Changes,  Family,  Florida,  Marriage Confessions,  Moving,  Operation BWYP

On the Move

After some fancy financial footwork and several “are-you-sure-we-can-do-this” conversations, Chris and I are ready to buy a house again. It’s kind of weird to be house hunting in Florida. We grew up here, but haven’t ever lived here as real adults…with, like, jobs and, like, dependents. It’s kind of strange, but it’s also kind of nice. I think owning a house here in Florida will be the final step to us feeling like this is truly home. Living in rental houses has felt temporary and like camp, in an odd way. Buying a house makes our move here feel final and complete. I’m ready to take that step and I’m really excited about it.

We went out with our realtor last weekend and found a really sweet, neat, clean, beautiful little house. 3 bedroom, 2 bath with a covered pool. Not too shabby! We put an offer in on Tuesday and we found out tonight that the homeowner has decided to take his house off the market. It’s too bad, but I’m sure we’ll find what’s right for us. I feel certain and peaceful about it, which is a nice feeling.

I think I get that feeling because after disappointments and all the stresses of buying a house, I get to come back home to these two clowns…


They pretty much make everything worthwhile.


When we bought our first house in Connecticut, I was in love. I seriously loved that house. It was beautiful and cute and big and pretty. If I were a house, I’d be that house. And then Chris and I went out and spent all this money on new furniture and expensive, top of the line paint and light fixtures and snow shovels. We put our hearts into that house and it showed.


But things are a little different now. My heart doesn’t belong to a house. Now, it belongs to the people that live in that house. I don’t love the house or the yard or the light fixtures. I love the babies rolling around on the floor. I love hearing Chris reading bedtime books to Bean. I love rocking Gracie in the middle of the night. I love wrapping my legs all up in Chris’s as we go to sleep.


I loved that house in Connecticut because of what it represented. It was something big and beautiful that Chris and I did all by ourselves. It symbolized how far we had come.


And now, I love the things inside the house because of what they represent. They are happy and beautiful and Chris and I made them all by ourselves. But unlike a house, Bean and Gracie represent not just how far we’ve come, but how far we have to go.


House hunting this time around is very different. It’s not just about the house anymore. It’s about the lives we’ll be living in the house. And, to me, that’s more valuable than any real estate.


  • Amanda

    Such a wonderful post, Katie. I’ve been reading your blog for about a year now but have just started to comment frequently. You have a beautiful family! I love your writing. It’s just inspiring, and reminds me of what is most important in life.

  • Sarah

    I don’t comment often but I read faithfully. Just want to say that I really love this post and your attitude. Amazing how our persecutive changes as we move through life’s adventures! Your post reminded me of refrain from a song from one of my favorite singer songwriters…. The song is called “Home” by Ellis Paul. It goes “Home is the woman ‘cross the table. Home is dreamin’ in my sheets. Home. Home. This house is just an address; you’re my home.”. Anyway….. I hope you find a house that you will all love and grow in but I know you’ve already got your “home” 🙂

  • Amy

    Lovely post, Katie 🙂 A sweet way to start my morning, for sure. I love the way you explored your changing outlook on houses & HOMES, and I’m so glad you have peace in the home buying process. It can be stressful I know (I just went through it last year…), so I’ll be praying for the perfect home for your family to become available soon!

  • Natalie @ Queen of Whirled

    House hunting is hard. You get your hopes up over and over again. And there are so many aspects of a structure and location that you can’t know if you like until you actually LIVE there. Like you need any encouragement, but I am certain God will bring you the perfect house and the perfect time. And protect you from any unknown inconveniences. Good luck!

  • jenn

    House hunting is never fun, actually I should say, putting in an offer and waiting is never fun. Sometimes looking at pretty house is kind of nice, imagining the lives you’ll live there. But you’ll find your home soon, best of luck looking!

  • Christy

    I feel the same way. We’ve been looking for a house for months now and I’m starting to get antsy. My fiancee is determined to find the perfect house for us but I’m not sure if such a house exists. I’m not at all worried though because I know whatever house we’ll end up in we will make it our own. I’m trying hard to be patient!

  • Jen @ Caved In

    Having kids changes your priorities in so many ways, it’s amazing. We built our house before having Sullivan and if I knew what I know now, I would have definitely changed some things. For example, his bedroom is on the other side of our bathroom so whenever we get ready in the morning or I dry my hair, he can hear it and he is not pleased about it. Just something to think about 🙂

  • Tressa

    Beautiful, beautiful, BEAUTIFUL post Katie. You nailed this one!!!! Good luck house hunting, the house you will make a home to so many memories for you, Chris and your precious kids!

  • Waiting for Bulgaria

    So true. I used to look at houses for what I wanted but now I look for what my family wants and needs. Everyone likes to have nice things but when you have kids priorities shift. My expensive couch had been pikes on, peed on, spilt on, etc. Thankful it cleans well and we go on with life. Happy hunting.

  • Brie

    I love this post. When my husband and I bought our first house we remodeled everything in it and it was an awesome experience. But now that we’re looking for a second house here in Roanoke, we’re looking at places that would be great with a family. Home really is where the best things in life live.

  • Tracy B

    This post came at the perfect time for me. We are preparing to move from the only home my boys (11 and 7) have ever known. We are moving to a lovely 16 acre spread but it makes it no less daunting for the kids. We had a conversation tonight about what makes a home – love and the family in it are what really matter. I know that your home will have an abundance of love in it! Good luck on your search.

  • Kaitlyn

    Perfect timing on your post. I was just getting irritated on how our “new” house of a year-and-a half still doesn’t have curtains. Then I looked over at my 7 month old. He was smiling in his growing toy store that is currently flooding our house. He hit a button on his toy cueing up Itsy Bitsy Spider and cracked up laughing. This IS the life! The curtains can wait!

  • Rebecca @ The Reluctant Housewife

    Such a great reminder about the important things in life. I hate the house that we’re in now, and can’t wait to move. But, I know, years down the road I’m going to remember this time with incredible fondness, because this is where I became a wife, and a mom. Even now, as I write my daughter is crawling across the living room. She knows every corner of the living room. It’s weird to think that she won’t even remember living here. Good luck on your house search…I know wherever you move you’ll turn that house into a home.

  • Rachel @ The Ongoing Planner

    We went through a similar situation where we found a house we really liked but it turned out it had $30K in foundation repairs to be made. Our realtor said that all of that happened for a reason and that we would end up in the right house. We just bought our house and moved in 3 weeks ago! It is a million times better then the first house and we are so excited. This is our first house and we bought it with our family in mind. We plan on being here forever so it was definitely a big deal to find the right house where we could raise our kids in. I know you will find the right house and I love your attitude that it is about the people who will be living in the house. Best of luck with your house search!

  • halcuri

    My husband and I have lived in a very nice townhouse since we got married. Like you, I am so proud of our home. I love it and everyone else who visits always say such nice things. The only problem is that it has two bedrooms and there are four of us. My three year old daughter is currently sharing a bedroom with her 15 month old brother. She is a great sleeper, he is not. We decided in January to start looking for a bigger place. As usual, I approached the situation with terror and anxiety. There were so many things to consider and everything needed to work out almost perfectly since we would be selling and buying. I vowed to give all of my anxiety to the Lord and let Him be our guide. And He has blessed us more times throughout this process, it is miraculous. We sold our townhouse to the first person who looked at it (and loved it). We bought our dream home and we’ll be moving in in August. Before we put our house on the market, I found a wooden decorative plaque that reads “We are so blessed” and placed it in the kitchen where everyone, including me, can see it. I remind myself that God is faithful and His blessings are consistently evident in the smiles of my children, the love of my husband and the undying support of my family. The rest is gravy! My main advice would be to remind yourself of His word. There are some great verses that helped me when I would start to let my anxiety creep in and they immediately set my mind at ease. I pray He will give you His peace and joy as you find the home He has planned for you and your family!

  • Lori @ I Can Grow People

    How you feel about your CT house is how I feel about our FL house. I LOVED that house. We poured our heart (and money) into that house. The day we closed I knew we would start a family in that house. It was tough to leave it behind and I still don’t feel completely settled here in PA. I love it here, but we still have things packed in the basement of our rental house. Because I don’t have a steady job, we won’t be able to buy a house for a few years yet. And I really want to be in our own home before having baby #2. I’m not sure how that is going to all work out…

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