• Thanksgiving 2012

    I was worried about Thanksgiving this year, but it turns out that the few days leading up to the holiday were the toughest. I got a little sad when the kids were in…

  • A Thanksgiving Prayer

    Holy and Gracious Heavenly Father, I come to you in this season of grief with a heart full of thanksgiving for your unending peace, comfort and grace.  For the people you have given…

  • Fun in the November Sun

    This past weekend, Chris painted some more on the outside of our house. He’s been doing it one side of the house at a time each weekend. It’s looking really good! Because he’s…

  • Seasons of Grief

    I had a rough day yesterday. I have this whole week off of work, and I planned to send the kids to school just on Monday so I could get some Christmas shopping…

  • A Thanksgiving List

    1.  I don’t really want to talk too much about this topic, and sometimes lists are easier to use for things like that.  Lists make hard things easy. 2.  I’m not excited about…

  • What.s the Priority Here?

    There are a lot of ways that being a mom has influenced me as a teacher.  I try to treat each student as one of my own.  I hold high expectations for them,…

  • A Non-Themed Nursery

    I should start this post off by saying that I am not a very crafty or artistic person. I appreciate that in other people, but I just don’t have that ability in me.…

  • Down For the Count

    Remember that day when Jenn Hopkins took our family photos and I looked like this? And then remember that time I got the flu and a double ear infection and looked like this?…