Changes,  Marriage Confessions

She’s Gonna Give Me Wrinkles

Today, Gracie is seven weeks old. SEVEN WEEKS. I can’t believe how fast time is going by. It seems like we just got home from the hospital yesterday. And yet, at the same time it feels like Gracie has always been here.


I’m not going to lie. Gracie has been a lot more challenging than we were expecting. We knew this might happen though. Bean was a really good baby. Abnormally good. He ate a lot at one time, slept a lot at one time, and when he opened his eyes, he was interested in whatever you put in front of him. Surely, we wouldn’t be lucky enough to have TWO babies that easy.

Nope. We weren’t.

I love my sweet Gracie Girl to pieces, but girlfriend requires a little more maintenance. Which is only natural. She is her mother’s child, after all. At seven weeks old, Gracie is already decidedly her own person. She marches to her own beat. Which means she is nearly impossibly to get on a schedule. I think that’s been one of the hardest parts. Bean was like a little clock. He ate every 4 hours on the dot and slept in 4-6 hour stretches right off the bat. By a couple weeks old, he was on a good napping schedule during the day and an ideal sleep schedule at night.

But Gracie?


Not so much.

When Gracie sleeps, she might sleep for 3 hours or she might sleep for 6 hours. And there’s no rhyme or reason as to what prompts a short or long sleep stretch. Same thing with her eating. When we sit down to feed her, she might take 4 ounces or she might take 6 and still be hungry for more. Who knows.

For the first few weeks, this meant there was a LOT of crying. Part of the problem was that Gracie, like Bean, had acid reflux. But we recognized it early on and got to the pediatrician who changed her formula and gave her some medicine to help. That took a couple weeks to work through in itself. But once the acid reflux was under control, the crying was a complete mystery. Because she wasn’t on a schedule, we could never tell if she was crying because she was hungry or crying because she was tired or crying just for fun.


It about killed Chris and me. We’d walk around in a daze with a crying baby, trying anything we could think of to soothe her. But our big mistake was that while this was going on, we were still attempting at some kind of schedule. If Gracie would inexplicably stop eating at 3 ounces, we’d keep trying to push her to take more. If she was sleeping for a 6 hour stretch in the middle of the day, we’d wake her up so that she’d sleep better that night. So, we were all miserable – Chris and I because of the crying and Gracie because of the forced schedule.

Finally, last week, we came to terms with the fact that my sweet, rosy, Itty Bitty just does not want to be scheduled. And the more we push it on her – the more we try to make her like her brother, really – the more upset she became. So, we changed our approach. We gave in and let Gracie do whatever the heck she wanted to do. If she only wanted 3 ounces, then that’s what she got. If she only wanted to sleep for an hour, then we let her. Basically, we just left her alone. And it worked!


In the past two weeks, Gracie has been happier and more alert and active. Some of that is her age. Babies come alive about this time. But a lot of it is about her schedule. We were so worried that if she only took a small amount of milk, then she’d be eating every 2 or 3 hours instead of every 3 or 4 hours. And we thought that if she was sleeping in big chunks during the day, then she’d be awake all night. But that isn’t really what’s happened.


In all honesty, Gracie is already reminding me so much of my sister. Ginny has always marched to her own drummer. Especially when we were younger. I tended to go along with whatever was asked of me, but Ginny kind of picked and chose when to follow suit and when to go her own way. And then just when we’d be about ready to kill her for driving us nuts with her unpredictability, she’d flash that Ginny smile or hug my Dad and say, “Oh, Dad…” and all was forgiven.

Gracie is like a tiny version of Ginny. She just does her own thing and just when Chris and I are so frustrated that we are about to pull our hair out, she smiles a big, goofy, toothless grin and we melt. All is forgiven. Life is good.


If the past seven weeks have been any kind of indication as to what life is going to be like with Gracie, then we are in for it. That child is going to be her own little person, doing her own little thing, and she won’t be happy until she’s able to do things her way.

Lord, love a duck. That girl is going to give me wrinkles.



  • Michelle

    My own sweet Gracie Clementine is the exact same way. All her own. She is turning 5 tomorrow and is as independent as she can force me to let her be. I had a pink dress laid out for school today, she wanted the striped one because duh, the pink one has flowers on it (not a problem, previously). But my little monster can be such a sweet caring little girl at other times. She is a mother hen to those smaller than her and an angel when she’s helping me. In the end, it balances. However, I can’t imagine life when she’s a young teenager. Talk about wrinkles.

  • Liss

    Gracie (is absolutely adorable! and) sounds a lot like my son. And yep, it’s been pretty hard. No matter what we did, he would eat a little or a lot, sleep a little or… a little more than a little, and be wide awake and alert for a much larger portion of his day than I was expecting. He’s still the same now, at 21 months old. One night he’ll sleep 10 hours, the next we’ll do everything the same and he’s awake every two hours. He is totally his own little person – he knows what he wants and nothing else will suffice. I think I’m in for an exhausting 16 years.
    I’m hoping the reverse will happen, and our next baby is more laid back and predictable… I don’t know how my quiet, softly-softly Pisces self could handle two firecrackers. 😉

  • Alyssa

    This actually gives me hope. My son was all over the place, no schedule, no rhyme or reason to things, Everything was done on HIS demand, he cried a lot, and then cried some more. He is the cutest kid ever and I know why now, if you’re going to drive your mom that crazy you better be cute! He seriously didn’t sleep 6 full hours until 1 year old. Since I’m due shortly with baby #2 my hope is she will be the polar opposite of him! Please Lord let this baby be a better sleeper!

  • Amy

    Gracie may be a little Ginny in temperment, but omigoodness she is a carbon copy of you in the looks department! Not sure Chris really had anything to do with it, really. 🙂

  • Talia

    Good for you. Good for you! Dieing to our goals…trusting God. Wow. Good for you!! Press on. Our youngest had reflux too. I’d co-slept and attachment parented our first which hit the fan at 11 mo when she started kicking me in bed….and we had to CIO and it was $%^@! SO….with our second…I was NOT going to do that…Read BW and the moment she was calm I’d put her down…if she fell asleep….don’t hold her, I’m not going to let her get used to that! and on and on….Let her CIO from the start….It took till she was 6 months old for me to start liking her (and she still doesn’t sleep though the night)….and realize she is different and she is not here to make my life more convenient. Prayer for patience and energy. She’s fallen into her schedule and I’m letting go more and more….ok 1 hour nap? let’s go to the park and hope the next one is better! YOu are very brave and strong…it takes big internal work to let your plans die. Keep looking at the girl…she loves you and you are supposed to be her mama!

  • Alaina

    You know, they say you only get one easy child. That’s what makes me nervous about having kids. I want one like my oldest nephew…easiest kid EVER to take care of as a baby and into a teenager. My other nieces and nephews? Um, yeah…not so much. But I love them all to pieces!

  • Betty

    awwww, that last picture is unbelievably cute! And that has to be hard, having one thing (a schedule) that worked perfectly before not working with the next one. Better start slathering on your Oil of Olay now 😉

  • Jen @ Caved In

    I totally forgot what I was going to say because she is so gorgeous! Such a cutie!

    …..waiting for the brain to work again. Ok. We tried to let Sullivan do his own thing and it just pissed him off even more. So we started a strict schedule (something I swore up and down I’d never do) and it works beautifully. He is just one of those babies who thrives on a consistent schedule. Just another reminder that these chubby little peanuts are their own people with their own personalities. And sometimes they let you know at full volume. So glad you guys got into a good swing of things with Gracie. There is such a sense of relief when that happens.
    And can I just say I hate infant reflux. It sucks.

  • Ginny

    We had a little pep talk when we were down there in the hospital. Gracie Girl and I know how to get our way – unfortunately I can’t use the toothless smile quite like she can.

  • Rebecca @ The Reluctant Housewife

    I love that babies are their own selves right from the get go, and while you might not see every part of her personality at this age, you certainly catch glimpses. I say, “Rock on Gracie…dance to your own music”! And Katie, don’t worry! By the time you’re old enough to care about wrinkles science will be able to make them disappear =)

  • Tressa

    LOVE these pictures!! Bean man giving his baby sister a smooch….MELT MY HEART! I think if Gracie girl is like her Aunt Ginny, it’ll be awesome!! At least you and Chris are prepared!! 🙂

  • Suzanne

    Well, she’s precious, so there’s that. Also, she’ll keep your life interesting. Just love her up and treat her like a man: make her think it was her idea! 🙂 HA

  • Kat @ Living Like the Kings

    That’s how Peanut is too…I stopped the whole schedule attempt. And even though some days are predictable, others she is all over the place and she is almost 4 months old. ps- that picture of her looking at you is to DIE FOR!

  • Waiting for Bulgaria

    Oh she and Bean are both so cute. I complete understand the lack of schedule thing. My son didn’t get on a real schedule until around 5 months. He was 5 weeks early so that may have contributed, but have mercy, it almost killed me. Of course, had I been smart and just relaxed it might’ve helped.

  • Nikki

    Apparently I was a pretty awesome baby and so was my Fiance, so I’m hoping that when we do have children that we will be helped out in that department. Before I was born I was a tough cookie though. My poor mother was stuck in bed starting at the 6 month mark! So I guess that evens out…

  • Kimberly

    I’m a new reader and so glad I’ve found your blog! I can relate to this post in so many ways. My two boys are complete night and day. It definitely took some readjusting once the youngest one came along. We had to change our entire way of thinking.

    And PS? Your kids are ADORABLE!!!

  • Lori @ I Can Grow People

    Isn’t it amazing how your child can be so much like your sibling? P-Bo is so much like my brother. They look similar and they really are very particular about certain things. Just another twig on the ol’ family tree!

  • Lynne

    What beautiful photos…..I could never get either of my kids on a schedule. I know that some of that was my issue, not theirs – I just didn’t always have the strength or alertness level to do it. I was always very envious of those who had consistent bedtimes (and their kids actually fell asleep!)

  • Allie

    Same with my 2nd. Had to let her have own schedule. And she was so much happier! And, 6 years later, she still marches to her own drum. She is an amazing child with a wonderful giggle and she wears me OUT!

  • Gin

    I wonder if it is a second kid thing, all the goodness gets used up in the first one. I was the firstborn and a perfect little angel baby. I slept through the night my first night home, would let anybody hold me, and have always followed the rules. My little brother couldn’t be more different, he was a loud baby and even now is following his own path, wherever it may lead.

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