Around the House,  Blogging,  Family,  Marriage Confessions

Anybody Still Out There?

Hello?  Is anyone still out there?

I took a spontaneous little blogging break this week on accident.  Part of the break was because I have been busy, part of the break was because I have been exhausted and not quite feeling like myself, and part of the break was because I was in need of some time away.  Do you ever feel like that?  Like you just need some space from everyone?  Even imaginary people?  Well, that’s the kind of week I have been having, and so I took some time to myself to take care of some things that needed taking care of.  Like me.

While I have been away this week, here are the highlights of what’s been going on around these parts:

– We headed to Atlanta last weekend for a few family things.  We rode up with my mom and hung out with Ginny and her family for a couple of days.  I’ll post next week about our trip, but for now let me just say that it is always nice to be with family.  And let me also say that my nephew T-Man is the happiest little stinker in the world.  I got to take care of him, Bean, and Gracie one day all by myself and we had a hoot!


– I had one of two big annual evaluations this week. During these evaluations, my principal comes in and observes me teaching. It involves not only an observation, but a pre-conference meeting to discuss how and why I created my lesson, and then a post-conference that analyzes how both my principal and I thought my lesson went. It isn’t that stressful when I’m actually teaching, but the preparation and leading up to it really weighed on me. I kept second guessing my lesson, which I would not have done had I not been under observation. And second guessing drives me nuts. My observation was on Wednesday, and it went really well. I’m so glad it’s over!

– My BFF, Sarah, had her beautiful baby girl on Saturday! I was so bummed to be out of town, and I had to wait until Tuesday before I could get over to sniff her wittle newborn head, but it smelled just as fresh as I imagined when I finally got there! Honestly, I have never seen Sarah so happy. She has this whole new smile that I’ve never even seen before. She seems so satisfied and complete. I am so incredibly happy for her and her husband, Scott. I have been sneaking over to their house before I pick my kids up from daycare this week just to hold sweet little Baby Love. (That’s not what her name is – that’s just what I’m calling her on Blog Land to keep all the crazies away. No offense, imaginary friends…)




– I went with a few teachers that I work with to see a local high school’s production of “Annie” last night. There were several of my former students in the show, but my all-time favorite student had one of the leads and she was fantastic! It was so great to see all of them in their own element. As a teacher, you sort of picture your student’s entire life as existing within the walls of your classroom. But seeing them out in places where they choose to be and doing things they love to do is such a joy. Kids are awesome. Little baby kids, grown up high school kids, awkward middle school kids – they are just good for your soul.

– We have had a stomach virus rip through our family, so that’s been fun. Gracie started out with it, and that was just sad and pathetic. I felt so bad for her! Then, my mom came down with it while we were in Atlanta this weekend. As if that wasn’t enough, we came home today and Big Molly had… well… our house was destroyed. It wasn’t her fault, but her stomach was just terrible. I feel like I’ve been cleaning up poop and throw up for weeks now.

– Chris and I have started watching “The West Wing” together. Every year, we pick one series that we never watched when it was on television and we watch it through Netflicks or on DVD’s. We’ve seen “Weeds,” “Arrested Development,” “Mad Men” and “Friday Night Lights” so far. This year we picked “The West Wing,” and it might be my favorite so far. We are still in season one, and I can’t stop watching. At night when I should be blogging, I’ve been kicked up on my couch watching Martin Sheen rule the free world. AND I LOVE IT!

– Last, but not least, I have started straightening my hair. I know that doesn’t sound like a big deal, but when your hair is as thick and curly as mine, it is a MASSIVE ordeal. I only have a few weeks here called “spring” in Florida before the 90 degree temps and insane humidity turn my hair into a Pomeranian, so I’m trying to take advantage of that. But it is taking up, like, a LOT of time, and it reminds me why I don’t do anything to my hair usually. Ain’t nobody got time for that!

– The fun continues this weekend as Chris is working tech Friday until Monday. I have a long overdue date with my washer and dryer, and we’ve got two play dates scheduled this weekend.

Things have gotten a little out of control around here lately, and both Chris and I are feeling the strain of this go, go, go schedule right now. We had a little chat last night and decided for everyone’s sanity (mostly mine) we were going to dial it back a bit starting next week. I’m looking forward to that, really. Going is a lot of fun, but sitting still is sometimes just what you need.

Y’all have a good weekend! Regular blogging resumes Monday!


  • Beth

    Everybody needs a break at some time or another. I know I am craving one! Love love love The West Wing. I am currently rewatching through Netflix and am on season one. It gives me a rush when I watch it, like wow. THAT is what government should be like. Aaron Sorkin is amazing. If you love the first two seasons of The West Wing. you guys should watch The Newsroom, an HBO show with Jeff Daniels. It is amazing

  • Jennifer

    I hear ya on the thick curly hair thing. I look forward to the warmer temps because it means I can go curly. Drying my hair is a production because I have to wash, let it air dry for an hour and then take a blow dryer to it for 30 mins. I figure take advantage of this now because I doubt once kids get into the mix that I’ll have time for this but we’ll see.

  • LDiggitty

    Breaks are healthy! I often read this and wonder how you accomplish as much as you do, while working and raising two kids! And you’re even finding time to STRAIGHTEN YOUR HAIR? You are Superwoman!

    I haven’t been able to get into West Wing, but I did love me some Friday Night Lights. I like to scream out “Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose!” while playing pool. 😉

  • ceb104

    Invest in a good quality hair straightener! I love my Zoe but if you can afford it, invest in a GHD! It’ll make mornings go much faster. 🙂
    I’m glad you had a nice relaxing break. We all need those every once and a while.

  • Jill

    LOVE the west wing!! We did the same thing when it was added to Netflix last year and I was fully hooked. I’m still sad that I don’t have any more episodes to watch! Hope you have a great weekend 🙂

  • Amber

    So I was in Atlanta last weekend as well and on an active lookout for Ginny (stalk much?) but now I know you were in the same town and know my stalking skills needed to be stepped up. ugh. Glad you are back!

  • Calypso

    Wanted to share this email with you and give you some encouragement…
    I am pondering on the following Facebook status from a friend:
    “So proud of Bean Man this morning. His school is having a St. Jude’s fundraiser, so I wrote him a check to take. Then he asked me if he could get some money out of his piggy bank to give to the sick kids, too. Three and a half years old and a heart of gold. Proud momma this morning.” -Katie

    My son is having a St. Jude’s fundraiser too. I set up a website, set up a goal of 1,000 and he’s already at 800!
    I almost didn’t participate this year. I was annoyed with the letter that was sent out last year after the same fundraiser. My boy raised a lot of money for his class/age group and it was just a small sentence and no hoopla about it. I was furious. My husband convinced me it wasn’t worth it and I should at least try and help in the way I can again this year. If anyone can get people to give money.. it’s ME!
    The letter that was sent out last year… well.. it’s not about my son.. it’s about me wanting praise for the effort I made. When “I” didn’t get it.. well… let’s just say bitterness and unforgiveness reared their ugly head… again.
    Katie of the facebook post gave ALL she could of her time and resources and her son understood the message. I don’t think Drew even knows what St. Jude’s is… what money is… that other children suffer and we need to do our part to help. I was successful in raising funds and using my resources to get the big money, but I failed at the most important thing.. teaching my son to care.

    Way to go;
    Keep writing.
    We love you.

  • Heather

    Hi Katie,
    I’ve had a break this week too – I’ve been away visiting family and my husband doesn’t like me to say I’m away on my blog as he worries about our house! I’m trying to sort out what I want to blog about now, I work better if I blog “right here right now” and feel a bit stuck when posts back up!

  • Christy

    Hey imaginary biffle! I’m still aroundish but tired and need a break. I’m glad you got a break. I’m hoping to get one in a couple of weeks after finals. We do the Netflix series too. I watched, “Call the Midwife” but that was more my thing than Brandon’s. We loved “House of Cards” and “American Horror Story”. Brandon is trying so hard to get me to watch, “Game of Thrones” because if I do apparently I will be a cool nerd like him. We’lll see how that works out. Enjoy your weekend. I hope to spend my time with my nursing books, washer, and drier and maybe my swifter if I get inspired.

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