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Look What We Made!

The past few days have been a whirlwind of surprises and excitement as we welcomed the early, unexpected arrival of Baby Gracie.  Thank you all for your emails, comments, FB messages, and Tweets of support.  It’s times like these of incredible joy that I realize how wonderful it is to have this strange, odd, extended imaginary family who surround us with encouragement and prayers.  It makes special times even more special to our family, so thank you for being part of that.

Now.  About Friday.

Friday afternoon I had a routine doctor’s appointment.  It had been scheduled and there was no real reason for it other than a standard check up.  But as I was talking to my doctor about disgusting pregnancy things that I won’t mention here otherwise no single woman reading this will ever have babies, she smiled and said slowly, “Okay, now don’t panic.  But I’d like for you to head on over to the hospital.”  This was NOT the response I thought I would get after describing my symptoms.  I’ve gotten so used to trying to convince her to do my c-section early and her shooting me down that I had finally given up the battle.  I expected her to tell me it was all normal and she’d see me next week.  She caught me so much by surprise that instead of immediately jumping up and running out of the hospital, I started to argue AGAINST it!

“Wait, what?”

“Well, what you are describing to me sounds like your water has been slowly breaking and I think you should head up to the hospital and have them check it out.”

“Wait, what?  Like today?”

“Yep,” she said calmly.  “Call Chris and have him meet you up there.”

“Wait, what?”

And then she started using sign language and acting out what I should do.

Not really.  But that would have been pretty funny…

So, I called Chris from my car in the parking lot and told him what was going on and he met me up at the hospital.  Still though, after all the rejections I’d had when I was trying to have this baby, I was pretty doubtful.  They’d probably check me out and, as my luck would have it, decide I’d just peed myself or something ridiculous and send me home.  All I could think about was, “If I’ve peed myself and didn’t even know it, my sister will NEVER let me forget this…”

We got up to the hospital and, sure enough, there were no signs that my water had broken.  Awesome.  At 28 years old, I was not only wetting my pants, but I didn’t even KNOW I was wetting my pants.  Just the news you want to hear.

But my doctor wasn’t convinced and so she ordered an ultrasound to check the fluid levels in my uterus (I hate that word, by the way…why can’t they call it something prettier?  Like your greenhouse?  Or your garden?) (P.S. I probably shouldn’t be blogging on all these pain pills.  Case and point?  I just called my uterus a greenhouse…) and turns out that I actually WAS going into labor!

Apparently, my body just needed that confirmation because while we were laying there waiting on the ultrasound report, I started having these crazy intense contractions.  Two lasted more than six minutes each and were less than five minutes apart.  Ouch!  Even still though, I was not going to get excited about this until I was 100% sure I wasn’t going to be sent home to eat pizza on my couch that night.  But then the doctor appeared and started talking to me about pre-op stuff and I listened very politely and then said, “Wait, what?”

And then she started signing again.

“We’re sending you upstairs,” she said.

“Wait, what?  Why?”

“To have your baby.”

“Wait, what?  Like today?”

And then Chris whacked me upside the head and demanded they give me drugs before I drove him insane.

We called my parents who were at our house with Bean and told them what was going on.  Then we called a few family and friends to give them the news.  Then Chris and I hugged and kissed and danced in triage.

Then he turned to me and said, “What, what?  We’re, like, actually DOING this?!?!”

Within an hour, I was up in the operating room.



When I had my c-section with Bean, they did a spinal instead of an epidural. This time the hospital said they preferred to do epidurals (though they would have done a spinal if I had wanted one) and so I agreed to an epidural this time.

Holy crap.

That epidural was the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced. Seriously. But don’t let that freak you out if you are getting ready to have one. They had trouble finding a good spot in my back to put one, so they had to do it THREE TIMES! And each time they had to move the needle around to make sure that it wasn’t touching anything (I think that’s what they were doing?) and each time they would hit a nerve or bone or something and it would send these shooting pains down my leg.

Holy crap.

I thought I was going to die. I actually cried when they said they had to try it a third time. I just wanted them to be done with it. But the third time was the charm and instantly it felt better. And once the epidural was in, it was awesome. There was no pain in my back AND I got one of those drippy things that let me control when I had medication. Pretty spiffy! So, I would recommend the epidural. I think I just had a rough time getting mine put in and from what my nurse told me, that was rare.

With my epidural in place, the real party started as they began the c-section and Chris and I waited for Gracie to arrive.

And before long, there she was. All 8 pounds, 2 ounces of her!


They gave her to Chris and he helped clean her up while they finished working on me.


And he brought her over so that I could see her for the first time, too. She was absolutely perfect. Small and petite with the slightest hint of strawberry blonde hair.


After that, the nurses went into full force and staged this awesome little photo session. They took our camera and documented our whole first interaction with Gracie. It was so nice! It was like having our own photographer there!



After a few minutes, the nurses asked if we’d like to take the baby out into the hall so our family could see her. So, while they finished working on me (the c-section actually takes a lot longer after the baby is out), Chris and a nurse took Gracie out to see our family.

It was the first time Bean got to see Gracie and he was a little out of sorts. For one thing, it was late. It was probably 9:00pm by that time, so he was already up way past his bedtime. But mostly, Bean really didn’t like seeing Chris in the hospital garb. He was really concerned about the scrubs and hat Chris was wearing.



Bean seemed less than thrilled, to say the least.


But the rest of our family was really excited! Because she came unexpectedly, it was a small crowd at her delivery. My parents were there with Bean and then my Grandma came up to the hospital room with us once we were settled up there.


We didn’t get up to our room until midnight. But what a day it was! We were so happy and excited, it really couldn’t have been any better.

I’ll do a series of posts today and tomorrow about the next 24 hours, including the sweetest pictures ever of Bean hanging out with Gracie. Check back in for those. For now, we just got the okay to head home from our doctor, so we’re packing up at the hospital now. I can’t wait to get home and be in comfortable, familiar surroundings with my family. The blessings just keep on coming! Stay tuned!

Today I am grateful for Gracie.


  • Amy

    I smiled the whole time I was reading this post 🙂 Loved hearing Gracie’s birth story– what a lovely Friday surprise!

    She is absolutely beautiful– Congratulations again to you, Chris & big brother Michael!

  • Lindsey

    SO happy for you guys!! And it’s so exciting the way it happened – what a surprise! 🙂 And I’m so sorry your epidural was a painful experience. I had a WONDERFUL experience my first time (I told the Dr that plucking my eyebrows was worse than the epidural) – but now you’ve gone and made me nervous about my second one! Anyway – Gracie is so beautiful – congratulations!

  • Ann G-B

    Welcome Gracie! We have been so excited to watch your tweets and Man Cave posts this weekend. Thank you for sharing this special moment in your life with your imaginary internet friends!

  • Jessica

    Congratulations on sweet Gracie. I’m so happy and excited for you. I’m just a few weeks behind you with my pregnancy and can’t wait to meet my sweet Emma.

  • Lori @ I Can Grow People

    I am so glad that Gracie made it here safely–and that she gave you a bit of a surprise! Just like Porter, it seems she knew you were at the hospital and needed to give you a BIG sign that she was ready to meet you! We are so thrilled for you all and can’t wait to hear more of her birth story. Lots of love from us here in Pgh!

  • Candice

    Congratulations! Katie, I think she looks so much like you! I love that strawberry blond hair – how incredibly precious. I’m looking forward to what you have to say about how the 2nd time is different than the first.

  • Courtney

    Greenhouse….I love it.
    What a wonderful story; thanks so much for sharing it! Takes me back to when my son was born 7 months ago. My epidural went much more smoothly than yours did (sorry!), and all was well in the world after it took effect.
    The picture of the three of you with Chris kissing Gracie’s head is absolutely precious. Congratulations to the new family of four!

  • Sarah

    I am so excited for you! What a sweetie! When I was pregnant with my baby, I thought I was leaking fluid, but I actually just peed my pants and did not know it! How embarrassing! Glad that was not the case for you and instead of being embarrassed you got a beautiful baby girl!

  • Casey

    Congratulations! She is so beautiful. I had a c-section with my first after being induced and going through 15 hour of labor. I can’t wait to just walk in and go straight up. You look beautiful for going through a c-section!

    Congrats again! Can’t wait to read the rest!

  • Rachel

    Congrats Chris and Katie! I had been checking your blog and twitter every day, sometimes twice a day to see if Gracie had arrived! 😀 Thanks so much for sharing your experience with us! 😀

  • Lissa

    Holy Cow! I was so shocked to see this! Congratulations! She’s beautiful and I agree that you look fantastic! I love that she ended up choosing her birthday 🙂

  • Lisa

    What an exciting weekend! Congratulations Katie and Chris! We’re so happy for you and so excited to hear all about your new adventures with Gracie AND Bean!

  • Alyssa

    What a great post! I’m tearing up at work 🙂 I can’t wait to hear all about the adventures with Gracie and Bean 🙂

  • Louise

    This makes it all worth it, doesn’t it? Your move from CT to FL and everything in between. Your family was there. That is the stuff a sweet life is made of. You are blessed.

  • Tressa

    Congratulations Katie!! You made it! Gracie is PERFECT!! Can’t wait to see pictures of her and Beanie together! I’m so excited for you that it’s all over and everybody is healthy. 🙂

  • Alyson @EisleyRaeClothing

    So so so excited for you! Gracie is beautiful, but we’d expect no less considering her parents and big brother! Same thing happened to me w/the leaking fluid.. pretty sure I know all those gross things you’re talking about! haha. Can’t wait to read more about the new little lady!

  • Sarah H.

    YAY!!! Thanks for the post! So glad you’re enjoying all of these special moments with your family! Gracie is SOOO cute 🙂

  • Breann

    You know, when I went to the hospital for my “false alarm” I wish they had done the ultrasound because I believe I was slowly leaking water too. But then, not 48 hours later, the water totally broke. Then I had contractions for 8 hours and no progression so they gave me an epidural and girl, let me tell you, after 8 hours of those contractions, I backed up to that Anesthesiologist like a cat in heat to get the meds! I didn’t feel a thing I was so exhausted and just wanted relief.
    So glad Gracie is here!!

  • Kristen

    I love Bean’s totally unimpressed face. And I will definitely be checking throughout the day for Gracie updates. She looks adorable!

  • Katy

    YIPPEE!! Congratulations on the arrival of Gracie!! Being the mother of two beautiful red heads myself I had flash backs looking at your little Gracie!! I am glad that everything went smoothly and we are now home snuggling with the newest addition to your family!! Love to all!! 🙂

  • Lindsey

    YAY! I am so happy for you and your family. The picture of the ‘unthrilled Bean’ is so hilariously cute! CONGRATS!!!

  • Holli

    Wait, what?! 🙂 She’s so cute. I had a very similar experience with the birth of my daughter..minus the whole csection and I never felt my epidural, but I’m positive it was due to having massive contractions at the time. Yikes! I’m glad everything went well, considering it was such a surprise! She’s so stinkin’ cute…and even though there have only been a few pics posted, I’d say she looks a little like Chris…..who knew he’d be cute as a little baby girl?!?

  • JenniferLO

    Oh Katie…she is precious!! What a sweetie! Also, every time you post a picture of your dad, I just want to go and hug him! (is that creepy???) He just seems like the huggable type!

  • Jess @ Diary of a Misplaced Kiwi

    Dear Katie,
    Congratulations my imaginary friend, I’m so happy for you and Chris and Bean. I can’t wait to read more about your little girl, but I am a little sad that Gracie and my Eilidh (12 weeks)won’t get to be friends in real life, hehe. Well done!

  • Krista

    Ahhh!!! Congratulations! I hate to say it, but those are the BEST dr. appts, that’s how it went down with my first. If it makes you feel better, when I was pregnant, I did wet myself and thought my water broke, went to the Dr. just to find out I was slowly wetting myself. NICE!!

  • Becca

    Congratulations! I know I don’t really “know” you, but I pretty much feel like I do, and I’m so thrilled about your new addition — and that she decided to listen and come early!

  • Monique

    Congrats to you and your family, Katie! Grace looks beautiful and I’m happy you’re all doing well! Enjoy your time as a new family of four!!

  • Rachel, UK

    Wait, what!? Yayyy! Welcome to the world, Gracie 🙂 Congratulations Katie and Chris and to Bean for now being a big brother 🙂 xx

  • Nate's Mom @ NateisGreat

    I had three epidural attempts too — but they were *nothing* compared to the pain of contractions 2-3 minutes apart for 24 hours. It’s all relative, I think. You had a few whopper contractions – but not for hours upon hours on end. Ladies – fear not the epidural! It’s wonderful, heavenly, and blissful!!! AND YAY FOR GRACIE GIRL AND BIG BROTHER BEAN! Love love love to you all! 🙂

  • Corinn

    Congratulations to your entire sweet family of FOUR! Gracie is beautiful, she looks a lot like you!! I hope you are healing well and getting some rest. I can’t wait to hear how it is with 2 little ones as we will be joining the 2 under two club in just 6 weeks (hopefully a little less though… won’t lie!).

    p.s. Your mom and dad look like the NICEST people ever!!!

  • Waiting for Bulgaria

    Okay, I know I had a spinal when I had my c-section, but I thought the only difference was that a spinal actually went into your spine while an epidural went beside it. I also had no idea you could have a c-section w/0 a spinal. Now on to important things – Gracie is too stinkin cute. And when I look at her pictures (especially with Bean in them) it does something strange to me. I feel like crying and holding her. And then I start picturing my son with a little sister. And now this is getting way out of hand . . .

    Congratulations! You have a beautiful baby to match your beautiful toddler.

  • Stacy

    Bless your heart. I had the exact, 100% same problem with my epi. DId we have the same incompetent anesthesiologist? I wasn’t sure that *I* was going to die. But I was pretty sure the doctor was going to die at my husbands hands.

    Congrats lady! She’s a beauty!

  • Tawny

    I have been reading your blog for awhile and throughout it all I have always proclaimed no kids. Something about this post today has made my inner Mommy cry out for a baby.

  • Kat @ Living Like the Kings

    I already posted this on the Man Cave but CONGRATS!!! 🙂 So excited for you guys! I can’t believe you have two kids 🙂 It’s so cute. I’m dying to read more about it.
    ps- I had the epidural but I was doing the regular non-c section birth thing with all the insane pain of contractions and by the time they were putting it in I was already almost done with the whole labor routine and ready to push so I didn’t even feel the epi going in. At all.

  • Kelsey S.

    First time commenter – LOVE Bean’s face! 🙂 He seems to be expressing his true emotions right at that point 🙂 Gracie is beautiful!

  • Katherine

    Congratulations to the four of you, I’m so happy for you all!! I also love that picture of Bean, he looks so scared, I just want to hug him. Loving all the pictures of little Gracie, can’t wait to see more!

  • sam

    Hooray to you all! Friday was my boy’s 9th birthday. Cherish the moments, they fly by. I told him to take his time getting to ten since that means I’m 30. Eek! Either way, your babies are gorgeous, and good luck!

  • Shelley

    WOO HOO! Congratulations Katie & Chris! How exciting indeed and things just happened SO DARN fast. I’ve got to admid, Bean’s little face in the 9th photo is just too cute for words. Thanks for posting and I’ll be glued to your blog for updates on Gracie. What a cute little pudgie!

  • Amy

    Oh Hooray! This is just the best story ever. After all that waiting and hard work, she finally came, and she’s gorgeous.
    A big congratulations, and PRAISE GOD FOR BABIES!

  • Andrea in NC

    CONGRATULATIONS KATIE!!!!!!!! Grace is a beautiful little girl with a beautiful name. So so happy for you & your family 😀

  • Laura

    CONGRATULATIONS to your family, Katie. So glad you are okay and Gracie is finally here, like you have been wishing and dreaming. Let her wonderful life begin. Enjoy these special moments and thanks for blogging about it so we can share in your joy! So happy for you all.

  • Sheri

    Thank you so much for making us a part of your family! A beautiful little sister for that cutie big brother whose going to seem even bigger now! Congrats and rest every chance you get!

  • Tara

    So happy Gracie made it here safe and sound and early at that. It is great that you had a Dr that listened to you and your concerns and was able to determine you were in labor. Mine came on very quick as well. The receptionist looked at me like why was I waiting in triage I looked fine and felt very little. SO not what I had seen in the movies. I hope you had a wonderful experience at the hospital I know many who didn’t but I did not have a bad thing to say about it. I hope and pray for a smooth transition at home and atleast a little sleep!

  • Snarky Mommy

    So excited for you! Congrats. A boy and a girl are so much fun. Especially when he starts beating on her, which at our house, started four hours after we brought her home and hasn’t stopped for the last three years. 🙂

  • Sharilyn

    Ok, so I’m a little slow, but it just dawned on me when I noticed Chris’s scrubs that Gracie was born on my #2’s birthday. Awesome date Gracie!!

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