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Resolutions for 2012

Hello, Imaginary Friends! I feel like it has been weeks since we’ve chatted! I hope you all had a great holiday season and that your new year was merry and bright. Chris and I rang in the new year like we do every year – in bed, barely awake enough to see the ball drop. We go wild.

This year was kind of fun though because the Orlando Sentinel did a whole article on Chris building the Time Square Ball. He was all kinds of weirded out to see himself front and center in the newspaper and, of course, he went through the article with a fine-tooth comb, analyzing every word (“Why’d they have to call it MY ball? Isn’t that weird?” or “I think they made me sound more important than I really was. Should I tell them that?”). Finally, I told him to relax. It’s a great article, he was part of a great, historical project, and he gets to go on the refrigerator next to Bean’s hand print turkey from Thanksgiving. I am super proud of him. Just like I’m super proud of Bean’s turkey.


On New Year’s Day, Chris and I took down all the Christmas decorations. Normally, I hate to see Christmas go, but this year I was ready. We have gotten so many Christmas presents and goodies that we’ve been hauling around in my parent’s van that we drove for the past week on vacation. So we spent yesterday unloading everything and making room in our house for all the new things.

This led to one of my resolutions for 2012. Normally, I don’t make new years resolutions, but this year I have a few distinct things that I want to change or start, and the new year seems like the right time to begin.


Be healthier. I know everyone makes a resolution like this one and this year I’m joining the masses. I was fairly lucky after both my babies in that I lost most of my baby weight within a year. But with Gracie, I’ve seen that initial loss of baby weight creeping back up. I blame the cookies that keep spontaneously jumping into my mouth. But this resolution isn’t really about weight loss. If I wanted to just lose weight, I’d go on a diet. What this one stems from is how I feel. For the past six months, I have felt so tired and run down. I think a lot of that comes from my diet. I tend to go for the easy option 99% of the time and I usually blame that on being a working mom. But, cream of whatever isn’t the only quick option out there for dinner. Here are the changes I’m making:

1. No soda – This is a huge thing for me. I hate to admit this, but I drink Diet Dr. Pepper pretty much all day at work. Granted, it’s usually the same single can that lasts me all day, but still. Instead, I’m trying to only drink water and, occasionally, unsweetened iced tea. Because I can’t live without iced tea every now and then.

2. No sweets – I’m not cutting all sugar because my only criteria for this whole healthy thing is that I’m not running around reading labels all the time, but I’m cutting general sweets like cookies, candy, dessert, etc.

3. Some kind of activity every week day – I don’t work out, like, at all. I used to in college and some in grad school, but since having babies I’ve used that as an excuse to not work out. But I really think that is part of the reason I feel so sluggish all the time. My body is bored. So, every day after work I am going to try to do something. Either walking around the block with the kids or running for 20 minutes or so when Chris gets home or a yoga DVD…something to get me moving. I’ll share little ideas I find along the way.


4. Healthier family meals – This one comes at a good time for us because Gracie is starting to eat meals with us and she needs pretty simple, healthy, clean meals. And, really, don’t we all? So, basically, we’re all going to start eating like Gracie. I’m switching from white rice to brown rice, from regular pasta to whole grain pasta, from butter coated veggies to steamed. Simple little changes to our diet that will make all of us feel better.

5. Less meat, more veggies – I love meat, so I don’t know that I could ever actually become a vegetarian, but I have several friends who are vegetarians and the one thing they all said about becoming one is that they just felt lighter. They said that their bodies felt so sluggish digesting all the meat they used to eat and when they eliminated that from their diet, their bodies just seemed to work easier and they felt lighter. That’s exactly how I feel right now – heavy. Not in weight, but my body just feels like there are sandbags in my feet. And if cutting back on meat a bit will get rid of that feeling, then I’m willing to try. I’ll still have meat (mostly chicken and turkey) for dinner at home with the family, but I think I might try cutting it out of my lunch every day, just to see how that feels.


2012 will be the first year in three years that I am not either pregnant or birthing a child. For those three years, I let myself slip. And that’s okay. I’ve been busy creating life and then making sure that life survives and takes baths every day and doesn’t pick its nose in public. But, my kids are getting more self-sufficient and I think my grace period of using them as an excuse for not taking care of myself is over. So, this year, I’m putting myself at the top of the list. Just like it’s important that I take care of my family, it’s just as important that I take care of myself. Because in order to keep up with these lives that I’ve created, I’m going to have to be at the top of my game. These suckers around here are quick!


P.S. These pictures have nothing to do with the post. They are just the only pictures I’ve taken in the past few days. And they’re cute. The End.


  • Lorrie

    The article on Chris was so nice. I would be super proud of him if that was my husband, but how refreshing that he is so modest about his work. I look forward to hearing about your journey to being more healthy. Can’t wait to read the tips you share with us.

  • Marybeth

    Great post, great goals! Kudos for giving up soda-that’s such a tough one for me. I generally only drink one a day, but it’s hard for me to even give up that one.

    Cute, cute pictures too!

  • Jenn

    Happy New Year! These goals are all attainable – you can do it. Would love to see posts on the healthy things you’re eating and the activity you’re doing – so that I’ll be more motivated myself.

  • Jenny @ Fondant is Gross

    Adam and I could never go full vegetarian either, we tried it for awhile and it was fine, we didn’t really miss it. But vegetarian means no bacon, and I LOVE bacon. He also found that he’s more awake in the afternoon if he doesn’t have meat for lunch. Good place to start if you’re feeling weighed down in the afternoon!!

    I gave up pop about 8 years ago and I haven’t looked back. Sure I still might have one when we’re camping with my parents, and cream soda is just delicious… but anyway! Water is the best option and the Mio Sweet Tea water flavor is yummy if you get bored with just water!

    And I know that many people think that Weight Watchers is about just losing weight , but it’s not. It’s about healthy eating and right now you can check out a meeting for free if you want some extra healthy tips to kick off your healthiness. I’d invite you to the one I attend, but I feel like a plane ride once a week is excessive….


    Happy New Year!

  • Katie M

    We recently switched from pasta to spaghetti squash in lieu of pasta… tastes almost exactly the same but you get rid of the starchy carbs for a healthy veggie. And we also switched from regular milk to light almond milk with a great taste. Little changes like that have made all the difference for the Hus and I. Good luck girl, you keep inspiring!

  • PJ

    Check out Hulu for free yoga, pilates, and exercise things. I really like the Girls of Envy (or Envy Girls, I don’t remember their actual title), Yoga Zone (though they can be kind of “out there hippie-ish sometimes, they also make sure to show modifications if you just aren’t to their level yet) and Exercise TV.

  • brenna

    Try roasting your veggies—they will taste AMAZING. Just turn the oven on to 400 as soon as you walk in the door, so you don’t have to wait for it to heat up when it’s time to cook. Green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, squash…there are tons of recipes out there, but basically, I just toss whatever I am roasting with a little canola oil (or sometimes if I am really lazy, I just spray it with a little Pam). Then sprinkle on some salt and pepper and throw it in the oven for 15-20 minutes until it turns brown on the edges. Low fat, easy cleanup (especially if you’ve lined your pan with parchment paper), and tastes much richer than steamed veggies.

  • Meredith J

    Sounds like exactly what I need to do this year to get ready to have babies in the next few!!
    P.S. the outfit Gracie is wearing is ADORBS!

  • Maureen

    I’m so glad to see that I’m not the only one who drinks soda and loves meat. I get so annoyed with people who always say, “oh I just don’t like it that much.” But you’re right. Cutting back is a good thing. One thing I’ve been working on is not hitting the vending machine at work in the afternoons. I think it’s really helped. Good luck with your resolutions!

  • Jen @ Caved In

    I keep a strict diet during the week but am more lenient on the weekends. I have one soda on Sat and Sun and dessert is eaten. Try to find exercise you enjoy, you’ll stick with it better. I also have the My Fitness Pal app for my iPhone. It helps me keep track of calories and keeps my snacking in check. Good luck!

  • momiss

    I can remember those days. Since you have a pool, I am speaking from experience when I tell you that all you need to do is jump in a couple of times a day and don’t let your feet touch the bottom for at least 20 minutes at a time. I also had great results with the water aerobics, which some lady in her 80’s showed me how to do with noodles in the pool Styrafoam noodles. lol You got this and happy 2012!

  • Dorice

    We’ve been on weight watchers for a few months. Here’s probably the best website I’ve ever seen for healthy recipes. We do it to lose weight but you could use it for healthier food/dinner options. All of her recipes are fantastic and there are tons of dessert recipes as well.

  • Catherine

    Best of luck on your resolutions!!! 🙂 I too have decided to kick soda and limit sweets. I went on a high protein and veggie diet last year and lost about 15 pounds in total prepping for my wedding last September but it has definitely creeped back up there a little during the holiday season. The only advice I would offer to you (and I will keep it short because I LOATHE when people pick apart my dieting habits) is to not cut out good proteins (chicken, turkey, etc…) entirely and that if you do cut out meat in a large way, make sure you get that good protein somewhere else like greek yogurt or whatever floats your boat. The protein is very important to your body and you definitely don;t want to miss out on it! As for the working out, I do the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred in the mornings and that’s about all I can handle. 20 minutes fits into a busy day pretty nicely 🙂 Hope that helps!!! Best of luck in the new year!!!

  • Chelsea

    Great goals for 2012 and best of luck in accomplishing them!

    I am anxious to know what you got your graduate degree in, because I am currently studying to be a middle school teacher. 🙂

  • Cindy

    That is a great list of things that you are planning on doing. I am also trying to eat better and exercise more– kids are a good excuse of why I don’t do these things too but like you said we also need to do these things in order to “keep up” with the kids. Good luck!

  • Kelly

    I have been reading a book by Lysa Terkeurst called Made to Crave about how we can ask God to help us conquer our cravings. I, too, have recently stopped eating sweets and cut back on diet sodas. And I’ve been eating beans for lunch! In the afternoons I always want something sweet so I drink flavored herbal teas.

  • Karah

    I have 2 kids about the same ages as yours and I bought a double jogging stroller. I would recommend it. I jog but it is great for walking too. Then you get to be with your kids while you are exercising and they get to be outside. It’s a Win Win!! I have a BOB and I would highly recommend it!

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