Around the House,  Florida,  Marriage Confessions,  Moving,  Operation BWYP

Home Tour!

Well, kids. We’ve got a new house. I couldn’t be happier! We aren’t moving in for a few more weeks so that we can do things like scrape wallpaper, paint, and re-carpet the house, but even with big empty rooms, it still feels like home already. I just walk around it with a big, goofy smile on my face. Which is saying a lot considering that the only time we’ve spent at the house so far has been spent scraping wallpaper.


I’d like to talk to the person who invented wallpaper. I have a few choice words for them.



No, let me be more specific. I have a few choice words for the person who invented CHEAP wallpaper. The upstairs part that had that rose colored paper was done using expensive wallpaper. When you peeled it away, it came off in big, clean pieces and was fairly easy to get off the wall. The paper in the dining room? A completely different story. It came off in tiny, little pieces. We ended up using this adhesive remover called Dif to get the paper off. That worked better, but it was still really slow goings. So, I’d like to talk to that cheap wallpaper guy ASAP.



I’d also like to talk to the person who invented baby slings. I’d like to hug that person. Hands free is the way to be!

(Hey, by the way, my mom just added a lot of new “Womb with a View” baby slings to her Etsy shop, if anyone is interested…)


Gracie was having a rough day on Saturday. Her stomach was upset and she wasn’t feeling good at all, which meant she wanted to be right with me – and even then, she really just wanted to cry right there with me.


Chris and I spent all weekend at the house with the kids, scraping wallpaper and chasing Bean up and down the three sets of stairs at the house. We debated about whether to bring the kids with us or not, but I’m really glad that we did. It was so much fun to be in the house with them. Plus, it gave Bean a chance to explore and get to know the house ahead of time before we move right in. Now, when we move, he’ll be more comfortable with where we’re going.


So. Where are we going? WELL LET ME SHOW YOU!!!


  • Claire H

    Wow! It looks amazing, congratulations! Can’t wait to see how it all turns out, I had to giggle at you hot footing it back in the house though! Cx

  • Conny

    That you so much for taking the time to share your new house right away! I enjoyed the video tour a lot (and hope your feet are OK!)
    I really hope you’re saving some of the projects you mentioned, like the play room, for when you’re already moved in. Otherwise there’d be a crazy busy summer ahead of you. Good luck with everything 🙂

  • Loz

    Ive read your blog for ages, but am one of those who never comment. Sorry! 🙂 Just checked out the vid of your new place and realized I’ve obviously never viewed your videos before. I live in Australia (originally from Canada but have been here for years) and altho I know you’re from the states, I obviously ‘read’ your blog w an Aussie accent. Surprised me and made me laugh to hear you speak (laugh only as your voice sounded so different than in my head) Love your blog!

  • Melissa Brundige

    ON wallpaper use an iron that has steam that comes out you will be surprised. Just let the steam hit the walpaper and it should come right off.

  • Heather@keepcalmandloveon

    How exciting! Right now we are renting from my husbands parents, which is a good thing, because if we had our own house I would be going house renovation crazy! I’m sure you’ve heard o the blog “younghouselove”…it’s a very cool home repair/update blog. When I was reading it I thought of you guys!

  • Leslie

    Love the house! I loathe wallpaper. We actually bought a wallpaper steamer and it saved our sanity! You guys look like you are almost done though so you might not need it. Good luck!

  • Kim B

    Ugh Wallpaper!! When we bought our house 4 years ago, almost every room was covered in wallpaper. Some came off really great, but other rooms came off in pieces the size of a nickel, no matter what we tried. I hate wallpaper and have told everyone I know, if they ever hear me say I am thinking of putting up wallpaper to slap me good and hard! Never again!! 🙂
    Enjoy your new home!

  • Katie N.

    Yay, new house! I’m so happy for you guys! And, you are definitely smart to do all of the work before you move in…my husband and I moved in to our new house 2 months ago and it is SO hard to get painting and projects done when you have to work around your furniture and such! P.S. Props for curbing your I’m-burning-my-feet-so-badly-I’d-like-to-scream-profanities for Gracie, who was within ear shot, and for the camera 🙂

  • Jen at Cabin Fever

    I have a trick for cheap wall paper that I learned from my dad when he redid our house as a kid. If you don’t mind the smell of vinegar take a spray bottle and fill it with about 1/4 vinegar and the rest water. Then spray a small amount on the wall. It won’t harm the wall and the vinegar will loosen the wall paper so you can take a putty knife and peel it right off, even those tiny little pieces. It worked like a charm.

    Cabin Fever in Vermont

  • Tressa

    LOVE the new pad!! Good luck with all the projects. I’m with you, I HATE wallpaper. Looking forward to seeing the changes you guys make to it. Thought of you this weekend, I got to have Chipotle!!!! 🙂

  • Grace

    Ha! Loved that last 30 seconds or so. I laughed so hard in my office, where I’m… ahem… supposed to be working. Whoops?? That’s not obvious, I’m sure. The house looks like it’ll be great. Can’t wait to see the finished product! Congratulations on a great buy!

  • Laura

    LOVE IT! Thanks for the grand tour – and I hope you have some aloe to put on your hilariously poor toes. (I wonder how your Wonderphone would’ve taken to a jump in the pool? -that’s probably what would’ve happened to mine…) ;o) Happy decorating!

  • Mindee@ourfrontdoor

    You guys have an astonishing amount of imagination, determination and energy because that house needs a whole lotta love. It’s going to be great though – the bedrooms are sized so well and three full baths is fabulous. And yay for the pool!

  • marci

    so proud for you guys! it will be gorgeous and so much fun for the kids and as they grow – all their friends! you’ll be the kool-aid mom! yea!!

  • Cindy In Owensboro, KY

    I can feel your pain of trying to remodel a house because I have done it– except I didn’t have 2 young children at the time. You need to rent a wallpaper steamer– it would go so much faster– looks like your almost done with most of it though. I’m glad that people don’t use wallpaper anymore. I was laughin at the last part because I have done the same thing:)

  • Kate

    message*I totally understand the whole wallpaper thing. When my parents were redoing our kitchen it took 2 days just to remove the wallpaper- it was awful and there were lots of wonderful words…. Poor Gracie! I have had acid reflux since I was born and it’s rough- I know it must be even worse for her since she’s so little and you can’t really give her antacid to help ease it. Give her lots of loving b/c it can hurt a lot and is probably making her feel miserable! Beautiful house btw

  • Linda

    Great space Katie!! What a wonderful place to raise a family.. loved the tour- especially the end- lol. Bet Gracie loved your little hot foot dance.. Enjoy your wonderful house!!

  • Lucy

    What an amazing house! I really love the design of american homes, I’d love to get the floor plans to an american home like yours to recreate one here in Aus as it is set out fantastic!
    Love your new home, love your accent and you made me laugh at you running back inside!

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