
So, Then That Happened

On my birthday morning, I woke up to Chris and the kids singing “Happy Birthday” to me.  I thought, “This is worth getting a year older.”

And then, as soon as the song was over, Bean says, “Mom!  It’s your birthday!”

“It is!” I chirped right back.

“So,” he said.  “Does this mean you aren’t going to be as mean today?”

And then my heart broke and I died inside.

IMG_7214The End.


  • Rhea

    My heart would break too! Just remember that to someone his age, saying no or “wait a second” is mean!
    I’m sure you aren’t mean at all 🙂

  • Bonnie B.

    Oh Katie……..this is ammunition for later in his life, trust me! I love pulling out this kind of story on my kids while they are in their teens and early 20’s, and you will too. (And I have a feeling he thinks being “mean” is just enforcing the rules, like most kids do.) Hope you had a GREAT birthday!

  • Janet

    I haven’t posted in a long time, but I HAD to for this one. I have 3 kids, ages 11-21. Now, first I have to say that aside from the glaringly obvious things, like physical and emotional abuse… there’s a really good chance that a ‘mean’ parent is an excellent parent. You more than likely don’t let your children get away with everything and actually expect them to listen to you. Shocking! It’s so tempting to take the easy way out and give kids their way (just for some peace and quiet)…it’s much harder to be ‘mean’. So I would take this time to reflect on whether you need to make some changes, and that’s possible, but don’t be too hard on yourself. From the outside looking in, it looks like you’re doing a great job.

    • Vicki

      As a classroom teacher, I think she is dead on. I was told so many times I was the meanest Mama around. Now I hear, Mom thank you.

  • Aileen

    I would think it’s completely normal for a kid to say that kind of thing, don’t worry! Have a Happy Birthday!! Love your blog! 🙂

  • Nain

    Personally I think this means you’re doing your job as a parent. You could be “mean” because you don’t let him do something that he wants to do or ground him if he is bad. I know, I’d have a hard time brushing that off, but definitely try to do that. Kids can be entirely too blunt sometimes. You know he loves his Mommy!

    And Happy Birthday!

  • Meghan

    I hope you write his quotes down (though I guess having a big blog counts for that!), you will laugh about that one years down the road! We have a book of things our boys have said and it is so much fun to read through, and they love reading it, too. On another note, my 4 year old tells me fairly often that I’m mean and that I never let him do anything, to which my 7 year old will quietly reply “That’s not true.” So sooner or later they will recant, though I do agree it hurts in the meantime!

  • danielle

    Kids are awesome at keeping us grounded. I let the boys look at my wedding pictures yesterday. I thought wow, I do not look that different. My oldest looked at the pics and said, “WOW! You look a LOT younger in these!” Over and over again…

  • nylse

    kids are honest to a fault; trust me, he’ll thank you later when hes all grown up and realizes what a decent human being he is thanks to you. in the mean time don’t take it too hard – change what you can and continue to do what’s best for you and yours.

  • Marlene

    I think, rather than being hurt, you should have turned him over and tickled him and kissed him and told him that it meant you were going to be EVEN MEANER! 🙂 Turn it around. I am sure he didn’t mean it the way you took it. He’s a kid! They say the darnedest things! There’s even a book!

    And one day, he will thank you for being ‘mean’! They all do, I think! 🙂

  • Alexis K

    Ohhh no. Translation… “Does that mean you’re going to be EVEN MORE AWWWWWESOME today?!”… I hope you had a wonderful day! I know that had to sting… but sometimes the very best parents are the ones that get ‘mean’ when they need to. I always feel like the ‘heavy’ in our house.. but you know, good parents do what’s necessary – not what’s popular. Here’s to being GOOD and not popular! 🙂 (Can I get an ayyyy-men!?!)

  • Peggy

    I always told my kids that Mom stood for Mean Old Mother 🙂 and now I do think they thank me for being “mean”. Hope your birthday was great!

  • Melissa

    I can’t believe you are so mean to those poor, sweet little kids! What a terrible, terrible mom! It’s almost like you want them to grow up to be good, polite, functional adults or something! How dare you! I bet you’re a super mean teacher too! =) (I look up to you in both parenting and teaching and think you’re doing a great job!) Hope you had a great birthday!

  • tan

    my heart broke reading it…even though i know, as do you, that you are a strong mom with clear boundaries, that isn’t mean. we recently took stock here and found a few places to soften our approach even within those firm boundaries…helped our 4 year old think we were nicer parents. happy birthday to you!

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