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It is widely known in my family that I am a last minute person. I’m never late when I attend something, but I’m last minute when it comes to preparations. And, honestly, nine times out of ten, I’ve done little to no preparation for whatever it is we are doing anyway. This is completely opposite from my mom and sister, who both plan lightyears in advance and have often been known to send out color-coded spreadsheets to organize family weekends.

I don’t quite understand this about myself, really. I’m a very organized person. I hardly ever lose anything. Except my cell phone… and my debit card… and my wallet… and my sunglasses… and my entire purse…

Okay. Nevermind.

I’m just not one of those people who have it all together ahead of time. I can get it together as we go, but I’m not going to be that person who shows up having done lots of research and preparation for something. This has blown up in my face a few times.  Like that we went to a pumpkin patch and I had dressed my kids in fall clothes thinking we’d take a few pictures and leave, only to discover this was, like, the Pumpkin Capitol of the Universe and the lines were incredibly long and there were corn mazes and lots of action and it was 9,000 degrees and so my kids were sweaty and miserable and I hadn’t even packed a water bottle or an extra diaper. Fail…  But for the most part, I can wing it pretty well.





My family is used to me, though. Which is why before I leave for a family trip somewhere, my mom will call me for days in advance saying things like, “Don’t forget diaper wipes,” or “Did you pack socks?” They don’t trust me. And I don’t blame them.

Usually, the reason I forget things when we travel is because I don’t pack until about ten minutes before we leave. That’s right, friends. I pack four people in one SUV for a three-day trip in about ten minutes. Quite frankly, it’s a miracle I don’t forget MORE things.


BUT TONIGHT! Tonight is the night! We are heading to Atlanta this weekend for a family wedding. Currently, I have not even thought about what our family is going to wear. I’m just crossing my fingers it’s warm in Atlanta right now because Gracie only has summer dresses. And I hope Bean has enough clean underwear for a three day trip.

BUT TONIGHT! Tonight is the night! I am going to get us ready A WHOLE DAY before we are supposed to leave! I’m so excited! I sent Chris the following email, just to make sure he was on the same page as me. I titled the email, “A List of Demands:”

Demand #1: I demand that you come home early-ish from work.
Demand #2: I demand that we go get you a sports coat for the wedding.
Demand #3: I demand that we grab a quick dinner at chick-fil-a on our way home.
Demand #4: I demand that we pack for Atlanta tonight so that for once in our lives we actually arrive before 2:00am.

That is all.
~ Management

Tonight – A FULL DAY EARLY! – we are going to make sure everyone has what they need, we are going to go buy what we will need that we don’t have, and we will be packed and ready to go as soon as we get home from work tomorrow, instead of three hours later like we normally do.



I will get my shit together. TONIGHT.


  • LDiggitty

    LOL – I applaud you for your determination! I’m a big planner myself; I would probably have a heart attack if I waited until the last minute, but I’ve always wished I was a bit more laid back about stuff!

  • Katie

    definitely not that warm in ATL! temps in the high 60’s over the weekend, so beautiful but still chilly. bring miss grace a sweater! have fun!

  • Suzanne

    Woo hoo!! You can do this!
    I know that if Ginny is reading this she’s thinking “why didn’t you pack yesterday??” HAHA just kidding… you’ve got this!

  • The Life and Times of Me

    Haha! You sound like my sister. When we travel I have lists and lists for my lists. I have a folder with information and weather reports and maps. And she . . . well she forgets her underwear. Have a great weekend! And here’s hoping you get everything organized with time to spare.

  • PK

    LOL. I like to plan ahead and get things done ahead of time, but between my work schedule and hubby’s it doesn’t always happen and we end up leaving late and arguing while we’re rushing around getting ready to go. In the last year we’re FINALLY getting better at this packing and preparing thing (we’ve been married over eight years) – and not arguing while we’re rushing around. Good luck and have fun!

  • Cassie

    Um, you might want to go shopping. There’s a freeze warning up here in these parts (Atlanta). I have discounts to the Old Navy up here 😉

  • Rachel

    LOL I plan weeks in advance, make lists and pack the night ahead and STILL forget something as we are walking out the door!
    Have a great time this weekend! 🙂

  • Dawn

    I fully expected this post to end with a one-liner along the lines of “and Chris sent a one-line reply: TONIGHT?!?! The wedding is NEXT weekend!” But maybe that is just what would happen to me…….

  • Lindsey

    Oh my gosh, hahaha! Sometimes, the word “shit” is imperative in a sentence. That had me rolling! And I’m like you – very last minute but a freaking all-star.

  • Mae

    I’m a planner when it comes to trips…I make lists of what the kids and I will wear (hubby is on his own lol) every day from head to toe. I also make a list of snacks and entertainment to bring. Crazy? Maybe…probably. But it has helped me from forgetting things. I hope you were able to pack tonight like you planned. Drive safe and have fun!

  • HeatherM

    Way to go on planning ahead! Baby steps :). By the way I love your list of demands. I need to do that w/ my hubby sometimes. My packing strategy is to make one big list w/ smaller categories. So for a road trip my categories will often be: me,hubby, the dog, food, toiletries, electronics, to buy, and miscellaneous. Basically I have a list for every bag. Then my hubby & I work off the same list, crossing things off as we go. This way I get to delegate as much as possible to him (less work for me!), and he knows exactly what needs to be done (and we skip the why-didn’t-you-read-my-mind fight).

  • Rebecca @ The Reluctant Housewife

    Oh my word! We’re just alike! My husband absolutely HATES it that I don’t do anything ahead of time. I’m almost never prepared for anything.. ie.. I took Zoe to a Christmas party in a shirt and a pair of shoes because she had an accident in the car on the way over and I didn’t have a change of clothes for her.

    I hope you remember every thing that you need for the trip, because I tend to forget even MORE stuff when I pack the night before. 😉 Congratulations on getting your shit together!

  • kat

    hahaha good luck!!!!! Did you pack???

    I freak out weeks in advance. And do things like order everything online bc I find it too difficult with 2 full time working parents and no stores within a reasonable mileage other than stop n shop and walmart to go out to a store. anyways. i hope you’re packed!!! have a great weekend

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