Health,  Marriage Confessions,  Running

Running Questions Answered


Thank you all so much for your support of my new running habit. It is really intimidating to start a new hobby, especially one that is so foreign to my body, and your encouragement and kind words really motivate me to keep going.

I promise that I will eventually stop blogging about this like I’m the first person to run in the history of forever, but I have gotten a lot of questions about my running routine over the past couple weeks and I thought I’d take a post to answer some of them. Remember, I’ve only been doing this for just over two months, so I am nowhere near an authority, but I’m happy to share what I’ve figured out so far.


What app do you use for running?  I’ve gotten this question more than any other.  For the first month I started running, I used the Jeff Galloway Easy 5k app.  My mother-in-law is a great runner and she suggested Jeff Galloway to me when I first started because he builds endurance and strength through an easy run/walk patter (run one minute, walk one minute).  After a month, I had built up enough stamina that I was ready to run on my own without a coaching app, and I became more focused on distance.  I switched over to the Nike+ GPS app – and it is awesome!  It tracks your run, logs your miles every run, and lets you listen to your own music or to music through another app (like Pandora).  I highly recommend both of these apps if you are starting out like me.

What kind of equipment or supplies do you need?  Because I have a bad habit of quitting hobbies (i.e. quilting, crocheting, baking, scrapbooking, gardening, sewing… Shall I go on?), I started out using just what I had in my closet.  I wasn’t going to go buy anything until I proved to myself that I was really going to stick with this.  So, at first I used an old pair of tennis shoes from Walmart that I bought in college, and a sports bra and cheerleading shorts I had from high school.  Finally, after I realized how much I really love running, I have started slowly acquiring running attire.  I bought a cute pair of reversible running shorts from Target (though my friend, Sarah, reminds me that you should get the running shorts that have the spandex shorts underneath so prevent chaffing), and I have a pair of spandex calf-length running pants, too.  I’ve bought a few more sports bras, too, and I usually wear tank tops or fitted tees with them.  Fitted shirts are better to run in for me because they aren’t as heavy and thick as t-shirts, and heat is a real problem in Florida.  I also have a super cute running skirt that has little spandex shorts underneath.  I love running in a running skirt.  It’s so much cooler!


My parents just bought me a brand new pair of Asics that I wanted.


Do you listen to music while you run?  Definitely!  Some mornings I listen to a Christian praise and worship station on Pandora, and other mornings when I need a little oomph I listen to the Katy Perry station on Pandora.  I also searched high and low to create the perfect playlist for myself, and I finally have it!  I scoured Runner’s World and other running websites and put together a playlist based off of playlists I found on those sites.  Here’s what’s on my running playlist right now:

I Gotta Feeling by the Black Eyed Peas
So What by Pink
SexyBack by Justin Timberlake
Fat Bottomed Girls by Queen
Keep the Car Running by Arcadia Fire
Back in Black by ACDC
Goodies by Ciara
Work It by Missy Elliott
Houdini by Foster the People
Teenage Dream by Katy Perry
What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction
Hey, Soul Sister by Train
Rosa Parks by Outkast
Stronger by Kelly Clarkson

Do you still sing while you run?  Yes, I do.  Quite loudly, actually.  Tonight I was jammin’ to Fat Bottom Girls as I ran through my neighborhood and some of my neighbors started singing along with me while I ran by!  I used to be embarrassed by the singing, but I’ve met lots of my neighbors that way!!!

What kind of training program are you using for your 10k in November?  Which 10k are you running?  I’m planning to run the Key Largo Bridge Run in the Keys in November.  I figure if I’m going to put all this effort in, I’m going to do some FUN races.  And what’s more fun than the Keys?!?!  I’m using a training program that I found on the Runner’s World website.  Here is my schedule (I’m on Week Two this week):


What time of day do you run?  I have been getting up at 5:30 and run five or six days a week.  But as my distance is increasing, I’m starting to cut back on how often I run to give my body time to rest.  I’m really sticking with my training schedule pretty good right now, although on my rest days throughout the work week, I still run 1.5 or 2 miles, just to relieve the stress of the day.  If for some reason I have to skip my morning run, I try to go in the evening around 7:00, once the kids are in bed.  But I prefer running in the morning.  It starts my day off better.

Have you lost weight running?  If so, how much?  I have lost weight, but I don’t know how much because I don’t own a scale.  But I know that I’m down two clothes sizes from where I was two months ago.  It makes me feel pretty great, but now I have to buy all new pants because they keep falling off!

(Side note:  Today I went running and came home only to have Chris tell me that my skirt had fallen down in the back and my thong was hanging out.  I’m pretty sure I ran like that for 3 miles today.  No wonder my neighbors were cheering so loud for me.)

One thing that is driving me crazy is that no matter how much weight I lose, I still have a tummy pooch from my baby loves.  My 10k training program gives me days to do cross-training, so I think I’m going to start building in some ab work.  That’s the only way I can figure to get rid of that pesky pooch.

How do you know what to do since you are a beginning runner?  I had no clue what to do when I first started running.  I pretty much thought running was just taking off until you thought you were going to die and then stopping.  Thankfully, Sarah is very athletic and healthy and she has been running for a while.  She occasionally points me towards things I need to be doing differently (like buying real running shoes made for road running and taking rest days so I don’t hurt myself).  She also has pointed me towards the Beginners section of the Runner’s World website.  That website is gold for a new runner.  They teach you pretty much everything you need to know about how to become a runner.  I learned about my diet, selecting my shoes, choosing a training program, and how to increase my endurance all through that website.  Plus, they have a really great race finder that lets you plan out your races, which give me something to work towards.  Otherwise, I learn just by talking to people who run, like other friends, co-workers, and my mother-in-law.  I’m really excited to run the Double Bridge Run 15k with her next February!

I am not an athletic person.  I never have been.  But running doesn’t make me feel athletic.  It makes me feel relaxed, happy, and proud of myself.  If you’re hesitant about getting up and getting moving, don’t be.  I look like a turtle when I run.  I shuffle my feet, huff and puff, curse like a sailor running up hills, and sweat like a pig.  Last week I asked a little kid who rode by on her bike if she would give me a ride home.  Trust me.  If I can do this, you can do this.



  • Molly

    You have managed to inspire the likes of me. You see, I’m allergic to running. After running 2 half marathons and a bunch of other long and annoying races I said, “forget it” and I haven’t looked back. Take that running!!! And I haven’t missed it for a second…however, my tight pants do.

  • September

    Congrats on the progress!! I love Asics, they’ve been my go-to shoes for the past five years. Just be sure once you start getting to longer runs that you keep rough track of your mileage–pretty much every time I’ve flirted with injury or discomfort it’s been because of my shoes. Now I change out every 300-350 miles.

    If you like fitted tops check out Under Armor’s ribbed tanks, they’re my new favorite running top. I bought my first when I was training for the WDW Goofy and since then I’ve been stalking sports stores to collect all the different colors. And not only are they great for running but I wear them all the time–with shorts, capris, etc. And at around $20 each they’re a bargain for tech clothing.

  • Becky F

    I love it when people start running! Been going a little over 2 years now, 4 1/2 marathons and 1 full marathon down! My best piece of advice period no matter what distance you want to run is to go to a running store and get fit for a shoe. Everybody is different and the shoe that works for one won’t work for all! Happy trails to you!

  • Erin @ Blue-Eyed Bride

    Okay, I’m encouraged. I hate running because my right knee starts to hurt really bad on day 2. So I’ve never made it past day 2. But I’m going to do this for real. Makes sense to start at the hottest time of the year, right? You look amazing, by the way!

  • Stephanie @ Our Marriage Adventure

    You wear a thong while you run?!?! Honey darling – this is the time to wear those granny panties. I love the running skirt though, I use it to walk to the dog and run on my treadmill. I feel a lot less self-conscious about thighs this way. My next goal is to start doing what you are which is get up and run 1st thing.

  • Lydia

    That 1st picture cracks me up! I have to say that you have inspired me. I’m running a 5k on June 2nd. Tomorrow I’m starting to train for it with a friend. I’m nervous! You look absolutely fantastic! Go Katie!

  • Christy

    Haha I saw the thong thing and thought to myself, “Is that comfortable while running?” and then I had to google it. Apparently, this is a very controversial topic. Some people love it, some hate it, some prefer to go commando (doesn’t that make chaffing worse?). At least you weren’t commando during your run today! I feel like a 45 year old because I don’t feel comfortable wearing thongs anymore. Ain’t nobody ready for that jelly. I’ll keep working on it…

  • Jen @ Ginger Guide

    Go Katie! How awesome! You look fabulous and sound happy. But damn that belly pooch! I’m 15lbs lighter now than when I got pregnant yet my belly, butt and boobs are bigger. It baffles me. I do circuit training but really need to up my endurance so I’m going to check out this running app. You’ll probably be able to hear my husband-laugh-when-I-tell-him-then-faint-when-he-figures-out-I’m-serious in Florida.

  • Lisa @ Wealth O' Health

    I am a beginner runner (I don’t even feel qualified to call myself that) and this post definitely inspired me. I was feeling a little blah about running today, but tomorrow when I am pulling myself out of bed I will remember that you are doing it too so it’s like we are running together. P.S. I feel you about the heat; I live in Texas.

  • Brooke

    awesome post Katie! I’m trying to convince my bff to run the Key Largo Bridge Run with me!!! Hope to see you there!

  • Lindsey

    Katie! I started running in January and it’s pretty much all I want to talk about these days so I’ve REALLY enjoyed your posts about this topic. And tonight, as I was typing in your blog address, I was seriously thinking to myself, “I hope she posts more about running.” And then there it was! I’m a dork.

    I just bought Asics a few weeks ago and I LOVE them. I have noticed a huge difference with them and my knees and back don’t hurt anymore.

    Also thanks for the playlist ideas – how did I not have the Black Eyed Peas on my iPod???

    PS – I love the thought of you singing out loud and meeting neighbors that way. Hysterical.

  • Andrea Webb

    I’ve recently taken up this same “hobby” and am training for the Disney Princess Half Marathon in Feb 2013…you should run it too!!

  • Mary-Sweet Bookshelf

    My sister started running because she couldn’t afford her gym membership any longer. She could barely run for 2 min at a time. It’s been 10 years now and she runs 6 miles every day. More on the weekends. She looks fantastic. She’s got 4 kids now and we call her Elastagirl. She gets right back into shape because she was in shape to begin with. She loves it and can’t go without it now. It is her sane time.

  • Jamie

    I’m with you on the thong katie. I cant run in anything else. Granny panties get sweaty and ride up, and commando isnt my thing. Yay for running!

  • Casey @ The Baker Bee

    1. You look fantastic. Seriously!
    2. How much of a difference did it make when you got good shoes? One of my favorite days of the year is the day I get new running shoes… your legs & feet feel SO GOOD!
    3. I am little… like 110 pounds… and pretty darn fit. I still have my tummy pooch, too. No amount of situps, planks or running has made it disappear. Hopefully you have better luck there than me!

  • Kelly H

    You look fantastic!!! Im loving your fitness posts and while I haven’t taken up running you do make me want to get off the computer and get my workout in! I think if a busy working mom of two little ones can find time, what’s my lazy butts excuse keep it up Katie!!

  • Lee Ann

    I have loved running for the last 10 years. It was my sure-fire exercise, the best way to keep off the weight … until 8 months ago, I ended up with plantar fasciitis. I miss running SO much! Am back to 2 miles about 3x week, but miss those 8-10 milers. Boo hoo! But, on the happy side, LOVE LOVE LOVE Asics!

  • Meredith

    you are AMAZING!! A few places you can get cheap running gear: TJMaxx and Marshalls are great. I got some sweet underarmor and nike sports bras for $15 each. They also have compression (basically spandex shorts) for $13. I prefer the Nike procombat ones and you can wear them under normal workout shorts (commando, if you prefer, as I do). so comfy, I’d wear them all the time if I could. even to work. Also,, in their clearance section usually has some good deals. They have a fb15 discount code that gets you 15% off anything that is already on sale, plus free 2 day shipping (and return shipping) to anywhere in the US. Their customer service is top notch.

    And you look AWESOME!! Congratulations on all you’ve accomplished so far.

  • Meredith

    And I forgot: re running tops- I actually really like working out in mens ribbed sleeveless undershirts. they are so soft, light, cheap and last forever.

  • Meggie

    I think I’m caving to peer pressure… everyone is doing it! Running is all I read about on fb and all my girlfriends seem to live by it. You’ve inspired me too! I’m seriously thinking about starting. My husband and I would actually love to start running together. I’m really little… 5’1 and about 100 lbs but I’m SO out of shape. I know my resting heart rate is too high/fast and I know I need to do something even though my goal isn’t to lose weight it’s just to get in shape! Thanks for sharing all your running tips!!

  • Leslie

    You look amazing Katie, I never would have guess you had a baby a year ago. Thanks for sharing this. It never occurred to me to vary my workouts daily like that.

  • Stephanie S

    I am a hard core lurker, and a beginning runner, so you are driving me out into the open 🙂

    When you started did you focus on time or distance? I know you use the Nike app, but do you track heart rate?

    I am on week 5 of the couch25K. Any tips?

  • Nikki

    Way to go Katie! I hate running. Seriously hate it. I go to the gym every day, but I’m a more use the elliptical or bike, and then use the weights kind of gal. I really like the routine that you are using and am thinking of trying the whole running thing again. Nothing like the start of summer in Texas to give it a go!

  • Casey L.

    Hi- Five from another beginner!! I hated, hated running. Then one day my kids were really getting to me so I jumped on my treadmill to drown out the sound of screaming toddlers and I got my first runner’s high and have been hooked ever since. As soon as I pop out baby #3 in early June (well after I get the ok from my doc) my husband and I are going to start training for the Princess Half Marathon. As far as the baby love pooch, try sit ups on an incline holy moly they’ve smoked mine 2 times now and I’ll be doing them again this time!! Keep it up!!

  • Brittany

    WOO!! Good job 🙂
    I saw you comment on the tummy pooch thing. I just had a baby and while the rest of me is trimming down, I just can’t shake the pudge that this little blessing was so kind to grace me with. Have you looked into the Tupler Technique (if not, google it)? It’s a program made specifically for mamas and their smooshy tummies after childbirth (helps bring it all back together and tone your abs up). I had a girlfriend try it and loved it. I’m giving it a go in a week or two. Thought I’d share. Maybe it’ll work for you too?? Great job with the running and good luck with all of your races!

  • Abbie

    Great Job!!! I am on week 4 of the Couch to 5k. This is my second time doing this- I did 9 races in 2010, but last year, literally the day before I was going to start running again after a very cold winter here in NC, I sprained my ankle. Sprained it 2 more time in 2011 and ended up having to go to therapy. Sucked big time. I’ve lost a lot of ground, but I have found that it’s coming back pretty fast. I am looking forward to running my course without walking again! Keep up the good work!

  • Lisa @ Floating Along...

    Way to go, you look great!! I started running in college when I gained the inevitable freshman 15 (or 20…), and I try to keep up with it as much as I can now. It makes me feel so much better, physically and emotionally! Glad you’ve had such a good experience with it so far, keep it up!

  • Chloe

    This is a great post. To be honest I always hated running and am still not a fan of it or advocate but this is an inspiring post! As a PT I would always reccommend interval training, great for the heart and weight loss. I’m thinking hard weight workouts would help the tummy? High and low planks etc will strengthen from the inside out which is important but not the appearence, try reverse crunches (with weight or incline). I would reccommend all over weight training for muscle tone which would help tummy too. Thanks for sharing your ideas Katie! x

  • Carol

    You go girl! It’s so inspiring that after having two babies you’ve started on this new journey…Improving emotional self as well as your body at the same time. You’re babies should be proud of their strong mama.

  • HeatherM

    You make me WANT to run. I know I NEED to run, but I don’t usually want to. Now I want to run- especially since the weather is just warming up out of the 40’s and 50’s here in Chicago. Unfortunately I just had surgery on my toe last weekend, so it might be a few weeks before I can try out this running thing again.
    Question- what do you do when the weather is bad? I live in Chicago, and our weather is, well, not-so-nice for at least 6 months out of the year (we have both extremes of weather, and not much time in the middle, with a nice moderate temp). What do you plan to do in the summer in Florida? Will it be too hot to run?

  • Ashley

    The picture of the little girl running is making me crack up! I just uploaded the couch to 5k app on my phone last week. I’ve never been a runner but since I can take our one year old, it gives us something to do and let’s me exercise at the same time. You’re doing great!!

  • Brooke 2

    I have to admit, getting up this morning was easier because I knew so many people were running ‘with’ me. A few things – I can’t stress enough going to a running store and getting fitted for shoes and socks. You may love your Asics, but the running store people will make you try on about 10 pair and you’ll be amazed at how differently things can fit your feet. I know you guys have a Wii, they have some good workout games that might be good for your off days. I love the EA Sports Active series. Even if you just play tennis or boxing – that can be a good workout if you decide to put something into it.

  • Martha

    Awesome work Katie! I’m amazed that 2 months has created that much of a difference, and I’m inspired to try it out myself!

    As far as the tummy pooch goes, yoga planks help A LOT! Basically you’re supporting yourself on your elbows and toes on the floor for as long as you can with your tush tucked in and your abs pulled in to your spine. I usually zone out and hang out for a couple of minutes like that after a good workout, and the difference it has made is amazing.

  • Jenna

    I just did my first 5k last night, but I think you are my hero! You might just inspire me to stick with this whole running business! 🙂

  • Julie S

    I decided over the weekend that I want to do a 5K sometime before the year is over- and I need to get moving to lose some weight! Thanks for all of this info- its perfect timing!

  • Lori @ I Can Grow People

    So I am on my third time trying the Couch to 5K program (first time this year, though.) I’m doing pretty good, and I really like it when I am out there in the early morning just me and my music. My biggest issue about sticking with it is that because I work freelance, my schedule is really unpredictable. Some weeks I work 5 days a week in a shop with no A/C. Sometimes I work overnights. My body clock gets all weird and then I am too exhausted to run. Hopefully the third time is the charm and I can actually make it to a 5k in Sept or October. You’re running is inspiring me, Katie–good luck and keep it up!

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