Blogging,  Marriage Confessions

Atlanta Meet and Greet Details

Christmas 2005 055
My people have informed me that I have not been specific enough in my plans for the Atlanta meet and greet.

And by people, I mean Chris and Ginny.

Those people say that I need to be more definite in my blog post and not just stick the information in at the end of a long post about nothingness. To which I replied that my entire blog is one long post about nothingness, so where else was I supposed to put it? But they called me a smarty pants wimp and told me to man up and write a decent post about the Atlanta meet and greet with real details and information so people know I’m serious about this shindig.

So, this is me, manning up. But I’m just manning up while my toenail polish dries. After that, the manliness is over and I’m going to shrivel up in a tiny ball and whine about how I’m going to be all alone at a park in Atlanta with nary a person to meet nor greet…

(Chris just read this over my shoulder and told me I was definitely NOT manning up if I am writing about how I have to man up. To which I replied, “I’m sorry, did you blog today? No? Then SHUT IT.”)

So, here are the actual, real deal details of the Atlanta meet and greet:

WHERE?   Triangle Picnic Area at Stone Mountain Park – We’ll get there early and pick a gazebo to set up camp.  Look for the turquoise and yellow balloons. 

WHEN?  3:00 – 4:00 PM

WHAT?  Chris, Bean, Gracie, and me will be hanging out at the playground and gazebo with my sister and her husband.  Bring your kids, your family, your boyfriend/girlfriend/grandma/best friend/preacher/creepy roommate.  (Actually, leave the creepy roommate at home…)  I’ll get to put some names with faces and we can kick the “imaginary” from our friendship!  It’ll be super casual, super laid back, and lots of fun!

So, there.  That should make my people happy.  And now, to make myself feel better, I’m going to post two terrible pictures of my people.

Christmas 2005 053

Christmas 2005 055

There.  I feel better.


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