great! But I can imagine that would be super uncomfortable. I will pray that Gracie decides to join you very very soon!

  • Deepa

    This sounds familair. I “thought my water broke” three times. They sent me home each time. Finally, a week after my due date, they took pity on me. You look awesome byt the way! Hang int here! You can do it!

  • Ginny

    I showed John Michael this picture and he just kept staring at it and saying “is that normal? No, really, is that?” Haha – I’m saying lots and lots of prayers for you and sweet baby Grace.

  • Katy @ MonsterProof

    I guess I still need to get there. I was in the hospital last night for monitoring, and still freaked out at the idea. It’s a good thing our brains wait til the last few weeks for the “Get her OUT” obsession.

  • Erica

    Oh sweetie, I relate! I’m just fixin to start my third trimester but I have been having the most absurd hip pain in the history of the world. It keeps me up all night and the doctor keeps telling me “it’s going to get worse before it gets better but it should go away when the baby’s born!”. So I’m anxiously waiting to hit 38ish weeks…It’s so far off. Good luck! Gracie, you give Mama a break! Let her get some rest!

  • Rachel

    I love the message your sister Ginny left on here, so sweet.
    I look forward to having this baby out and I am only at 25 weeks (I have suffered with back pain like you) I can’t imagine how you must feel, but your doctor is right. You look great!

  • Anne

    That has to be my favorite “pregnancy” picture ever. I am SOOO laughing out loud right now! Good luck, and may your water break very soon!

  • Shelley

    “Hot mama” put me into a spasm of laughter.
    One more thing – if you’ve still got your sense of humor, you’re not ready. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Erin

    Oh man – I am 28 weeks right now and not looking forward to those last few weeks when nothing makes you feel comfortable. I’m a scheduled c-section though so I’m hoping that with an end goal in site, I might be able to grumble my way through! Come on Gracie – join the world!

  • Tressa

    I’m praying for you Katie. I’m sure your miserable, but the end is in sight. I’m praying you won’t have to wait til April 4th to meet your precious baby girl ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Sanja

    I feel for you Katie! I am due Apr 6th and have a feeling I’ll be pregnant forever at this point. I am praying for both of us we won’t have to see April!!!

  • All My Monkeys

    Ok, girls who are prego with hip pain… Two words: Pregnancy. Massage. If it hurts enough, you’ll ask for a butt massage and you’ll get over the fact that you’re having someone rub yer booty. I had sciatic/lower back / sacral pain and with 2 half hr massages I was good to go. Never had any more pain the rest of my pregnancy. You may need to go more than that, but massage will cure a LOT of ills in that regard. TRUST ME! I’ve given birth to FIVE children. And I wasn’t young when I started. I heart massage mucho!

  • Southern MN Gal

    I’ve read your blog for soooo long now ~ shame on me for never commenting! Agreeing with the commenter above, definitely go with a pregnancy massage! If they know what they’re doing, massaging your ankles can bring on labor. Pinky promise! A very dear friend of mine was a masseus (sp??) and she said she always had to be so careful with her pregnant clients’ ankles. I think she said some nerve in the ankle is in synch with the uterus…something along those lines! Just a thought/suggestion! BTW, Bean is so stinking cute and he’s turned into such a little man, right before our virtual eyes in the last couple of months! Can’t wait to see Gracie pics SOON!!

  • Kat @ Living Like the Kings

    Ahh! YOU LOOK SO PREGGERS! ๐Ÿ™‚ I haven’t seen the bump out like that in a while. It looks soooooo pregnant ๐Ÿ™‚ hehe I used to hate when people told me I looked “huge” ๐Ÿ™‚ Anyways, yeah…..I tried stuff like that with my doctor too. BUT my water DID break and I wasn’t sure and they told me “I’d know” and even after I got to the hospital in real labor and she checked me and said my water was broken! SO HA! (I just thought I was leaking a lot lol)

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