Blogging,  Marriage Confessions

Help a Blogga. Out

Bloggie Button 2012
Well, imaginary friends. It’s that special time of year when I come begging for your help, support, and votes.

That’s right. It’s Bloggie time.

If you’re new ’round these parts or to the blogging world, let me explain the Bloggies to you. If blogging were as cool as music, the Bloggies would be like the Grammy’s It’s the blogging community’s way of highlighting bloggers who are working hard (or, bloggers who beg their readers for votes).

This year, Marriage Confessions has been nominated for TWO Bloggies! We’re up for Best Topical Blog this time, which I’ve never been nominated for before. That’s super fun, and it has led to many interesting conversations around our house as to which “topic” my blog addresses. Perhaps the topic of how to successfully get two children crying, two dogs barking, and one husband yelling all at the same time. Because I’m a pro at that one. Or, perhaps it’s the topic of how to throw a dinner party without going grocery shopping because you took a nap instead and then have to figure out how to feed a group of six people with string cheese, leftover tuna salad, and three cucumbers. Or, perhaps it’s the topic of how to take two kids grocery shopping, get all the way to check out with a full grocery cart, and then realize you left your debit card at home. I’m a pro at that one, too.

Marriage Confessions has also been nominated for the mac daddy of the Bloggies…WEBLOG OF THE YEAR! Which is pretty stinkin’ awesome. I’ve basically been walking around telling total strangers that I have been nominated as Goddess of the Internet. Which kind of freaks people out when I phrase it like that. Chris said I have to stop saying that. At least to total strangers. Anyway, you get the idea. It’s pretty freaking awesome to be nominated for that and I’ve been on Cloud Nine since last week.

The only reason I have these nominations is because I honestly have the best readers in the entire world. A blogger without readers is like a chalkboard with no chalk. So, thanks for showing up here every day and giving me a place to air my thoughts, rant and rave, make mistakes, learn and grow, and just be myself. The fact that you all are on this journey with me has made it all the more sweeter.


As if you all haven’t done enough simply by being here, I’d like to ask two favors of you. First, please go vote! I’m a long shot to win (especially against The Bloggess for Weblog of the Year, who is, by the way, one of my favorite bloggers…), but I’m an even longer shot if no one goes to vote! But secondly, please spread the word about the award voting. Anything you can do to help spread the word about the voting would be so appreciated.  Put it on your personal Facebook pages. Link to it on Twitter. Send an email to your friends.  Blog about it.  If you have a Facebook fan page for a company, link up.  If you put a link up anywhere, leave the link in the comments section here so I can be sure to send you some link love later this week in a blog post!

(P.S.  Do you think I could say “link” one more time in that paragraph?)

For a lot of you, blog awards probably seem pretty lame, so let me tell you why they are so important to Chris and me. As a teacher (in Florida, no less) who is married to a person who works in theater, our income is not what I would call fruitful. It gets the job done, but just barely. Which is one of the reasons that I blog. I love writing and I love blogging, but there’s definitely a financial aspect to it for my family. It helps us pay for daycare and diapers and an occasional date night here and there. When we get exposure like the Bloggies, our numbers really grow, which helps my income grow. I get some flack occasionally from readers who, as one reader recently put it, believe that I have “sold out” to companies by doing reviews and blogging for income. I could lie and say that I blog 100% for myself, but that’s not really the truth. I blog to help support my family. Plain and simple. It is a part-time (sometimes even a second full-time) job for me. So, these awards are really important to us and anything you could do would really make a huge difference in our lives.

So, here’s what you do. Click on the link here or the picture below and it will take you to the Bloggies website. Scroll down (pausing to check out some really awesome blogs along the way, of course) to the Best Topical Blog category and put a little click-er-oo in that box. Then scroll down to the very last category, Weblog of the Year (a.k.a. “Goddess of the Internet,” to me) and put a little click-er-oo in that box as well. Then, scroll down a bit further and enter your email address. Finally, click submit. You’ll be sent a confirmation email address, so you’ll have to go check your email and click the single link they send you, just confirming that you are, in fact, a live person. After that, you’re all done. (Unless you want to repeat with every email account you’ve ever had access to… I won’t object…)

Out of all the touchy subjects I talk about on this blog, asking for your votes is the hardest for me to write. Know that I truly wouldn’t bother you unless it was just that important to me. As always, I appreciate your support, your presence here every day, and your patience as I grow up. One day, maybe I’ll grow into a mature adult who would never grovel and beg for things like this.

Eh…probably not.

I’m pretty sure I have the maturity of a middle schooler and I don’t see that changing any time soon. At least, not until the Bloggies are over.

Bloggie Button 2012


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